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What is 'The DYB Sales Course'?
A 7-Step Prequalifying Process
This is a proven process to help you quickly rule out bad leads so that you don't drive all over town wasting your time, and so you land only the most stress-free, desirable leads.
A Method For Crushing Your First Impression
According to Princeton University, you have less that a second to gain trust. We use four trust factors for gaining immediate trust, so you can relax for the rest of the estimating process.
How To Ask 'The Experience Question'...
Borrowed from one of the greatest salesmen in the history of selling, Jeffrey Gitomer, what you offer will end up being exactly what your lead wants. The price barrier vanishes, and you can "feel" your lead warming up to you and asking for your services before you even make an offer.
The Following Up...
Based on top of mind trust-branding, your lead will soon see you as an advocate for mainting the value of their home, and as someone who cares, so they will refer you to others. This is a Major factor in not having to pay for advertising. Ever.
Step-By-Step Course With...
Video training, and downloadable resources dedicated to walking you through to winning more bids and possibly even doubling your close ratio.
Prequalifying All of Your Leads
- The exact 5 questions to ask so that you know if they are going to be awesome to work with or if you should refer them away. You'll begin to LOVE your job and become a happier painter.
- The 1 question that will give you 80% of the information you'll need.
- How to refer the bad leads away in such a way that they are grateful you did while saving face. You'll become a hero, and get more referral jobs.
Proven Sales Strategy
- The 5 things to crush your first impression (remember we don't get a second chance to make a first impression.)
- The most important question to ask that knocks their socks off.
- Finally, how to show them proof that your team is better (without coming off as bragging) helping you to win the job on the spot even if they have other estimate coming.
Proven Sales Strategy
- The 5 things to crush your first impression (remember we don't get a second chance to make a first impression.)
- The most important question to ask that knocks their socks off.
- Finally, how to show them proof that your team is better (without coming off as bragging) helping you to win the job on the spot even if they have other estimate coming.
This stuff just works...see what our customers have to say!
"I can now present my prospects with AMAZING tools provided in the DYB course, to quickly gain their trust and likability because I now now the key questions to ask and how to use social proof effectively so to compete on value instead of price.
I'm closing more than ever... ON THE SPOT!"
The DYB Sales Course
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: Is there a guarantee?
Yep...all our trainings have a 60-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.
In other words, if you aren't happy for any reason, just let us know and we'll give you your money back. We obviously don't think it'll come to that, but if you're even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease.
You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It's as simple as that!
ANSWER: If you're thinking "$9 is cheap...what's the catch?" then here are two reasons that should put your mind at ease:
1. $9 puts this information within the reach of everyone... from small to big.
2. It weeds out the freebie-seekers. We only want serious people who take action, and in our experience charging anything...even if it's just a buck... gets rid of 99% of the lurkers.
We also believe that once you experience this course, you'll want more and maybe...just maybe...you'll come back, buy more and possibly even upgrade to DYB Cafe where you get access to our complete Painting Contractor Course Library.
But that's it...
Just the information you need and the results you want.
QUESTION: How long will it take to get access?
ANSWER: Immediate.
Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide, and there will be a video on the next page that explains how you can access the guide inside of our Execution Plan Library.
Get INSTANT Access To The DYB Sales Course Now!
435 E. Venice Ave. 103-316
Venice, FL 35292
Phone: 941-451-7323
Email: support@DYBCoach.com
1435 E. Venice Ave. Venice, Florida 34292
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