EP 131 : Million Dollar Painting Business
Welcome to the DYB Podcast, where we explore strategies and stories to inspire the doubling of businesses for financial freedom, family time, and community impact.
In today’s episode, “Building A MIllion Dollar Painting Business,” we dive into the ins and outs of hiring, stress management, business operations, and networking.
From discussing the importance of culture in hiring and the Chick-Fil-A principle of interviewing, to personal wins and challenges in business operations, DYB Mastermind Members share their experiences, seek advice, and offer valuable insights.
Join us as we navigate through the dynamic world of business, aiming to empower and inspire our listeners to achieve their entrepreneurial goals.
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April Burnett [00:00:00]:
Welcome to the DYB podcast, where each week we share strategies and stories to inspire you to double your business so that you can have financial freedom, time for your family, and make an impact in your community. Knowing what to charge is the hardest thing to learn. Well, not anymore. In fact, you can profit from every estimate with Steve’s estimating spreadsheets. These are the exact spreadsheets that he used to grow Burnett painting before we sold it. Get your free estimating spreadsheets at dybcoach.com backslash estimating hyphen bundle hyphen offer. And now this week’s episode.
Steve Burnett [00:00:39]:
Hello, and welcome to Mastermind. Our mission It’s about $1,000,000 businesses so that we can have financial freedom, time for our families, and make an impact in our communities. Let’s kick it off some big wins. Daryl, you’re the most caffeinated. I am. AM Central. Lead the way.
Darrell Mendiola [00:00:56]:
I got Lewis who’s, who’s my new hire. He’s just really cool. It’s about a 4th day on yesterday that he was talking about when he first moved into town, like, a year and a half ago or so. He’s seen my trucks. He’s like, how many trucks you got? And he’s like, When I saw them trucks, I said, I wanna work for that guy because he’s got nice trucks. And so that was that was really cool. It wasn’t nice trucks as the way it’s Fancy, flashy, but just the way my details are. So that was really cool.
Darrell Mendiola [00:01:21]:
And I started implementing things from buy back your time. I told Steve about it last week. I just finished that audiobook, and I’m gonna I’m gonna start it again, today because it’s just really good. I’ve learned a lot of things with with buy back your time, and I’m really excited about that book. So
Steve Burnett [00:01:40]:
Fantastic. Thank you, Daryl. Isaac?
Isaac Mumma [00:01:43]:
Yeah. My big win is that my employee keeps telling me how grateful he is to work for me and just how much he’s enjoying it and how much he’s learning. My old boss, his brother, cuts my employee’s hair, and he’s like, hey. How is it working for Isaac? And I guess he was just raving about me. And so it’s just really cool that it’s I feel like it’s giving me encouragement that I’m leading well and, I’m doing a decent job, and, yeah, that’s motivating.
Steve Burnett [00:02:12]:
- Wait a minute. Fantastic, Isaac. Thank you. And there’s a question, Darryl, the author of that book, Bimatica Time do you recall?
Darrell Mendiola [00:02:19]:
I’m I’m actually looking it up right now.
Steve Burnett [00:02:21]:
Okay. Thank you. Juan, big wins.
Juan Gomez [00:02:25]:
Good morning. My big wins will be I Finally have set up my complimentary call on consultation, so I’m all set with that. And I’m studying my newsletter with April, And she’s helping with Zapier too, so that’s big win for me.
Steve Burnett [00:02:41]:
Newsletter Zapier with April. Way to go. That’s awesome. Yes. Yeah. Streamline those operations.
Juan Gomez [00:02:47]:
Yes. A lot of time.
Steve Burnett [00:02:49]:
Stay on top of my other newsletter. Where to be. Okay. Hey, Jesus?
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:02:53]:
Yes. Yes, guys. So After months of not winning any jobs, I finally got a chance to win jobs all in a week. So it was really good. They were the book, February, so moving forward. So I thank god for that.
Florian Spahiu [00:03:07]:
Thank you. Mhmm. That’s awesome.
Steve Burnett [00:03:09]:
In fact, I think he closed 4 on the spot, and he also closed the door to door. Yeah. Is that correct? Oh. Yep. Just bring it home. Okay. Way to be, Jesus. Awesome.
Steve Burnett [00:03:20]:
Thank you. Sonia.
Sonia Garcia [00:03:22]:
I’m okay. I had a little slow spell. I just not got back on the horse, but last week, We went door to door, and I that was it was fun that my husband I introduced him as my bodyguard. No. I didn’t do it. But, anyways, he was I told him I wanna go on it by myself. I’m not I’m anyways. So I did, and we got we at least got to have like, after the Twelfth house, we were able to, do an estimate.
Sonia Garcia [00:03:48]:
He ghosted me, comes to follow-up. So just and I forgot. I you know what? I didn’t send the didn’t send a little after thing. I got so excited. I forgot to send that. Thank you for having us over.
Steve Burnett [00:03:57]:
All the note cards. Yeah.
Sonia Garcia [00:03:58]:
Yes. But, anyways, I was that’s My win as far as getting over that, that slump and that it got momentum that I’m going. So, I wanna go continue on and do that.
Steve Burnett [00:04:11]:
Fantastic. Very good. Thank you, Sonya.
Sonia Garcia [00:04:13]:
You’re welcome.
Steve Burnett [00:04:14]:
Okay. Chris, big wins.
Chris Petkau [00:04:16]:
So my big win is I would say that I really I’ve only really focused on marketing really in starting in October and had my best sales month In November, just starting to institute some basic marketing, which was great. And then this January now, I’ve had my personal best For sales, and that’s in January, which is an extremely good omen for the year and even just going forward As, just yeah. January is the month where you wanna have your personal best month, so extremely optimistic for this year now.
Steve Burnett [00:04:56]:
Fantastic. Fantastic. Way to be, Chris. Thank you for sharing. Craig?
Craig Armstrong [00:05:01]:
I, I have a a lady starting tomorrow, So new hire starting tomorrow, so that’s my big win.
Steve Burnett [00:05:07]:
Cool. Fantastic. Very good. Thank you, Craig. And, Rick, welcome to MG 11. Could you move your, camera down just a little bit we can see your handsome mug, please.
Rick Smith [00:05:16]:
Turn what now?
Steve Burnett [00:05:17]:
Your camera down. Could you point it down so we could see it?
Rick Smith [00:05:20]:
This? Yes, sir. Like this?
Steve Burnett [00:05:22]:
The other way? Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. There we go. Welcome, Rick. Big wins?
