Contractors: How to Train Your Crew Leaders
Hi there, Greg here from DYB Coach.
Today I wanted to talk to you about some leadership training for your field staff and your team leaders.
I’m sure you guys have received the phone calls where your guys need materials asap and then you have to go all over the place to get them.
A simple solution is to make an Excel document and list out each day of the week.
Make sure that there is enough space for each day for your crew leaders to write a plan.
At the end of the day, or at the beginning of the day, whichever you decide, you are going to call them up and ask them several questions:
1. “How far did you guys make it today?” –Did they have a goal that was set already and you are tracking the day before, did they achieve that goal, if not, why?
2. “What products did you use?” –do they need anything the following day, do you need to get an order in?
3. “Are you guys going to be able to finish tomorrow?” –Ask them this if they are coming to the finish line on a project. When they say yes, ask, “What needs to happen so that you guys can achieve that goal?”
This way, you are setting it in their mind the day before, they know what the goal is, they can communicate that with the guys or the girls that are working with them, and that’s how you start to culture leadership thinking and planning.
Please leave a comment on what you’re going to implement today!