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EP 139 : Balancing Growth, Software Adoption, and Family Hiring

EP 139 : Balancing Growth, Software Adoption, and Family Hiring


Welcome back to the DYB Podcast! In this episode, our speakers have a candid and insightful discussion about crucial business decisions, software recommendations, and personal challenges.

Speakers share invaluable advice on using project management software and maximizing the role of an admin, while also strongly advising against hiring family members for the business.

The speakers also touch upon the importance of staying focused, handling growth challenges, and managing personal commitments.

Get ready for a great new episode to be inspired as we take a deep dive to help you Double Your Business faster!

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Transcript :

Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Welcome to the DYB podcast where each week we share strategies and stories to inspire you to double your business so that you can have financial freedom, time for your family, and make an impact in your community. We sell the DYB poster for $100, but you can get a printout of the DYB system PDF for free. Get your copy at backslashdybhyphensystem. And now this week’s episode.


Speaker B [00:00:30]:

Hello, and welcome to Mastermind. Our mission is to build $1,000,000 businesses so that we can have financial freedom, time for our families, and make an impact in our communities. Let’s kick it off with some big wins. Josh, would you lead the way, please?


Speaker C [00:00:43]:

Big wins. Had a I shared it with the group through the messages, but had a really big week in sales last week, one of my biggest ever. And that was nice. And I I think I had brought it up a couple weeks ago where it seemed like my booking out until the end of March was starting to come to a close, and the Lord was faithful and was now I’m booked till most of April. So it’s nice how that works. But


Speaker B [00:01:11]:

Amen. That was awesome. Yeah. Big one. Yeah. Right on. Thank you for sharing, Josh. That’s great.


Speaker B [00:01:17]:

Love that. Alex?


Speaker D [00:01:19]:

Yes. Thank you. My big win of the week, it’s to say no To a couple of thing yes. To say no to a couple of things. One of them I share on the group, I was the this candidate that I had and I interview. So I guess I need to practice a lot more on the how to handle the interviews. But, yeah, I follow the steps on the DYB. Mhmm.


Speaker D [00:01:43]:

And after your confirmation on the advice, I, made the decision to send them a polite email, explaining, what the reasons why we couldn’t hire him. And the second, opportunity that I had to say no, it was, long time, a friend, sometimes customer, and he just called me the asking for, for me to pay in 2 units. He has a rental units, but he wanted, like, the following day. And my team is working in one project. So many times, because of relationship, because the money, you will say yes to a chaotic scenario, but I I hold on to myself and say, no. I cannot do it. I can probably need more time to manage some scheduling for next week. And he says, no.


Speaker D [00:02:38]:

I need it tomorrow. And I’m like, sorry, but I’m I cannot help this time. So Yeah. It feels odd to say no the first signs, but I started liking it, and I feel more confident to say no, honestly.


Speaker B [00:02:51]:

Yes. Yes, sir. Way to go. Way to go, Alex. That is awesome.


Speaker E [00:02:56]:

It’s so good to be on here with y’all. Yeah. So somewhat piggybacking off of Alex. I said yes to a big out of town project, but I probably should’ve said no. But, the big one for me is just really learning the DNA of my team. This was a 4 to 6 week committed job out of town. Within 2 weeks, my guys were, like, done. They were just, like, spent, ready to go home.


Speaker E [00:03:20]:

One wife came in the middle of the night, drove 5 hours down, picked him up in the middle of the night. I had no idea he left. So it was Oh. It was wild. It was wild. It was wild.


Speaker B [00:03:31]:

Yeah. That’s a big deal.


Speaker E [00:03:33]:

But the lord and his infinite grace and mercy, I called in a favor to a sub that I’ve been using for a few years, and he said, no problem. I’ll bring you and they came down. They was able to pick up the slack and even plus some. So I’m so grateful for relationships and just always honoring people and treating people well. So in times like this, you hate to call in favors, but when you do ask for them, they’re happy to help because you’ve always been serving them and you’ve always meant a lot to their business and them and a lot to your business. You keep that relationship and you honor them and you pay them on time. You just treat them well. And so I really feel like the Lord saw that and was I was able to get some help.


Speaker E [00:04:11]:

So we’re about 95% substantially completed, and we’re still got a nice profit margin working. And I’ve been getting my draws every week. And so I’m so I am ahead of the game now. I’m above water now. And and that’s huge win because I went into this not really having any experience with this type of this this is my biggest project ever, the furthest away ever. I’m like, what am I? And I just felt that the you just gotta trust me and go through this journey, and now I’ve learned so stinking much. So I know I’m I’m I’m babbling a lot, but, man, guys, that’s why I’ve been absent a little bit just trying and then I realized how bad it just exposed even more how bad of a time manager I am. So, anyway, there’s a lot of silver lining in this situation, and praise god, I’m I’m still profitable and pretty good, bro.