Rick Smith [00:05:27]:
I guess would be I had no not very many jobs booked at all. And so the past 2 weeks, I went through all my old client list and just send them text. And so we’re working on a job right now that I got from that, and we have and I have another estimate today That I’m sure I’ll get the job just because they’re past customer and really makes it a lot easier to sell when you don’t I have when it’s an old customer, so that’d be
Steve Burnett [00:06:01]:
Okay. There you go. Way to stay top of mind. Fantastic. Thank you for sharing. Alright. One thing. Daryl, what’s one thing we could brainstorm for you such that might make everything else easier and or unnecessary?
Darrell Mendiola [00:06:13]:
Yeah. Steve’s known especially, but my Situation last year, last 6 months especially has been really tough trying to get back out of the field as much as I can, and My problem has been finding a drywall finisher. That’s been what’s eaten up all of my time, which is what I have learned from buyback your time. I’ve actually let Good painters go as far as, in my application process because I’ve been so busy. I’m looking for someone who can help me buy back my time and get into the drywall. So that’s what I think I have with Lewis. But I had I had a really strange wake up call yesterday, And it started a couple days earlier than that. Most of them are police officer.
Darrell Mendiola [00:06:52]:
I pulled over this quarry. It was a group of old ladies in there. But one of them was was one of my very first clients. Her name is Evelyn, and she had hip surgery 6 months ago. I’ve hardly even talked to her at all. And I was supposed to go and do touch up on a door frame that I painted, like, 10, 12 years ago. I totally forgot about it. I didn’t write it down because I’ve been so busy, And I felt she was a passenger in the car that I had pulled over, and she she was saying, you never came back and painted my frame.
Darrell Mendiola [00:07:24]:
And I was like, So I called her yesterday, and we visited. And I’m like, I feel like such a turd. You’ve had surgery, and she’s 80. Okay. And then yesterday, I had another old lady call me. She’s 91. She needs a little project done. Her and her husband were instrumental in my walk with God, especially when I first Became a Christian going to church, and she’s she I asked her how she was doing.
Darrell Mendiola [00:07:47]:
Her answer was, oh, just a little lonely. And she wasn’t, like, one of those ladies that Just trying to get feedback and feel sorry for her. She’s a very strong independent woman, but it really Opening my eyes. This is why I’m doing what I’m doing. I need I told both of these ladies. This is both yesterday, which is really weird. I said, They were afraid to ever call me to go do little things for them, change the light bulb because they know I’m so busy. So I’m going to make a point to once a month, at least, sit down, go to the house, have a cup of coffee.
Darrell Mendiola [00:08:20]:
And so this week, I’m gonna meet with Jenny West, The 91 year old I talked to and I don’t care how busy I am. I’m gonna sit down and have a cup of coffee and sit down with her for an hour. And And I need to be held accountable because that’s why we do business. That’s why we’re that’s why we’re doing what we’re doing, not to build bigger barns and and empires. I’m just like, wow. It was a wake up call because I felt really bad. But the cool thing is I learned immediately. Okay.
Darrell Mendiola [00:08:46]:
This is what I gotta do. So my thing is I wanna be held accountable. Like, this week, I’m going to meet with Jenny West. I’m just gonna I’m gonna call her up Today, I’m gonna set up a morning with her tomorrow and next day, and we’re just gonna have a cup of coffee. So that’s my accountability. I’m gonna do that, every other week, I’m gonna sit down with 1 of the 2 and and have a cup of coffee or or take them to lunch or something. So Because I need to get my bearings on why I do what I do.
Steve Burnett [00:09:15]:
That’s awesome, Darrell. And that is part of our mission, right, is to make an impact in our community. Yeah. I think Something else we’re all trying to know, and that’s a takeaway from, how sincere that is.
Darrell Mendiola [00:09:27]:
Did I give you a ticket?
Steve Burnett [00:09:29]:
Yeah. Did that and get her burned out of the ticket. Was that successful in getting her out of it?
Darrell Mendiola [00:09:34]:
Yeah. But I don’t write old ladies a ticket anyways.
Steve Burnett [00:09:37]:
Okay. That’s awesome. Accountability for making an impact on the Seriously,
Darrell Mendiola [00:09:43]:
though, I need accountability on that because that’s very important.
Steve Burnett [00:09:46]:
Okay. Orlando. Isaac, you get to follow that one, buddy.
Isaac Mumma [00:09:50]:
Yeah. On a more selfish note, how many Employees, do you need to average, at least, build a $1,000,000 company? Is it, like, do You have to have a certain number of crews on average?
Steve Burnett [00:10:05]:
Yeah. So the it works out to be about 12.
Isaac Mumma [00:10:10]:
And is it possible to, in that number, hire an estimator so that eventually, even if it takes years, I could eventually work my way to just doing project coordination, possibly mostly from home so that I could Do some co homeschooling for my kids and still run my business.
Steve Burnett [00:10:33]:
So you can get to 12 guys, do a1000000, And we work 30 hours a week with the right tech stack and the right culture. As long as you have the right people on the team, because if you hire good people, they take care of the customer. They take care of the company. And the estimator slash salesman with the right culture and the right tech stack can manage their own projects easily.
Isaac Mumma [00:10:53]:
Oh, okay.
Steve Burnett [00:10:54]:
So I’m not sure how many hours you’re looking to get down to. Usually don’t bring on, an additional salesperson until about the 1.2, 1.5 mark. But you can get down to 30 hours with the right tech stack at 10, 12 guys as long as you hire the right people, right, hire I’ll start, hire for character, Protect culture and make sure your tech stack is is locked in and zap in and and doing all the heavy lifting for you on the admin side and the operations. Yeah.
Florian Spahiu [00:11:23]:
When you
Steve Burnett [00:11:23]:
get a lot of your time back. And that’s how I was home, in the afternoons, and I’ve I’ve got that picture of me and Samuel in the pool. Yeah. And I say that because it was a memory of being able to be home every afternoon. And, it was first time Samuel swam in the pool, working 30 hour weeks. And
Isaac Mumma [00:11:39]:
Yeah. Okay. And was there a significant change or that got you from, for example, Maybe half a1000000 to a1000000 in your on your way up.
Steve Burnett [00:11:51]:
So one thing that we did is I went all in for a season. So April and I had a conversation. We sat down. I said, look. I think we can really get this to a point to where we’re cash flowing really well and to get my time back. And so what we agreed on was that for 6 days a week, I would work until 6 PM, which means whatever time I got up, I was all in Work until 6 PM, but I was home from 6 to 8 PM, no phone, 100% present with them, 6 days a week. And then, on Sunday, I was a 100% present with them. But the other 6 days, I was building.
