It’s the beginning of the new year and we are already busy.
The phone is ringing, YCBM is being booked like crazy, networking is working very well, and that means we are working working working!
But am I going to accomplish all of this!
I can’t be stuck working in the office all day, I need to sell jobs, hire and train new employees.
I need admin help!
At what point do you need to hire an admin? How much will it really cost and can I afford it?
I was scared of the additional costs of having someone in my office managing the day to day task.
I thought that if they didn’t have a way to make money it wasn’t a position I could pay a good wage for so I just tried to do it myself….
Guess what?
It didn’t get done and in most cases never got done! I was that guy who didn’t return phone calls, heck I didn’t even answer the phone!
I also knew I didn’t have the time to train somebody to do the job, but I didn’t have a choice anymore, I was working way too much and my family was suffering. It was time and I knew it.
My decision to hire an Admin wasn’t a cost thing, I knew if I was out selling, hiring and training I would make more money….
I just decided one day and did it, and you can too…
Here’s how I hired and trained an admin person!
1) Hired the right person for the job. (Another blog post to come, but make sure you get your free 11 Interview Questions here )
2) This person rode with me to appointments and job sites, listened to me, wrote down everything that I was doing.
This took about a week to do.
3) We then divided up the tasks and to do’s into lists:
a) Daily tasks
b) Weekly tasks
c) Monthly tasks
d) Projects
4) I put my name next to the tasks I liked to do and promised to do.
All other tasks I delegated to my new admin.
5) We processed out all the tasks! This was also a long week during appointments and job site visits.
6) Software implementation to make those tasks easy to remember, trainable and streamlined!
Here is our process for paying paint bills using Wunderlist as our task manager and reminder:
- These reminders go to the Admins email inbox the morning of the due date.
- Tasks are checked off as they are paid and recorded.
- I get notified via the app that they have been paid and the task has been done.
- Best of all it’s set up to repeat the task Monthly!
7) Lastly, we documented those process through video so that anybody new coming in could take right off,
and guess what?
Fast forward 2 years – A new admin has taken over and was able to learn and perform the job within 2 weeks and now has it down to 32 hours a week (for a $1.2M Painting Company).
You have enough time to get those items and lists out of your head, even if you are working 14 hours a day… no more excuses, let’s own it and get it done!