Speaker E [00:04:59]:

That was a glory. Yeah. That’s


Speaker B [00:05:04]:

Yeah. Hey, man. That’s awesome. And how’s the new addition to the family?


Speaker E [00:05:08]:

Oh, man. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That’s the ultimate win. So 2 weeks ago, Elsie, my little Elsie shows up. She looks like a little baby. She’s 8 months and only weighs £12. She’s like a chunky 12 pound 8 month old.


Speaker E [00:05:19]:

That makes sense. And she her eyes are just like these huge eyes, and she looks like a real life baby doll. We’re absolutely in love, man. And I’m just like, wow. She is she’s just the sweetest little thing, man.


Speaker B [00:05:31]:

Yeah. Now is this your 5th adoption?


Speaker E [00:05:33]:

5th adoption. Yeah. Wow. Yeah.


Speaker B [00:05:36]:

Yeah. That’s awesome. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah.


Speaker E [00:05:40]:

Yeah. It’s great, man. It’s it’s it’s it’s not been easy, but it’s also been amazing. Like, busy guys, and we’re like, oh, I gotta get more work. Blah blah. And you stop, you turn around, you look down, and there are 2 little babies sitting on the big bag and watch TV, and you’re just like, this is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen.


Speaker B [00:05:55]:

It’s it’s worth it all. That’s great. I love it. I love it. Fantastic, Dustin. Thank you.


Speaker E [00:06:02]:

Thanks, man.


Speaker B [00:06:03]:

Okay. Josh, what is one thing we could brainstorm for you such that it would help you to double your business faster?


Speaker C [00:06:10]:

You talked to me, Steve, about hiring an admin first. So I started more around that idea, and I I I think that probably will be the way I go is looking to hire an admin. And I think I wanna do it sooner rather than later. Mhmm. Mostly so they can be trained for the summer because I think the summer is when it’ll be more necessary, and it’ll be more important to have them. So I’d like to get them started, get them through orientation and through training, and feel like I’m confident in them being able to help me. So a couple of questions. This is a twofold question.


Speaker C [00:06:44]:

1, because in my mind, I have an idea of what an admin does. My wife was an admin for a long time. She worked as a admin for a pastor. And I was telling her what I think the admin position would be. Like, they could do this and this and there’s so many things that they can do. I didn’t even think about all that stuff. But what would you say the what would be some helpful ideas for what admins what’s the how to get the most out of an admin?


Speaker B [00:07:10]:

Great question. So here is how to get the most out of an admin when you’re hiring your first one. 1st, when you post the ad, let them know that it’s part time starting out. Okay? Because it’s not gonna be depending on the stage you’re in business. It’s probably not gonna be full time work. So start off with part time. What do we have on you for part time? Good question. First thing you do is for at least 3 days, write down every task that you do, especially the small ones that don’t feel like a task because those help reinforce the habit of writing down the task.


Speaker B [00:07:41]:

Write down everything you do for 3 days, return email, return text, return phone call, proposal, drop off proposal, work order, deliver materials, pick up materials, whatever, any and every little and large task, track them for 3 days. After you track every task for 3 days, now go through these and say, okay. What can you delegate? And some of them are gonna be phone calls, fielding the phone calls. So the first thing you do is you hand off the phone. And a lot of times, what this means is you get a new phone number for yourself. If your biz if your cell phone is your business number, the first step is get a new cell phone, and you hand off that number to your admin assistant, and they start fielding all the calls. That’s step number 1. That’s a big one.


Speaker B [00:08:23]:

You want that boundary there. They start fielding the calls and help book in estimates for you. And then every everything we can delegate from your list. And, really, what it should come down to is everything except sales, marketing, and networking, and then some training.


Speaker C [00:08:40]:



Speaker B [00:08:40]:

Everything else you delegate. But the big one’s the phone to get her started, and I’m not sure of the process for booking estimates.


Speaker C [00:08:48]:

Mhmm. One of the other things I’d thought about is maybe some social media management, just like posting different things, like having a Google Drive that has some photos that has content and then having them post things? Or


Speaker B [00:09:05]:

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Good question. Here’s what you wanna do there. You post it, but give her access to your social and ask her to respond to all the engagement and the comments. Okay? Because you’re gonna have all the ideas. You’re gonna be driving around going, oh, that’s engaging.


Speaker B [00:09:20]:

Nobody’s really gonna know what to post or how to engage better than us. So you post the thing, but have her engage and respond to all the comments to keep that algorithm going. Alright? And, again, I highly recommend you use your personal profile. Okay? Business profiles don’t get near the engagement. Personal does. Plus, we want to engage with people, with Josh. We don’t wanna engage with his business, whoever is the face hiding behind the logo. Right? We wanna engage with Josh.