Steve Burnett [00:12:27]:
I was all in Building. So it wasn’t like 40 hours a week trying to build a business, and the rest of the time I spend time with family. No. I was it was intense. I was all in just for a season, but it worked. And we got to point where a cash flow enhancement, and the tech stack was in. And I went from working, I don’t know, whatever it was, 80 hours or something to down to 30. So if you go all in for a season, if you work like nobody else, then eventually you get to live like nobody else.
Florian Spahiu [00:12:51]:
Yeah. But
Steve Burnett [00:12:52]:
it’s just for a season, and it was an agreement I had with my wife.
Florian Spahiu [00:12:55]:
Steve Burnett [00:12:56]:
Mhmm. You’re welcome. Very good. Juan.
Juan Gomez [00:13:00]:
- So my thing is so now that I have my, complimentary Call of consultation. I just wanna pick your brains and see how you guys advertising that. Are you emailing? Are you or doing what about? How do you guys doing that?
Craig Armstrong [00:13:19]:
I can jump in because I’ve had mine running for about a month now, Unless anybody wants to I actually our the interior designer that I use actually joined our BNI, which is which is amazing. So to initially promote it, I did an email blast to all my previous customers just taking so that they could take advantage into the offer, which was a free hour color consult for any jobs booked for January, February. And, actually, I did another follow-up email telling people that I’ve extended that into March as well for any jobs booked in March. So I did email blast for that. I did social media for that. So I promoted it through social media and also promoted it at my BNI chapter, which really works well, because then she promotes me back. So she’s been promoting that as well in in her b and I and commercials as well. So those are just a few things.
Craig Armstrong [00:14:16]:
I’m sure other people have more ways to promote it, but I think, probably the email list is, like, an email blast is, and social media are probably the best.
Juan Gomez [00:14:25]:
Okay. No thanks. Great. Thank you.
Steve Burnett [00:14:29]:
And it’s something to keep in mind. That was great, Greg. I think you hit him Hit them all the big ones for sure. Something else to keep in mind. One is that’s a a closing tool. So there’s estimating. Estimators can measure. There’s salespeople that can sell, and then there’s closers.
Steve Burnett [00:14:46]:
Right? So a closer is everything that’s said after the price is given. And one of my favorite closes, I got a few of them. One’s a social, scarcity social proof and scarcity close. Right? The video testimonials and the production calendar. That’s the most powerful one. But another one that really helps is offering the decorator as a close.
Juan Gomez [00:15:07]:
Me too. Okay.
Steve Burnett [00:15:10]:
Color console service. Mhmm. Any other thoughts for Juan? Okay. I think we’re good. So I’m writing down a bunch here. Took Craig’s whole list down. Hey, Jesus.
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:15:21]:
Yes. So mine is, related here guys to a married couple running a company. So I’m trying to split the roles here. I know we’re both the owners, and I’m taking, yeah, the estimating role and then the project running the project and stuff like that. And I pretty clear that my wife would be doing the app as you called the admin role
Florian Spahiu [00:15:43]:
Craig Armstrong [00:15:43]:
Take care
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:15:44]:
of the office stuff. Is there something else I’m missing, Steve? That way we can be roles.
Steve Burnett [00:15:50]:
So, usually, When the wife comes in traditionally. When the wife comes in, they take over the admin, which includes the phone, making sure the schedule’s in line, Bookkeeping and payroll, those are the initials. Maybe managing the website depending on Technical skills, that can be advanced, but those are the major ones coming in. The idea, it’s what she should be doing. Yeah. Everything that you can delegate because your role is to do only what you can do, which is Networking, sales, hiring, training. Everything else you should delegate.
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:16:27]:
Okay. Another question with that there, Steve, I was we were talking She was talking about, like, maybe joining a rotary club, like, in the summertime when she’s not at work. Yeah. Like, the AM referral. For I like the AM club with the PM club. I do the noon club. So we’re thinking something like that just to expand our network. Absolutely.
Steve Burnett [00:16:46]:
Yeah. And, women are fantastic, natural networkers. I think men, we have to work at it. We’re not good at chatting it up. We’d rather, like, work on something together or go chop a tree down together and just you know? But social women are naturally more social. So absolutely. And then, also, if she’s if there are points where you’re going to estimates and she’s available, Take her with you.
Juan Gomez [00:17:07]:
Okay. Yeah.
Darrell Mendiola [00:17:08]:
Let me just tell you. Okay.
Steve Burnett [00:17:13]:
Anytime I could pull you probably office and bring her with me, I’m like, oh, okay. Honey, you need you to come with me. I got a hot lead. I need you to go close this one for me. She gives me all the credit, but I’m like, You’re the one that chatted them off. Yeah. Yeah. Women just they break that barrier of trust.
Steve Burnett [00:17:25]:
They just they they bring instant trust. That’s why men, we have to wear name tags with smiley faces on it to even attempt to get to the level of instant trust that women do. Sonia is laughing. She knows it’s true.
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:17:37]:
Okay. Sounds good. Thanks. Alright. You’re welcome. Hey.
Isaac Mumma [00:17:41]:
Real Real quick.
Steve Burnett [00:17:42]:
Go ahead. Mhmm.
Isaac Mumma [00:17:43]:
I was just gonna say, what were the 4 that you told them to focus on? Networking, sales, hiring, and what?
Steve Burnett [00:17:48]:
Training. Train.
Florian Spahiu [00:17:50]:
Cool. Process.
Steve Burnett [00:17:51]:
Yep. Because those are the things you can’t really delegate until under 7 figures. And so Everything else, delegate. Yeah.
Florian Spahiu [00:17:58]:
Steve Burnett [00:17:59]:
Yep. Good news. Really excited. She’s coming on. That’s awesome. Look out. Taking case, Sonya.
Sonia Garcia [00:18:06]:
I guess after has has serious, I’m, like, looking at it going, well, I’m the all of the above. I’m the woman. I’m the you know, what? So it’s and then after this, the consult, I’m the consultant too. So it’s, hi, Sonia. Hi, Sonia.
Steve Burnett [00:18:17]:
Breaking all the molds here. She’s breaking all the stereotypes, all the traditions. Gone.
Sonia Garcia [00:18:22]:
But it it is taking a toll though. So that was one of the I guess that’s in a nutshell. It’s more I got excited yesterday last week about going door to doors. I was My my daughter has been helping me brainstorm because she was in marketing, but she was supposed to help us out. She’s in New York, and we’re down here in Texas. And so It’s been, she’s, like, scared. I go, we’ll hire you. And I wish I would have hired her first because she’s good.
Sonia Garcia [00:18:44]:
I was like, talk on it. You’re like me when I was younger in my sales career. And so I was like, I All that that you’re telling me is just the OG. Let’s go just go talk to people, get out there, a network. And when she was telling me what to do and I was testing it out, I was getting some momentum, But then I fell apart. I just I had a got a migraine on Thursday. I woke up really weird, and I’ve been I’ve just now yesterday was a feel good day, and so I was like I go, is it Oh, and then the wife and the husband thing, I I ran into a pickle when I made a decision with some Facebook ads. It just really wiped my account.
