Four things you can do in the next five minutes that will impact your business in a positive way for free or close to it.
I am Ron Ramsden and I am a DYB coach and I’m also a painting contractor is Northern Massachusetts.
The first thing you can do is send a note card.
Send a thank you card to someone you might have worked for or you are able to give a proposal to.
Or someone you haven’t been in touch with in a while but they are a really good customer or they were a good customer.
You’ve been silent and they have been silent.
Send them a card and say, “sorry we haven’t been in touch, we are here if you need us.”
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In that one, you can put a little business card in it.
The other one, they already know who you are, you don’t need a business card.
It’s going to cost you a thank you card; it’s going to cost you a stamp.
No. 2 call a customer that you worked for last year, maybe it’s an exterior paint job that you had finished.
It’s about the year anniversary.
Tell them you are just checking on the job and you would like to do a walk around with them.
This will get you in front of them again, you can walk and you can actually talk and you might possibly get more business out of it.
No. 3 Have you friended any of your customers on Facebook.
Well, send a couple of your customers a friend request and when you are working on their house, take a picture of the exterior of the beautiful room or the interior and tag them on it.
This way all their friends are going to see that you are working in their house and you’ll get a little more exposure from that.
No. 4 What’s your relationship with your employees?
A long time ago I really didn’t associate with my employees.
They were employees, I was the boss and that’s it.
Well, over the past couple of years I became friends with some of my employees.
Not that we hang out together but I know what’s going on in their lives.
Take two minutes and talk to each one of the employees, not in a row.
Walk around the job site, chat, find out what they are doing this weekend.
Maybe find out what they are doing on a holiday coming up.
Find out how their kids are doing.
Show some care and they are going to show it ten times back.
Those are four free tips.
I am Ron Ramsden and I am a DYB coach and I’m also a painting contractor in Northern Massachusetts.
Helping contractors work on their business so they don’t have to work in the business.