Speaker B [00:09:47]:

So if you notice with print on painting, I never use business page. UIB coach. The only time anything’s ever posted to that page is when somebody on our team has gone above and beyond, and they just wanna they post there anyway. It’s not us posting on the business page. I use my personal for everything because business is personal. It is all about relationships. So leverage that one because it is personal and you get all the algorithms used there. Then just give her access.


Speaker B [00:10:13]:

Like, I have my April has access to mine and my assistant. I’ve got an assistant who has access to mine. Now I do mostly engaging. Alright? But there are times they post for me. But do you wanna post and then train her how to engage? Just simple engagements. You wanna comment something, anything to help get the algorithms going.


Speaker C [00:10:31]:

Alright. So twofold part of the question. So I had asked about hiring family. So I have a sister-in-law who lives in Midland, and she had talked about potentially wanting to I I think she’s starting to get to the point where she has more free time. So she had asked about it, and I think she’d be really good at it. And we had talked about what it would potentially look like, and part of the process if if we were to potentially go down that road would be to set expectations of this is a job, and I will be your boss, and I will be treating you like another employee. I talked to my father-in-law about it too because he owns a a nonprofit, and he’s very reluctant to hire family members. But recently, he hired his son, not directly under him, but he said one of the things if you do go down this is to talk to my brother-in-law as well


Speaker B [00:11:29]:



Speaker C [00:11:29]:

all that. But, like, talking to her and being like, if I have to fire you, if this would affect our relationship at all because I have to fire you because of whatever, then don’t I don’t want you to take the position. But all that being said, do you think it’s a 100% don’t do it, that’s bad idea?


Speaker B [00:11:48]:

Do you think there are some benefits


Speaker C [00:11:51]:

to potentially having


Speaker B [00:11:52]:

yeah. There’s some rare cases where it works, but it’s like drinking and driving. The risk is so high that when it doesn’t work out, it’s bad. It’s bad. Okay? So it’s a hard no because it’s not worth it. When we want a job, hopes are high, and we don’t see the downside, we say, oh, it’ll be fine. It’ll all work out. For the same reason, we call our team all stars, not family because you can’t fire family.


Speaker B [00:12:20]:

Okay? They’re team players. You’re a team our team players can look for all stars. We never refer to our team as family because you can’t fire your family. Because when you do hire and fire your family, it just gets it strains relationships. It strains the family. Very rarely doesn’t work out. Very few cases. Again, it’s it’s risky, like drinking and driving.


Speaker B [00:12:40]:

Very dangerous. So sometimes guys may get along or whoever, but the risk is so high. It’s not worth taking a chance unless you’re willing to only hire this person if you are willing to sever the relationship when it doesn’t if it doesn’t work out, which is


Speaker C [00:12:54]:

Probably no.


Speaker B [00:12:55]:

Alright. Yeah. Yeah. So do not recommend it. Hard no. Not worth it. Ask me how I know. I have family members that I’ve hired in the past, and, yeah, it did not work.


Speaker B [00:13:07]:

I had cousins I tried to help. I had an aunt I tried to help, and, no, it was not good. And as well as many others that I’ve worked with was just when I did it anyway. So, no, it’s not a good idea. It’s not a wise plan, unfortunately.


Speaker C [00:13:22]:

That’s helpful. Right.


Speaker B [00:13:23]:

Okay. Yeah. I’m sorry. That’s probably not the news you wanted to hear, but I don’t care about your future. We want you to


Speaker C [00:13:29]:

Yeah. I I think I’m I’m not, like, saddened by the the idea of that not being possibility, but it was, like, particularly exciting. I think there is, like, an excitement. Oh, I get to work with family. That sounds great. I think that could be rose colored glasses. So it I think it’s helpful for someone to take the rose colored glasses off.


Speaker B [00:13:49]:

It is. Yeah. It is because the relationship dynamic is different with family. We’re family. Yeah. It’s like friends come up and they want a deal for me because you’re friends. And I would say, I’m the one trying to get a business rolling because we’re friends. You should offer to pay me more because we’re friends.


Speaker B [00:14:03]:

Well, you can actually give you a deal because we’re friends. So there are dynamics that would come into play that just aren’t healthy or a successful business. So if you care about your family and you love them, don’t hire them. Yes. Okay. Okay. Alex, how can we help you deal with your business faster?


Speaker D [00:14:21]:

Okay. Thank you. Things are running, bit a small lead right now. It’s on a more like a question, I will say. I was as you all know me, I’m little techy. It’s crazy. Right? I’m looking for things on the tech side just to make it more efficient, but I was I have this software, Workglue, which is a project management, time tracking, light CRM, and he helped me to lose job costing as well. I start doubting to continue working with them because they they’d lack of connection or with other applications.