Sonia Garcia [00:19:17]:
And I just I and I couldn’t close them, and it was really hurting my ego. You know?
Juan Gomez [00:19:22]:
I was like, I didn’t think I had one
Sonia Garcia [00:19:23]:
of those. No. But no. It was really being a Debbie Downer for me, and it got me my confidence went down. And so all this just piled, and I finally spoke to my husband and I told him, look. I made a decision because he asked me how’s the account. I’m like, you know, you wanna talk
Florian Spahiu [00:19:37]:
about that.
Sonia Garcia [00:19:37]:
You know? So so I showed him, and then he’s, what’s going on, but he said this was how we were last year, babe. It’s okay. But you may don’t look at it as, like, a mistake. Just look at it as a learning experience. We’re gonna get out of this. And that was so relieving, and then I got the headache. Then I said, I was feeling so much better because I had my chest was pressing. It was like I had thought it’s all the it’s stress.
Sonia Garcia [00:19:56]:
It’s anxiety. It was. I know that. But it took a toll it just all that relief just took me down. I I had to rest. So Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I was just out of pocket from everybody. I was just like I even had the shades on because my head hurt so bad, and I couldn’t see light. So I’m better now, but it’s just that that I was just like, oh my goodness.
Sonia Garcia [00:20:15]:
I’ve gotta get back on it, but I’m one of those that I can’t just go, breathe, and I don’t breathe. I took a yoga cat class and I go, this is like taking a hot bath. I don’t like it. I’m a shower girl. So it was yeah. But, anyways, that’s in a nutshell, it’s just Overwhelmed because of all the hats as well. And hi. Who is this Chris? Sorry.
Sonia Garcia [00:20:36]:
I’m Sonia Garcia with Palatable Painting. I didn’t introduce myself. I am Mitchie.
Darrell Mendiola [00:20:40]:
Hi. You said you’re in Texas?
Sonia Garcia [00:20:42]:
I’m Texas. Yeah. San Antonio.
Florian Spahiu [00:20:43]:
Yeah. I’m in Houston.
Steve Burnett [00:20:45]:
Did you hear Sonia, though? Texas. I was it
Sonia Garcia [00:20:48]:
was funny. When I’m I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, how to I got down here, migrant workers. So that’s how I ended up there and then came back down here.
Florian Spahiu [00:20:55]:
Nice. Nice.
Steve Burnett [00:20:57]:
So, Sonya, what can we brainstorm for you?
Sonia Garcia [00:20:59]:
Just how to get back on the in the saddle, like, little by little, not Like, I’m I’m trying like, right now, I’m like, okay. I know we have a project to get started this morning, but to get back on the Yeah. Where do I go first? I go back to where do I go back?
Steve Burnett [00:21:12]:
Step 1. You You ready? You have a pen? This is very important.
Sonia Garcia [00:21:16]:
Blue as well. Yep.
Steve Burnett [00:21:17]:
Make sure you schedule breaks first before you fill your day in. Okay. Even if it’s a 15 minute break at 10 AM and another 15 minute break at 2, that’s fine. That’s good. But it’s away from the phone. A A lot of times I’d stop at a local park and just and walk for 15 minutes. It took tremendous discipline, especially if I was caffeinated. It took tremendous discipline, But the dust would settle.
Steve Burnett [00:21:39]:
I could think clearly. Solving problems and solutions are coming, and creativity was flowing. And a lot of times too at lunch, if I didn’t have a 1 to 1 schedule at lunch, I would grab a lunch ride by to go, or and I would take it to the park, and I need it at the park, and I would just sit there and relax and just take it all in and Let the dust settle again before I jump back into the race.
Isaac Mumma [00:22:00]:
Sonya, have you ever tried the, Headspace app?
Sonia Garcia [00:22:03]:
No. I believe a lot of apps. Yep. But I can I’m oh.
Isaac Mumma [00:22:07]:
I I was just gonna say I’ve gotten it on of use out of it. Sometimes they’ll run offers to make it cheaper, but their traditional prices for the year is $69. And every single morning, I’ll wake up, make my coffee, and sit down and do headspace, and you can pick anywhere from a 3 minute to Twenty minute meditation, and it’s just really after a year of doing it, My anxiety level and pinball brain has slowed way down. And then those moments, I’ll get so many just like the walking in the park, get so many creative ideas. It’s been instrumental, and They have a bunch of other stuff in there too, like how to handle this, that, or the other. Yeah. Check it out. It’s awesome.
Sonia Garcia [00:22:58]:
Thank you. I’m already calm. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yep.
Chris Petkau [00:23:03]:
Have you read the book Traction?
Sonia Garcia [00:23:06]:
I have not.
Rick Smith [00:23:07]:
One thing
Chris Petkau [00:23:07]:
I really like in that book I found was really helpful is they talk about, like, rocks. And, basically, if you had a glass and you’re trying to put you had some water, you had some Sand, you had some gravel, and you had some rocks. What would you put in the glass first? Because if you put the water in first, you and the sand in first, you wouldn’t have any room for the rocks. But If you put the rocks in first and you go in the opposite direction, the gravel next, and you basically then you have the most likely Chance of getting as much in that glass as possible, and the rocks are the things of the most important thing. Right? So they say, have, Whatever half a dozen rocks to get done for your quarter. So in 3 months, there’s 6 things that have to happen, And those are the most important things. And then there’s gravel, which is still important. And then they’d talk about, like, sand and water just basically being, like, the Everyday distractions of life that most often can actually be even neglected in comparison to your main priorities.
Chris Petkau [00:24:10]:
So I found it really helpful of just knowing what to be thinking about, knowing what to look at, What’s the most important thing right now? What’s there’s all there’s always something’s always gonna be on fire. Somebody’s always gonna have a problem, But it may not be the it may you you’re you don’t wanna find yourself always putting out a fire and not focusing on the most important things.
Sonia Garcia [00:24:36]:
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Steve Burnett [00:24:38]:
Fantastic. Yes. Thank you, Chris. Speaking of Chris, you’re up.
April Burnett [00:24:42]:
We’ll continue with the rest of this week’s show in Just a moment. But first, do you have your copy of Steve’s book, How to Double Your Business? It’s for sale on Amazon for $37, but we want to give you your free copy instead. Just cover the 6.95 for shipping and handling. Get your free copy of the DYD book atdybcoach.com backslash free hyphen dyb hyphen book.
