Stephen Covey taught us, First Things First, so I’ll make this clear straight out of the gate. You do not have to have the biggest, strongest, prettiest, most WIZ-BANG website in the country and I’ll explain a little later way that is.
Ranking on Google is where the value lies. In fact, it can and is, in most cases, the greatest lead generator for most painting contractor companies during their slow season.
The Best Time to Implement SEO is…
…6 months ahead of time to give the search engine some time to receive your SEO juice, or time for the search engines’ spiders to crawl the vast web and report back. So, during your busy season is the optimal time. For most of you reading this post in April, now is prime time to get started.
As a quick aside, a quality SEO service is going to run between $500 and $1,000 a month.
I know what many of you are thinking, “Yeah, Steve, but all I get are price shoppers and tire kickers to my site.” I understand. I used to, as well. That was until we created our specific Website Marketing Funnel. Customers find us on Google, click through our specific pages at BurnettPainting.com so that by the time they scheduled the estimate, they were all but closed, but I’m not going into our website marketing funnel here.
If you would like the Website Marketing Funnel strategy, we go over it in our, DYB Mastermind Groups, and you can check that out here. We will be rolling out another group very coon.
Back to our Quick 2 Step SEO Audit
This is a quick self search to see how your website pages are actually ranking on Google.
Step 1 – Type the “site:operator” into the Google search box.
Like this, but with your website address,
Google ” site:yourcompany.com “
Press ENTER to search and you’ll see the Google search results that are restricted to your website only.
In other words, these are the pages that are eligible to receive search traffic. If it’s not indexed — it won’t receive traffic from Google.
Step 2 – View the # of results Google returns
At the top of the results page, but just below the search bar, you’ll see the number of results like in this image here.
In the image above, we see “About 744 results”. These are the number of pages Google has indexed or can see for Burnett Painting. While 744 indexed pages is way above average, it’s not the most in the country and what’s cool is, that is ok!
Because, circling back to my Stephen Covey’s famous quote, “First Thing’s First,” The reason you don’t need the biggest or the site with the most WIZ-BANG, is because you are not competing with the entire country.
Many Painting Contractors start searching other Painting Contractors sites across the country and see how cool they are then start to feel discouraged, and that’s not necessary.
You only need to search sites within your market!
If you are not ranking well within your market, here are the 4 things you should do, NOW:
- Start listening and writing down any and every question your customers ask you.
- Next, write your first 10 blog posts answering these questions.
- Then, write 10 more answering the questions that they should be asking, but are not.
- Now that you have 20 awesome blog post ideas, start searching other Painting Contractor or competitor websites, to see what they are blogging about to draw ideas and inspiration, and before you know it, you too will be CRUSHING IT with SEO!
What are your thoughts, questions, comment, or ideas? Post them below in the comments and let’s chat!
And a P.S.A., #KeepItCaffenated