Speaker D [00:15:00]:

Mhmm. So it’s like a and it’s a starting, process, and it’s not very developed. And I think maybe maybe the team, it’s small on the tech side support. So yesterday, we received a bad news that cofounder, the really head of the software, the brain, and everything, he unfortunately passed suddenly, and seems like they’re now were prepared for something like this happen at this time. So they’re, like, asking for patience and, maybe while they’re trying to put a team together that will pull that position. So my question comes to say, okay. I need to get these services all together or working. And if I was already looking for an opportunity to get another software, maybe Maybe I was looking into the CRM.


Speaker D [00:15:59]:

I know that you guys in the past recommend pipeline CRM. And now lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of Monday. So I was just like, what’s the difference between of them? Which one will be best for growing and substantial world?


Speaker B [00:16:16]:

Okay. Good question. Sorry to hear about the current situation. So what I did is I went ahead and posted the DYB tech stack automation flowchart in your mastermind chat just now. So I’m gonna talk about some of this. It may seem overwhelming. Not to worry. You can see the whole flowchart diagram later on.


Speaker B [00:16:34]:

Right? And and look it all over. Now, excuse me, for CRM, we do talk about Monday, but Monday is the project manager. Okay? The CRM, is usually in the estimating app. Now we recommend drip jobs, and they have a CRM within Drip Jobs. Okay? If you use Drip Jobs, let me know. I’ll send you a link. You can if you haven’t checked it out yet, you can get a 75 day free trial with my link. It’s the longest the biggest free trial, available out there.


Speaker B [00:17:03]:

And then on Monday is your project manager. K. So from ship jobs, everything zaps into Monday and gets the work orders get set up in there. And we got the whole flowchart here, like, without going too deep into it. And everything just snaps. Bango, bango. Mhmm. And these are our favorite programs.


Speaker B [00:17:21]:

They’re the best ones. And I’ve I’ve never cared for an all in one program because different businesses have different needs at different times. And you wanna make sure when one time app isn’t efficient, you can swap it out and swap that piece out for another one and still stay efficient. Right? Project managers swap it out like we swapped out, Basecamp 2 for Monday. Right? Mhmm. And then same thing for the apps. There were other estimating apps in the past that we’d recommend, but then trip jobs came along. We’re like, okay.


Speaker B [00:17:47]:

This one’s much better for everybody. So it’s important to stay nimble, and that’s why we recommend these. And then with Zapier, you can just connect them all. And if you need help connecting them, April’s team, does have a very reasonable, fee for you as well.


Speaker D [00:18:00]:

Okay. Thank you. I’m on the test already for drift jobs, and I’m using the our DYB deal.


Speaker B [00:18:08]:

So Yep. Good to hear.


Speaker D [00:18:09]:

That. Thank you. Thank you. So right now, I’m studying it, and that’s one of the things that I many times on the past and hope I’m glad that you are here. And, Josh, I think he uses, My only place, I I already passed this to them, to the team, and it’s gonna, like, this system is super automate that it takes, like, self control, and I’m not able to stop or skip the drips. So I was well, it’s a a little idea that I give them already. But then my second thing is, do I need to use the productions that they have? And I think when they launch job costing, that also be an add on. So add on, it’s gonna be adding more to the price.


Speaker D [00:18:54]:

Do I need these features or I it’s better just to run it simple?


Speaker B [00:19:00]:

Okay. Good question. If I


Speaker D [00:19:02]:

choose to continue with


Speaker B [00:19:03]:

them. If you choose to continue, highly recommend going with the production rate. I think it is an upgrade. But for what it provides for you, it’s nominal. It might be an extra $100. But we’re building a $1,000,000 business, and we’ll be able to not just estimate our production rates, but when we get to 1.2, 1.5, you wanna be able to hand that position off to the next salesman. And if we’re not using production rates, you’re not gonna hand it off. You’re gonna get comfortable in just guessing off estimating off intuition, which we can’t really train.


Speaker B [00:19:34]:

It takes 5, 10 years to learn intuition. Right? A lot of guys get stuck in this. I’ve got some guys right now. They’re 2,000,000 right now, and they’re stuck trying to bring another salesperson because they’re so good at intuition and so good at sales that they didn’t build it through production rates.


Speaker D [00:19:51]:



Speaker B [00:19:52]:

You must do this through production rates so that you can hand it off later on.


Speaker D [00:19:57]:

Okay. Thank you.


Speaker B [00:19:58]:

And job costing is always worth it. 100%. After every job, you should do a review. Yeah. And job cost so the simplest way we can get that report is worth its weight in gold because that’s one of the most important reports, job costing and then p and l’s.


Speaker D [00:20:14]:

Okay. Perfect. Thank you. Alright.