Chris Petkau [00:25:08]:
My question is About I guess it’s 2 questions that are both kind of accounting questions. But so my goal for this year is 500,000 in revenue, and I’m wondering, is 10% dedicated to marketing a correct way to think about that? Because I’ve heard that’s what you should expect. I feel like maybe that be lower. And then, I guess, along with that, a question’s just about overhead in terms of, Is there a book or is there a direction that someone can point me in terms of just considering everything in terms of overhead? Because right now, overhead to me is, like, Miscellaneous, which, like, I’d like to just have a better way of thinking about overhead in terms of not just every other thing in my business, but have it very clearly laid out. And then yeah. I don’t know. Is there a spreadsheet or something knows about?
Steve Burnett [00:25:59]:
Yep. So here’s first marketing budget. 10% is That’s old school. That’s what it used to be. If you follow the Doobie system, you can get it as low as 3%. Yeah. So if you follow the system, you can get it as low as 3%. As high as 5, but as low as 3.
Steve Burnett [00:26:15]:
I’ve got clients doing 2,000,000, and their marketing is right at 3, 3a half I follow the system. Now when it comes to overhead, it’s not miscellaneous. It’s more like everything except direct labor material.
Chris Petkau [00:26:29]:
You include marketing as overhead?
Steve Burnett [00:26:31]:
Absolutely. Absolutely. Everything is overhead except your direct cost, paint material.
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:26:37]:
Okay. Okay.
Chris Petkau [00:26:39]:
Is there, like yeah. Is is there because it can be anything from gas to software Overhead. To lunches.
Steve Burnett [00:26:45]:
Overhead. So is there Yeah.
Chris Petkau [00:26:47]:
I’d like to be able to, like, project that out based off of more than just, I guess, my going through my expenses of last year, but I don’t know if there’s a way to do that.
Steve Burnett [00:26:56]:
Okay. 1st, just keep an eye on the benchmarks. You don’t wanna get lost in the details, spend too much time in the details. Your time’s more wisely invested in building the business. And so the benchmarks are you wanna shoot for 50% gross profit. Okay? To get to 50% gross profit, you generally have thirty 5% labor and 15% material. Now that fluctuates a few points here and there between different companies, and some operate with a 45% gross profit. So it was As long as you’re at least above 40.
Steve Burnett [00:27:27]:
And then after the 50% gross profit, benchmark is 30% overhead. So just make sure your overhead is within 30%. As long as it’s 30% or less, you’re fine. I wouldn’t obsess about the details just yet. It’s not worth it. Your times Should be more invested in building the business.
Chris Petkau [00:27:44]:
Fair enough. That’s great.
Isaac Mumma [00:27:46]:
So 20% net profit is a good benchmark?
Steve Burnett [00:27:49]:
Correct. Mhmm. Net operating profit. Yes. Mhmm.
Chris Petkau [00:27:52]:
Not including, your own salary?
Steve Burnett [00:27:55]:
So your salary is an overhead, And you should also be taking a draw, which does not show up in your P and L. So the draw is technically down, below the the net profit, but it shows up on your balance sheet. So just keep on the, the benchmarks. Don’t get lost in the weeds, just yet. Just when one of those indicators go off, Hey. Our our overhead is 35%. That’s when you pause, and then you zoom in and say, okay. What’s going on here?
Chris Petkau [00:28:21]:
If labor and materials are right, you can’t Find yourself spending too much on gas or lunches or something.
Steve Burnett [00:28:30]:
Is it worth saving finding, a $10 air on gas or lunch versus that 2 hours you could’ve spent networking or marketing or, you know, building a business.
Rick Smith [00:28:40]:
Steve Burnett [00:28:41]:
Mhmm. Now it’s good. Now the other extreme is don’t not ever look at them, but you do. You monitor them. You look at your P and L on a monthly basis, but step 1 is just look through the benchmarks. Alright. Look at the high numbers. And if if one of those are out of line, then you zoom in.
Chris Petkau [00:28:55]:
That’s great.
Steve Burnett [00:28:55]:
Isaac Mumma [00:28:56]:
We’re done. In that same regard, Can I just quickly chime in and ask what’s a good benchmark for how much to pay a, oh, gosh? Darn it. A person that does all that for you, bookkeeper.
Steve Burnett [00:29:10]:
Bookkeepers? Bookkeepers, they range from three 50 to 13.50 a month. Businesses around half a 1000000 should be able to find a bookkeeper around 3.50, 500 a month. Okay. Good questions. Craig, you’re up.
Craig Armstrong [00:29:26]:
Okay. I guess this is more related to disciplinary process in such things as that. I received a callback from job site super that there was paint on the floor on one of our projects. So I’ve been harping on the guys about using drop sheets at all times, not letting gaps get in your drop sheets because paint hits where that that is. And if you need more drop sheets, ask me, and I will buy you more drop sheets. I wanna make sure that stuff is covered. Mhmm. So I I’ve been harping on them about that.
Craig Armstrong [00:29:58]:
And so on Saturday morning, I got a text from the job site manager that There’s paint on the floor. So I I took a picture of the text from the job site manager, our group chat and said that he wants to take responsibility for this. And the painter that was actually not on-site the last couple of days, He was with me on another job. He was like, I’ll take responsibility for it. And I’m like, you weren’t even there when the cleanup happens. Right? Good on him. I really like his attitude in that he wants to take responsibility even though it’s even though it’s unlikely that it’s him Because I I gave them even if I understand that sometimes stuff happens and But I want the job site to be thoroughly looked over. And if there’s any paint that they get on the floor, I want it cleaned obviously before saying sayonara to the job.
Craig Armstrong [00:30:54]:
Steve Burnett [00:30:55]:
Craig Armstrong [00:30:56]:
Yeah. And then the others were like, we gotta go back there anyway, you know, later on this week, why don’t we just take care of it at that point? No. Like, if something’s wrong on the job site, You take care of it now. So, yeah. So now no none of the other 2 wanted to take responsibility for it. Yeah. So I I said that ultimate responsibility rests on me. Obviously, I haven’t been clear enough on the use of drop sheets at all times or I haven’t provided you enough.
Craig Armstrong [00:31:29]:
Ultimately, I’ll take responsibility for it. I’ll go over there. I’ll fix it. But Moving forward, I will be very strict about dropsheet usage. So that’s how I left it. Did I handle it correctly? And just any tips for moving forward because
Darrell Mendiola [00:31:44]:
I can tell you what what I do
Craig Armstrong [00:31:45]:
I’m not happy about that, for sure. Yeah.
