How to build a Facebook Viral Goodwill Campaign to get high quality leads for your painting business
Only for Painters who are ready to spend a little time on Facebook
Hi, I'm Kevin. Facebook is now my primary lead source for Maller Painting. I'd love to share what I'm doing.
I made a lot of mistakes on Facebook.
It seems like there is no end to the advice on the internet about how to get leads on Facebook. I wish I had a dime for every tactic I tried.
I tried building a Facebook page, running ads, creating posts, doing videos...
And all of those things are important, and the secret I found out is this:
When I was thinking that there must be a right way and a wrong way to use Facebook, I was wrong!
As it turns out, MOST of they things you read on the internet about Facebook actually work. It's just that those things only work for specific business goals.
It wasn't until I paid a marketing agency to help me, and I spent a long time explaining the painting business, and a long time explaining the kind of customers that you and I like, that this agency spelled out EXACTLY the kind of promotions and posts I should be doing.
I Discovered How Quickly I Could Get People To Look At Me
I was gun shy at first.
I guess that when you've thrown good money away trying to advertise, it tends to make you that way.
So I started off slowly.
I experimented with different kinds of posting. A little of this, a little of that.
I would "boost" a post for a couple of bucks, and I'd gain a few fans.
Then I'd boost another, and gain a few more.
It's not that I didn't trust the experts I consulted with, I did. But saying I trusted them and actually pulling out my credit card to pay for ads were two different things.
This went on for a while as I posted different things every single day.
Eventually, the thought occurred to me to look at what Facebook was telling me about what people wanted to engage with. They compile statistics on every post, and I finally gave them a good look.
That's when everything changed.
From the statistics that Facebook gave me, I discovered that there are basically three kinds of content that people wanted to see from a painter every day, so that's what I started giving them.
It made me braver.
I learned to boost only what was already popular, and my popularity started growing faster.
Once the number of "likes" on my page hit 350 or so, the leads began trickling in pretty steadily.
As that number grew, so did the leads.
So the trick, I found out, is to first let Facebook tell you what everybody likes, and then to pay a few pennies per "engagement" and show that to hundreds of people who live around your business.
Boom! That made a huge difference!
I Created My First Viral Goodwill Campaign
The word "viral" gets thrown around a lot. It has different meanings for different people.
To some, it means that hundreds of thousands or MILLIONS of people see something and pass it around.
Just so you and I agree about what I'm talking about when I say, "viral," I am simply referring to a Facebook Post that is seen by people in your service area only, and those people share it with others in your area, and then THOSE people share it too.
So I'm only talking about SEVERAL HUNDRED people who are excited about what you offer, and only share it with all their friends and family and not with everybody on the internet.
This kind of campaign is something I picked up from Steve Burnett at DYB Coach and is a category of promotion he calls "ABA advertising." ABA stands for ads that look like "anything but advertising."
My first Viral Goodwill Campaign landed me 25 qualified leads, and 8 kitchen cabinet repaint jobs.
But even more important than those jobs, I became the talk of the town for the goodwill I was giving to the community.
I Was Happy To Find Out That I Didn't Have To Spend All My Time On Facebook
I'm not a marketing guy. I'm a painter. I run a painting business.
You already know how much time that takes.
I can't spend all day on my phone.
And I don't.
A little bit of time each day is all it takes.
Sometimes I spend an hour or so on the weekend and schedule posts for the entire week using this handy Facebook post scheduling feature:
I've Learned a Lot, and I Can Show You Everything
Steve Burnett helped me put together a course on how I keep my calendar booked solid using leads I get from Facebook.
It's my top lead source now.
And in this course I talk about and SHOW you:
For Painters Who Want Leads From Facebook…
DYB Coach Presents the:
How I pack my calendar and occupy my painters all year round.
…and how I focus on Facebook as my main lead source.
(Disclaimer: When I say Facebook is my main lead source, I'm including all of the word-of-mouth promoting that goes on between the people I attract AND the friends and family that they talk to who end up becoming my customers.)
I show you the following things:
- 1Create a quality post so that your leads look forward to hearing from you each and every day. By staying on the top of their mind the first and perhaps only painter they think of when it's time to paint is you.
- 2The layout of a conversion focused Facebook page for your business so you aren't just another source of daily Facebook distraction. You stand out as a reliable, painting authority.
- 3The right way for a painter to "boost" a post so you waste no money and spend only a few pennies for every engagement. This builds "page fans" rapidly, which in turn become highly qualified leads.
- 4The Viral Goodwill Campaign that will have people throughout your service area buzzing, and talking, and sharing, and promoting your campaign. Experience a prompt jump in the number of leads you get and the notoriety you receive from your community
Available to NON DYB Members for a short time...
Training like Kevin's from a local university continuing education program range in cost from around $75 to $300.
And even at $75, if all Kevin's course did was to finally explain exactly how a painter should set up Facebook so quality leads actually start flowing, would it be worth it?
I'd say yes. I've paid more for a single lead and the quality comes no where near the quality of a lead who's already heard of me and is already familiar with my work.
At $75, if all the Viral Goodwill Campaigns course did was show you how to set up a Facebook ad, would it be worth it?
Again, I would say yes. Painters need to do things differently than most businesses. What we do in Facebook takes the place of the experience people have from "walking into" or "driving by" a place of business. We always go to the lead's home. They don't come to us. When they interact with us, they do it on Facebook and on our websites. And if we are attracting new leads, we have to limit the engagements with our "virtual business" to a few pennies each.
But anyway, you won't have to pay $75 for Facebook Viral Goodwill Campaign training, because we are making this available to non-members for less that half that price.
We're opening up this training for $37 for a little while and ALL painters, not just the ones in the DYB Membership will now have access to this strategy.
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Kevin Maller
CEO of Maller Painting
About Kevin
Growing up in a family of painters, Kevin has been painting most of his life.
He's worked for friends, family, GC's, and eventually started his own painting company.
He struggled to use Facebook as a lead source for years and with the help of a successful Facebook marketing agency created his own system.
In 2018, his company's revenue was around $500K, and in 2019 using Facebook as his main lead source, he sold over a million dollars in painting jobs.
Now he's planning to scale his business to the next level leveraging the exact strategies he explains in his course, Facebook Viral Goodwill Campaigns.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you aren't satisfied that you have what you need to build a strong Facebook strategy, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.
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