Speaker B [00:20:17]:

You’re welcome. And then I’ve got a link for you with Monday too if you wanted to check out Monday.


Speaker D [00:20:21]:

Yes. I will for sure. Thank you.


Speaker B [00:20:24]:

Okay. You’re right. You’re welcome. Right on.


Speaker C [00:20:26]:

To give some input on that as well, so I I use drip jobs, and you can I I think you said something about turning off the drips? You should be able to turn off the drips if you don’t like them. You should have full control of when they drip. Like, you can because I think at the if you don’t mess with anything, it’s like after the first day, after the 3rd day, 6th day, and then so on. You can change that to whatever you want. You can have it go 2 days after. You can you should have some setting in there where you can change that and what actually drips, like the messages that drip. It’s all customizable. Also, I don’t use the production rates currently, but I have my own Excel sheet that has all my production rates.


Speaker C [00:21:12]:

It’s like a it pretty much plugs in measurements and and tells me what the labor cost is, through production rates. So you don’t have to use it, but if I didn’t have that, I’d probably use the drip drops 1.


Speaker D [00:21:25]:

Okay. Thank you.


Speaker B [00:21:26]:

Yeah. You’re welcome. And then, Dustin, do you have any anything you’d like to add?


Speaker E [00:21:31]:

No. I just piggyback off of Josh. I use Drip Jobs as well, and and then they had the they released the production rates, as he said, recently and which is super helpful because you can pretty much tweak that because, obviously, there’s a little Steve, at at the there’s there’s a little kind of a little tweakage between companies of production. Some guys are rock stars, some are not. So you have that production rate that’s worked out the average. And if you can plug all that your hourly sell rate, Steve taught me, and that’s my class. That’s huge. And I never even thought about an hourly sell rate.


Speaker E [00:22:01]:

I was like, oh, how much it gonna cost you? Not to mark up 30%. That’s cool, and then off you go. And and now that we’re you’re doing that premium high end work, you won’t get that premium sell rate. Anyway, to sell that drip jobs is I don’t know what I would do without it at this point in my in my life because and then I’m gonna train someone To Steve’s point, this production rate’s already loaded, so now I can really just teach them how to plug and play. Right? And plug those numbers because it’s everything’s attached to that quote in Drip Jobs. So it really takes a lot of that manual labor streams line your process. So I would definitely lean into Drip Jobs for sure. I don’t have any project management software yet personally just because I’m still in that, like, a transitional growth mode.


Speaker E [00:22:42]:

I just have a few guys, you know, in a couple sub crews. I’m still kinda smallish, but I’m getting to that point where I’m gonna have to start looking at Monday or something like that.


Speaker B [00:22:50]:

Yeah. Dustin, I sooner than later. Because if you don’t learn it and get it now when double the crew, double the busyness, it’s gonna feel 4 times heavier.


Speaker E [00:23:01]:

That’s true. That’s a good point.


Speaker B [00:23:02]:

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Now is the time you wanna get a get a roll on.


Speaker E [00:23:05]:

Okay. Alrighty. Fine.


Speaker D [00:23:08]:

You can get the. Right?


Speaker E [00:23:10]:

That’s it. Yeah. That’s right. That’s true. I can always get light and go heavy when it things get heavy. So


Speaker B [00:23:15]:

That’s it. Yep.


Speaker A [00:23:16]:

We’ll continue with the rest of this week’s show in just a moment. But first, do you have your copy of Steve’s book, How to Double Your Business? It’s for sale on Amazon for $37, but we want to give you your free copy instead. Just cover the 6.95 for shipping and handling. Get your free copy of the dyb book backslashfreehyphendybhyphen


Speaker B [00:23:41]:

book. Speaking of Dustin, you’re our buddy. How can we help you to double your business faster?


Speaker E [00:23:45]:

Yeah. I think one kind of organic popped up with the project management because I’m finding myself having to intervene a lot even with just little questions and stuff.


Speaker B [00:23:53]:



Speaker E [00:23:54]:

Like, work orders aren’t enough. That’s not really that’s just, hey. Here’s what we’re doing. But I actually have an actual project management system. I really need to get that set up. So that’s probably the first action item that just organically came up is I need to look into that, like, now. And another thing is, man, I’m in this weird spot of, like, when that guy, his wife picked him up in the middle of the night. Oh my gosh.


Speaker E [00:24:12]:

I need help now. And then I started talking to some people. That guy ended up coming back. He ended up apologizing. I’m not gonna get into it. He’s back, awkwardly back and but I’m trying to figure out how I can get I’m like, I need more help, but I need more help in moments. It’s not like I need more help. I don’t know what I would do with 2 more painters or one more painter right now to keep them consistently busy, if that makes sense.