Darrell Mendiola [00:31:47]:
I have of course, the SOPs is as simple as it sounds. I’ve got my SOPs. For example, if we’re doing a dining room that’s hardwood floors or tile or whatever, we we wrap the perimeter with paper and then put our drop cloths down because drop cloths can slip away from the walls. You get paint there. So I have it I have it outlined as if a 5 year old is gonna paint My dining room in this house, we how we greet the clients, where we park. We put drop cloths from the front door to the dining room so we’re not tracking paint anywhere, what kind of draw clause to use as far as clean drop clause. And then I also have 2 ABCs Then and that’s drilled into my guys, but it not in a bad way. It’s just always be clean and always be cleaning.
Darrell Mendiola [00:32:37]:
And when that that second one always be cleaning, that’s in their mindset that if they’re working in the day and they see something that a paint that shouldn’t be somewhere or drywall, sand dust on a piece of frame or a window sill that shouldn’t be there. Drop what you’re doing and clean it up. And so I said it in a very nice way, Mike. Because if the customer sees that, they’re gonna start looking for other things, And we never put off later what could be cleaned up now. And so that’s how I’ve presented with my team, and we’ve been pretty good at not getting any paint anywhere. Or if we do, we’re cleaning it up right away. We’re not thinking that it could be cleaned up next Friday, which you can, but the client doesn’t see it that way. They see it as we’re messy.
Darrell Mendiola [00:33:24]:
And so it’s funny because Will was talking to the new guy on Friday of last week. Always be cleaning because he had some drywall dust silver. He’s always be cleaning, and he said it right in front
Rick Smith [00:33:34]:
of the client because
Darrell Mendiola [00:33:35]:
it didn’t matter because that’s our routine. So that’s what we do. We always be we’re always clean. We’re always be clean, which is the way we dress, the way we look, and always be cleaning. And and I don’t do it in a way as a drill sergeant. I just do it as a way of team membership and making the customer have a amazing experience with us. So that’s really worked. It’s not made us a 100%, but it’s got us from 20% to about 85, 90%.
Florian Spahiu [00:34:00]:
Craig Armstrong [00:34:01]:
Yeah. This job’s kinda Complicated as well because there’s other trades that are that are working around us making a mess.
Darrell Mendiola [00:34:07]:
Yep. Absolutely.
Steve Burnett [00:34:08]:
So a rhetorical question for you, Craig.
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:34:11]:
Steve Burnett [00:34:12]:
What is your supervisor’s role? What are his responsibilities?
Craig Armstrong [00:34:17]:
I’ve so they all have Basically, all 3 of them basically have the same experience level.
Steve Burnett [00:34:24]:
Do you see a supervisor?
Craig Armstrong [00:34:26]:
That’s a good question. That that that’s a good question. Yeah.
Steve Burnett [00:34:29]:
If he is, who’s responsible there? Was that?
Craig Armstrong [00:34:32]:
That would be mine then. Yeah.
Steve Burnett [00:34:34]:
But you delegated leadership to your supervisor. Correct?
Craig Armstrong [00:34:37]:
Not any of the 3 I would consider a supervisor.
Steve Burnett [00:34:42]:
Okay. So I’m a substitute. I have a supervisor sent you a screenshot. So there’s just 3
Craig Armstrong [00:34:47]:
No. No. I so that was the job site supervisor of the general contractor.
Steve Burnett [00:34:54]:
Oh, okay. No. I thought it was yours. Sorry. I misunderstood.
Craig Armstrong [00:34:57]:
Yeah. Sorry. The way that we, yeah, the way that we’ve been arranging it is Everybody takes responsibility for the job. There’s 1 guy in particular that that more communicates with the customer because he’s got better communication skills
Steve Burnett [00:35:14]:
Craig Armstrong [00:35:14]:
Than than one of the others. But, yeah, I need to actually have somebody responsible for each job site.
Steve Burnett [00:35:22]:
There you go. Right on. And then make sure you practice your progressive This procedure, it protects
Craig Armstrong [00:35:27]:
I guess if I see somebody not using drop sheets, My next play is just to send them home without pay for the day.
Rick Smith [00:35:37]:
Is that
Steve Burnett [00:35:37]:
Well, that’s extreme. You heard I would say you’d already given them a verbal warning. I would just give them a written warning, And that’s usually enough to wake him up to the seriousness.
Craig Armstrong [00:35:48]:
And so the written warning would be just via email? So no.
Steve Burnett [00:35:51]:
I’d write it out, go over it with them, and have them sign it, take it, sign it. Let them know what we put in their file. And their file can be something as simply as taking a picture of it and uploading it to Google Drive. It can be cloud file, but yep.
Juan Gomez [00:36:02]:
Steve Burnett [00:36:03]:
Alrighty. So let’s see. Rick, you’re up. What Can we brainstorm or solve for you today? You’re muted.
Rick Smith [00:36:13]:
So my question is, do I only get one thing, or How many things can I
Steve Burnett [00:36:16]:
One thing? What’s the what’s the one thing that we could brainstorm for you such that might make everything else easier and or unnecessary?
Rick Smith [00:36:24]:
I should probably read that book that I have called The One Thing, but, yeah, I’ve got that I’ve got that book. So I guess Starting all over from scratch, and I’m trying to build a crew. I had a bunch of I had subcontract labor, and so, I have a crew now, and what’s the first thing that I do? Do they, Like, when do I buy a truck, and do they provide their own stuff, and how do I be clear about that, and who do I pay more, and how do I Determine who I’m gonna pay more, and, I have some job descriptions I used to have when I had my own crew, but I’m just I’m starting all over from scratch now, and I’ve got 3 guys that want the one that is the most has the most experience. He brings the most stuff. I pay him the most money, but he doesn’t smile very much. With the cusp he just doesn’t the communication is not there. The English is not that great. And the 1 guy that can speak English really good, he doesn’t have a lot of experience.
Rick Smith [00:37:32]:
He’s had a lot of experience, but he doesn’t bring much. He’s just he’s not in charge of the of the crew. I guess, question is, what’s the most important thing to do first as far as a crew? Is it writing out job descriptions and telling them this, or is it what their role is? I do know that There has to be somebody there in charge who’s responsible, and that’s the guy I have there now that is responsible. He but he doesn’t. To be a crew leader, he’s not gonna he just doesn’t have the he doesn’t have the people skills, and the guy that has the people skills doesn’t have the Experience and the stuff. Maybe I should just look for another crew, another more people. I’m shooting by the urge to describe it, but I am just getting what I can get right now because I don’t have anybody. And, you know, that’s Does that make sense? I don’t know what I’m asking.