Speaker E [00:24:34]:

I’ve been in this transition spot where I’m about to hit the next gear, but I feel like that’s coming soon. I’m not sure when. And I know I’m gonna need more help, but if I get more help now and I don’t have the work to support, it’s just I’m just I don’t know what to do with myself, and I’m stretching. I’m squeezing all the production I can on my guys I have now. They’re doing excellent, but they’re getting worn thin. So it’s man, I need to grow my team, but I’m afraid if I do it too fast, I’m gonna end up it’s gonna be slow. And I don’t know, man. I’m just I’m all jacked up right now.


Speaker E [00:25:00]:

Mountain Dew.


Speaker B [00:25:01]:

Yeah. That’s awesome. So here’s what we would do. You ready? The question is, when do we hire? When do we hire? And when how do we grow? When do we hire? So the answer is yes. We lean into both. If we want growth, we lean into both. Is this stressful? Yeah. Is there swings that I do? Yes.


Speaker B [00:25:17]:

It’s part of growth. And so it’s leaning in, and we lean lean left to hire, then we lean right, more leads. Then we lean left. We lean in left to hire some more guys, and then we lean in right for more leads. And so it’s both, and it’s never a stop. It’s just back and forth. Keep going. But but the key is, like, a skier going downhill, you just keep leaning.


Speaker B [00:25:37]:

Right, left, lean lean left to hire more, lean right, more leads. And the more you lean in, it’s faster you grow. Alright? Can you grow too fast? It all comes down to production and product. Okay? So if you have more customers than painters, then you hire more painters. If you have more painters than customers, then get more customers. But the key is you keep leaning in the bolt. You keep leaning in the bolt. You just lean left and you lean right, and that’s how you grow.


Speaker E [00:26:04]:

Yeah. Okay. Alright. I’m I feel like I’ve been leaning towards the customers with the all the reaction and all the I get a lot of word-of-mouth. I got a lot of repeat customers with contrast, and I’m like, I’ll keep leaning, but I’m, like, neglecting the right the other side. Like, I need to really, like because there’s some good people. Painters call me, but, hey. Are you hiring? I think so.


Speaker E [00:26:22]:

Oh, you wanna talk? Let’s get to know each other. Like, oh, I don’t have time to wait on you. You know what I’m saying? Are you hiring or not? You know?


Speaker B [00:26:29]:

Yeah. Sounds like it’s time for coaching.


Speaker E [00:26:33]:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Speaker B [00:26:34]:

You there, buddy.


Speaker E [00:26:35]:

That’s why I emailed you. Yeah. Yeah.


Speaker B [00:26:39]:

Right on. Right on. Hey. Yeah. It’s it’s a perfect time. So glad to hear that. It’s just, it’s a great inflection point for you, and we’ll make sure that it flexes in the right direction. Right? For sure.


Speaker B [00:26:50]:



Speaker E [00:26:50]:

This is stuff that’s hard sometimes.


Speaker B [00:26:52]:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. It is. And it’s harder when we don’t know because we don’t know what we don’t know.


Speaker E [00:26:56]:

Yeah. Look, man. Here and and look. I we’re this is a mastermind. We’re a group of I can see you guys trusted confidantes of mine, but it it and I still despite all the, oh, I’m struggling with this. I feel incredibly blessed. I don’t wanna think I’m gonna you guys should make a plan. I’m just I I hate it when I don’t when I’m not good at something.


Speaker E [00:27:14]:

And my OCD, ADHD kicks in and and I try to be this perfection. I’m like, look. Action trumps perfection. I just need to take the action and just but do it with, like, do with some good coaching and calculations. So, anyway, I’ll show them.


Speaker B [00:27:28]:

I think it’s OCG. I believe it’s a gift versus OCG.


Speaker C [00:27:32]:

It’s a good way.


Speaker E [00:27:33]:

I’ll take that.


Speaker B [00:27:37]:

Right on. Yeah. This is great. These are good problems that you’re having too, Dustin. These are the kind of problems we wanna have because it’s these are growth these are growth problems.


Speaker E [00:27:46]:

Amen. Yeah.


Speaker B [00:27:46]:

That’s awesome. Okay. Right on.


Speaker C [00:27:49]:

I have another win


Speaker B [00:27:51]:



Speaker C [00:27:52]:

To share that I thought about along the way. I’ve been getting lots of reviews. I I feel like my reviews have been off the chain. I I think at the beginning of the year, I had 50. I think I was at 49. I hadn’t gotten to 50 by the end of the year, and now I’m at 63. And, like, in the last couple weeks, it seems like almost every customer I’ve had has been given 5 star reviews and has been, like, really happy with the experience. And I don’t know.


Speaker C [00:28:19]:

I think that’s like a good sign also where it seems like more people are willing to go on there and review it. It’s almost I think the last 4 or 5 customers I’ve had have put a review on there.


Speaker B [00:28:28]:

So That’s fantastic. Yeah. That is fantastic. Okay.


Speaker E [00:28:32]:

Way to go. Yeah. That’s killer, man. I realized ask not, whatnot, and so I’d I’m like, I always just hey. I I’ll say, do you feel like this is a 5 star type? They’re like, oh, absolutely. Okay. So let me see your phone. Let’s do, like, walk let’s do this right here.


Speaker E [00:28:45]:

She says, oh, yeah. Of course. I’ll do it.


Speaker B [00:28:46]:

That’s awesome. I heard a way to leave him to it.


Speaker C [00:28:49]:

Yeah. I my buddy who’s, he’s a really good salesman. He told me that’s the way you should do it is, yeah, let me show you here.


Speaker E [00:28:55]:

And Yeah. Yeah.


Speaker B [00:28:56]:



Speaker C [00:28:57]:

I I don’t know. I feel like I’m I don’t feel the the courage to do that. But


Speaker B [00:29:02]:

Oh, yeah.


Speaker E [00:29:02]:

I have no shame.


Speaker B [00:29:03]:



Speaker C [00:29:04]:

Go ahead, Steve.


Speaker B [00:29:05]:

I just need to have fun with it. Like, doesn’t say no shame. Have fun with it. And just remember, you already know. You can’t get anymore know the way you are. You know? You already know. You can’t get anymore know what you are. That’s awesome.


Speaker B [00:29:15]:

Way to way to way to crank them in. And, hopefully, the video testimonials are coming in as well. Those are super powerful. Right? I’ll do that. Alex, how about you? Anything else on your end?


Speaker D [00:29:26]:

No. I’ve just yeah. Just thinking more of the yeah. I I will go into Monday. This one question will be, does Monday also do, like, team communication or


Speaker B [00:29:36]:



Speaker D [00:29:37]:

What do Monday do? What what do I expect when you’re on Monday?


Speaker B [00:29:41]:

Alright. Good news. I have a video walking through step by step in the cafe.


Speaker E [00:29:45]:



Speaker B [00:29:46]:

And it’s a 2 part video. And to Dustin’s point of, Mountain Dew, I was caffeinated. Okay? So he feels like, woah. See if you’re on fire. I was caffeinated. And, yeah, I’ve heard I’m like, that’s a fun that was a fun video. I’m like, that was a lot of caffeine. So that presentation, I brought Seth on with me because he was one of the first guys that I onboarded and was a case study for Monday.


Speaker B [00:30:07]:

And so what I did was we I had Seth walk you through the first half, showing you how he used how he set up his board. And then the second app, I walk you through step by step how to set up yours and everything that it can do.


Speaker D [00:30:18]:



Speaker B [00:30:19]:

Yes. Mhmm. In the cafe. Yep.


Speaker D [00:30:23]:

Okay. Awesome. I didn’t see that, but, I’ll definitely look into it.


Speaker B [00:30:27]:

Same. Yep. You can use the search bar. Just punch in Monday, and it should pop up.


Speaker D [00:30:32]:

Okay. Great.


Speaker B [00:30:33]:

It’s a it’ll be a online course. Just


Speaker C [00:30:35]:

It’s it’s a pretty intuitive software as well. You can mess around with it for an hour or 2 and and get the hang of it pretty that’s pretty pretty easy to use, pretty easy to navigate. There was a couple tricks that I had to figure out Steve helped me with, but but for the most part, it’s pretty simple to get up and running.


Speaker B [00:30:51]:

Yeah. So I have no fear. And then, oh, one one caution. Monday has a lot of shiny objects. Okay? Dustin, please hear


Speaker E [00:30:59]:

this. You’re dummy. You know how I am. I’m like, I guess.


Speaker B [00:31:02]:

A lot of shiny objects. Okay? And they offer, hey. Use this CRM board. Use this board. No. Please just build the one board that I show you guys. Build that one first. Get efficient in that one, and then we’ll take it from there.


Speaker B [00:31:16]:

Okay? So ignore the blinders on. Ignore all their shiny boards. Okay? Mhmm. It looks they look cool. It looks sexy, but ignore all those. Yeah. And just stick with the job board that I show you.


Speaker E [00:31:27]:

UX, UI. There’s UXUI is important for a reason because for guys like me.


Speaker B [00:31:32]:

Yep. Yep. Good deal. Dustin, how about you? Anything else on your end?


Speaker E [00:31:37]:

No. I just I I could get with you 1 on 1 and just go a little deeper. I need I need a I don’t need a general doctor. I need a specialist.


Speaker B [00:31:44]:

Yeah. Okay. Right on. I can


Speaker E [00:31:46]:

see my heart, doctor Steve. Check out the old valves and see what we can do right here.