Rick Smith [00:38:29]:
I guess, what’s the one thing to do first? Yeah. Exactly. I suffer with the ADD thing. There’s so many things to do
Darrell Mendiola [00:38:36]:
on the stage. One thing at a time, but yeah. But what what I would do, if you’re not gonna hire somebody to take that role, if you got your guys got good people skills, he doesn’t have He doesn’t have the physical skills. I’d work off of him and build him up. Because if he’s got great people skills, he just doesn’t. He’s not the greatest painter yet. That could be learned. You can’t train the other guy to smile.
Darrell Mendiola [00:38:58]:
Not to say that he can’t be a crew lead because I don’t I’m not there. I don’t know dynamic, but that’s what I would do. But my guys have I have a position agreement form that my guys have, and I can email that to you. I got it from Steve. I’ve edit it to fit me, but it just says what the role is of each painter, what the expectations are. And then it also explains the disciplinary process, consequences depending on what’s what the scenario is. But it gives our painters a very clear Expectation and understanding in writing what their expectations are in their job. So that’s definitely one thing that that I would Absolutely do.
Rick Smith [00:39:41]:
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s what I was thinking to my mom before I even presented this, that what you said is what I should do is just doing it. You know?
Darrell Mendiola [00:39:50]:
Yeah. Are you in the group me? Is he in the group me, Steve?
Steve Burnett [00:39:53]:
Not yet.
Florian Spahiu [00:39:54]:
Darrell Mendiola [00:39:54]:
Because I didn’t see yet. Steve can give you my email address afterwards if you want me to send you a copy of my position agreement.
Rick Smith [00:40:01]:
That’d be great. Yeah. That’d be awesome.
Darrell Mendiola [00:40:03]:
It’s it’s helped out a lot. I don’t have to keep explaining things.
Rick Smith [00:40:07]:
Yeah. Especially when I can’t speak Spanish. That’s hard to do. Maybe I can get it in Spanish?
Sonia Garcia [00:40:13]:
I guess the question is, is it a contract, or somebody you’re hiring?
Rick Smith [00:40:17]:
I’m doing hiring now. I’m just I used to do subcontract, and and I had bad results from it. And I just don’t like the lack of control, and I do not have with subcontract, so I’m paying them.
Florian Spahiu [00:40:29]:
Rick Smith [00:40:29]:
pay them by the day. I try to make it worth it their time. I probably pay them too much if we Got down into the weeds there on what I’m paying them, but I just wanna make it where it’s worth their time to be there, and they all wanna work for me. They go, boss. Yeah. We really want to work for you, and and so that’s good. But but, yes, to answer your question, it’s not I’m just paying them As a as an employee.
Sonia Garcia [00:40:54]:
Okay. Yeah. Because I’m trying to I’m trying to transition too and but it’s yeah. It’s a rocking hard right now. But, anyways yeah. Okay.
Rick Smith [00:41:01]:
When I listen to you when I listen to you, I have a I say, man, I have a lot in common with Sonya.
Juan Gomez [00:41:06]:
Yeah. I have a lot in common with you. Alright.
Steve Burnett [00:41:09]:
For me, for sake of time, we gotta move forward and make sure Florian gets an opportunity. Florian.
Florian Spahiu [00:41:14]:
Good morning, guys. Sorry. I don’t know. There’s a problem with my I thought today in the morning before we get in, but big win. We finished a project yesterday completely. I have one day touch up, actually, which I agree with the contractor to go 1 guy. It’s 99% down because I know how much that job it is. Also, yesterday, I had a good conversation with 1 of applicants who wants to work with me.
Florian Spahiu [00:41:39]:
It looks like it’s a family guy, a very quiet, how he talks and everything. Experience, he has 3 years experience. It’s looking a little bit a lot of money for right
Steve Burnett [00:41:50]:
now. You
Florian Spahiu [00:41:50]:
know? So I’m comparing you with the crew I have right now. So if I give you those money, And the other people is gonna ask for rates. So I said, as you start, it’s 90 days training. Okay? You have to have your own tools, and I help you on the other things if you are not able. We have to get the job done. But 90 days training, I have to see how you work, How you behave? It will come on time. It was the guy who was very good, actually. The way I had answered the question and everything, the 11 question, it was perfect.
Florian Spahiu [00:42:21]:
Alright. I just gonna start on Monday, next Monday. And and this is a big win for me right now. Let’s start The problem the problem one one thing we can I can bring for you guys is I’m trying always as we talk together, Steve? It’s it’s the hiring process and everything. So I don’t like those social media indeed or whatever it is. I try always the credit release, but the credit release doesn’t bring the people at its high level. What did separate me from the other guys? I can see because I have the Google Form, which I got from April a long time ago, and Thank you so much, Steve. Which the Google form, at least, like, when the candidate goes there, it gives, like, the ability to see what is The position agreement position, how much based on their experience and everything, which is great.
Florian Spahiu [00:43:11]:
But I said to myself, let me look to the other Social media would be other my painters around the area is looking for. So I want to Indeed, and I try to look like, okay. I’m looking for a painting job. Right? It becomes like 2 companies. 1 company, which is, like, above me, it says, okay. Excuse me. I provide four zero one k health insurance, Benefits and and benefits, I didn’t pay too much, but health insurance is paying that and four zero one k. But the money was, like, $3 more than me.
Florian Spahiu [00:43:41]:
So mine is, like, 226, and he was, like, 29. But it’s not specific. It doesn’t have any Google form. So he started, like, start from $12 an hour, And it add up to $29 now. So I try to go job application to see what it is and go directly to his website, And it’s a big company actually here, and it’s high end. And it says, message, tap tap your information, but it’s not in the Google form. So I’m trying to figure out what is the best way for me because so far, the Google form is the best. At least the candidate see What I’m looking for and maybe so I don’t have to spend any time with them.
Florian Spahiu [00:44:22]:
And they don’t have to spend any time with me, but some, they lie already because Everybody’s looking for okay. He’s guy he’s looking for 24 to 26, like, crew leader or being a very professional painter. And most of the guys that go there, but when it comes to come to interview, it’s, you know, there. 3 years experience, you are asking me for 26. It doesn’t make any sense. I’ll I’ll pass it on that.
Steve Burnett [00:44:47]:
So Pardon me. If we’re gonna bring because there’s a lot of context there. What’s the 1 question about it?
Florian Spahiu [00:44:52]:
So So the question is, like, how I can be better than the other companies to provide so because it’s probably the money, The the guys might go to the other. I can raise this kind of money and pull up 27, but
Steve Burnett [00:45:05]:
Did you grab this book? Hire better people faster by running.
Florian Spahiu [00:45:08]:
That down.
Steve Burnett [00:45:09]:
Yeah. It’s right there. There you go. Juan’s got it too. Yes, sir. Okay. I think your answer is right here. Your answer is right here.