Speaker B [00:31:53]:

Right on, buddy. Alright.


Speaker C [00:31:54]:

You guys, are you talking about


Speaker B [00:31:56]:

the 1 on 1 coaching? Mhmm. Yeah.


Speaker E [00:31:58]:

Yeah. Yeah. I’m about to mortgage my house so I can get Steve. I’m just kidding. Just kidding. That’s very Steve is very reasonable. Very reasonable. Just FYI.


Speaker C [00:32:07]:

I started with that. It’s good.


Speaker E [00:32:09]:

Awesome. Awesome. It.


Speaker B [00:32:10]:

Thank you, Josh. Thank you, Josh. Appreciate that.


Speaker C [00:32:13]:

Also, are you holding brass not


Speaker B [00:32:15]:

Thank you, Alex.


Speaker E [00:32:16]:

Me? Oh, no. It’s my kid’s bracelet. Sorry. No. No. I want to.


Speaker D [00:32:20]:

Yeah. I’m


Speaker E [00:32:21]:

not. I’m not. I want to. I can’t I can’t


Speaker B [00:32:24]:

I can’t accounts receivable.


Speaker E [00:32:25]:

You know? Oh,


Speaker B [00:32:30]:

lord. Gentlemen. Let’s roll out of here so we can all get back to takeaways. Josh, would you lead the way, please?


Speaker C [00:32:36]:

Probably the biggest thing and maybe the biggest warning sign that I got was not hiring family, and I think that kind of pushed through. And I appreciate that, Steve. I feel like that was the warning that I needed to say, oh, yeah. That shouldn’t do that. Yep. That’s a a big takeaway.


Speaker B [00:32:52]:

There you go. Right on. So glad to hear that. Let them know. Say, listen. Unfortunately, we got we told you or whatever, but you had a new policy. Just don’t hire family because you love your family. You don’t ever wanna compromise those relationships because you care about them so much.


Speaker B [00:33:05]:

Mhmm. Yeah. Good deal. Alright. Thank you, Josh. Alex?


Speaker D [00:33:10]:

Take away just yep. Diving into Monday, get the all square up and like, deeper into it and just, yeah, stick to it. It’s just yeah. Real simple. I’ll take also your advice on put the horse eye, the side The blinders. And Yeah. Yes. And just let’s stick to that because I’m just, like, that’s in I I will say say maybe just we’re always looking for something that might make our life easier.


Speaker D [00:33:43]:

We think, but nothing will have the magic to do it if I don’t work on it. So that’s, like, more my my takeaway. Just work with what we have before moving to the next one.


Speaker B [00:33:56]:

Yeah. Yes, sir. Okay. Right on. That’s it. Thank you, Alex. And Dustin, close this up. 2 takeaways, please.


Speaker E [00:34:02]:

Yeah. 2, obviously, the project management thing. I just didn’t realize how unprepared I was for growth. That’s a big one, obviously. K. You which you don’t manage is not or measures not managed and vice versa. And 2, I’m just my really just being here again, how helpful it is to manage my time so I can make, like, mastermind with you guys. Like, it needs to be a rock in my schedule.


Speaker E [00:34:27]:

It needs to be a rock in my schedule. And then just realizing I need more help as far as coaching goes. And do you think you got it? Like, yeah. We’re busy, man. We got it going on. Then things happen, and you’re like, oh my gosh. How do I even deal with this? I Yeah. I felt a little bit more preemptive and proactive and not so reactive.


Speaker E [00:34:45]:

When I worked at Sherwin Williams as a rep, that was one thing they preach all the time was stop being so reactive because it’s gonna your territory’s gonna manage you. Guess what? In business, there’s there’s no different. Right? So you’re running a business. But now for yourself, obviously, it’s I can’t let this thing run me. Like, if things happen, it’s I don’t know what to do other than just respond and react to it. Anyway, that’s it’s hard to even say it, but after all these years but it’s still a struggle for me.


Speaker B [00:35:11]:

And thank you guys. Wanna encourage you to continue. Stream big. Also smarter. You’ve got this. Have a great day.


Speaker E [00:35:17]:

God bless you guys. You. See you, Gates.


Speaker D [00:35:19]:

You too.


Speaker A [00:35:21]:

I hope you enjoyed this Steve and I are the founders of Burnett Painting and DYB Coach. We want to take a moment and thank you for making us the most rated podcast dedicated specifically to painting contractors. To celebrate, we want to help you break through to higher success. So Steve is now giving away free strategy calls. Just click the link below in the show notes that says free strategy call. There are only a couple of openings on his calendar each week, so get your free call with Steve now. Thank you so much for listening, and remember to dream big, hustle smarter. You’ve got this.

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