Steve Burnett [00:45:16]:
And one of the takeaways are it’s it’s not more money. Okay? It’s about culture. And to get them to the interview, you on the phone call, you You wanna let them know that you care about them so you ask them questions about them to get to know them at the end. They’re not probing questions. I don’t trust you. It’s like, how are you? Where are you from? I sense an accent. Is that European? Just to get to know them on a personal level, knowing that you let them know that you care about them as a person.
Florian Spahiu [00:45:41]:
The 1st conversation visit, as soon as they apply, I call them right away. No question about it. Sometimes answers. Sometimes they don’t answer. I leave a a message. Somebody called me back. Somebody called me back. It’s up to them.
Florian Spahiu [00:45:54]:
But, and then okay.
Steve Burnett [00:45:55]:
And then remember the Chick Fil A principle. This helps us to re frame our beliefs. Okay? Chick fil A has to interview 50 people before they find 1. 50 to find 1. Yeah. So that helps us to reframe our expectations. Right? So that way, when we talk to 3 people, we’re not upset because there were no shows.
Florian Spahiu [00:46:15]:
Yeah. That’s what I do. And when I see the guys, like, ready for it, and I give them pending position agreement, and thank you so much there for that. So they can say the right way what I’m looking for? And I ask all the time. It’s like, my main thing is culture. I don’t know how good you are, But when it come to my company, it’s a culture. How is we are like a small family and respect each other. So So if you belong to belong if you think you belong to that culture, you will.
Florian Spahiu [00:46:41]:
But that guy on the high end, I’m very happy so far, so let’s see how it’s gonna work. I’m not sure yet. As you can see from the conversation from you can see, like, the guy was, like, answering the question, very polite. He’s asking me a lot of things. Hey. Can I ask you a thing? I said, what it is? And he asked me what he was looking for. He was very polite so far. The only best I would like, it came with the shoes that was, like, almost wide.
Florian Spahiu [00:47:07]:
It’s not I will work on it. I don’t have a problem. Probably Oh, that but it’s okay. You know?
Steve Burnett [00:47:12]:
Yeah. I’m sure we’re not too particular. Shoes are pretty minor. Right?
Florian Spahiu [00:47:16]:
That’s what I was saying.
Steve Burnett [00:47:17]:
Yeah. Alright. You’re on the right track, my man. Keep reading that book and keep focus center culture, and we’ll get to the next level. Yeah. To roll out with takeaways. Daryl, would you lead the way, please?
Darrell Mendiola [00:47:28]:
Yeah. Really, going over Everybody’s concerns today and brainstorms, it’s just a constant reminder, man, never stop working on yourself.
Steve Burnett [00:47:38]:
Darrell Mendiola [00:47:38]:
I’m gonna Get that book, hire better people faster. I remember you talking about it. I slipped my mind, so I’ve got it written down so I could put that next on my list.
Steve Burnett [00:47:46]:
Yeah. Like, you I think you’d really like the podcast. I had Ryan on the podcast. I forget the episode number, but I think you’d enjoy that too. Mhmm. So Great. Thank you, Darryl. Isaac, I think you’re muted.
Isaac Mumma [00:47:58]:
Yep. My bad. All those details on the benchmarks were super helpful. And then Daryl’s ABCs, that was awesome. A bunch of others, but those were the main 2.
Steve Burnett [00:48:08]:
Alright. Thank you, Isaac. Juan?
Juan Gomez [00:48:11]:
All the overhead is they’re all lined. Be clean. Always be cleaning. I’m gonna steal that. I love that. Always be cleaning. Yes, sir. Awesome.
Juan Gomez [00:48:20]:
Thank you, Juan. And Darryl. Jesus?
Jesus (HeySUS) Garcia [00:48:24]:
Yes. I have so much here, but I’ll stick to this one, the way you said here. Steve, let the dust settle in and get back in the race. Also, what Daryl said as well to the ABC. I like that.
Steve Burnett [00:48:35]:
Right on. Very good. Thank you, Jesus. Sonia?
Sonia Garcia [00:48:39]:
Ditto to Jesus. I’m just making sure I take a breather. Just breathe.
Steve Burnett [00:48:44]:
Yeah. Yep. Yep. Schedule those breaks.
Juan Gomez [00:48:47]:
Steve Burnett [00:48:47]:
Stress and rest. Stress and rest. The best way to success is stress and rest. Stress and rest. So alright. Chris?
Rick Smith [00:48:54]:
I have a
Chris Petkau [00:48:54]:
lot of notes here too, but, yeah, 35, 40% labor, 15% materials, Maybe 3 to 10% marketing, but let’s get it closer to 3, and don’t worry about the rest.
Steve Burnett [00:49:06]:
There you go. Right on. Very good. Thank you, Chris. Craig?
Craig Armstrong [00:49:09]:
I think the biggest takeaway was Scheduling breaks. Yeah. I’m right in the thick of it right now. And, yeah, I just need to be cautious about scheduling those breaks to
Juan Gomez [00:49:18]:
Craig Armstrong [00:49:18]:
Just refocus my mind.
Steve Burnett [00:49:21]:
Yep. Right on. And I still do it today in between every coaching call I schedule at least a 15 minute break. Gotta let the dust settle because you’re still thinking about it. I don’t wanna go into the next one thinking about still Thinking about the last one because I’m not able to be present with the next one. So even today, 15 minute breaks minimum in between calls. So So if you guys ever call me, like, you’re so present and calm. So I just just took a break.
Steve Burnett [00:49:42]:
Alright. Rick, take away.
Rick Smith [00:49:44]:
Yeah. There’s so many things That it’s just everything that I’m taking away. I guess the break thing was good. I did the ABC of that little any kind of time you can have a some kind of memorable way of saying something, it’s good. And I need to do the position agreement thing, the like Daryl said. So
Steve Burnett [00:50:08]:
There you go. Right on. Very good. Thank you, Ricky. And, Flora, no pressure. Close us out with your takeaway, buddy.
Florian Spahiu [00:50:13]:
I better hurry up on that. Right?
Steve Burnett [00:50:16]:
Yeah. The book. Right? Hire better people Faster.
Florian Spahiu [00:50:18]:
Oh, that helps so many things, so I’m working on that too. That’s the focus planner. Okay?
Steve Burnett [00:50:23]:
Oh, the planner. Yeah.
Florian Spahiu [00:50:25]:
So it’s so many things, but, yeah, that’s my goal. It’s like high and high right now. I wanna do the best culture here around Mhmm. Where I am. That’s what I’m doing. I’m gonna work for it.
Steve Burnett [00:50:36]:
Fantastic. Alright. Very good. Alright. This concludes. I wanna encourage everybody to do exactly what it Says above Jesus’s shoulder there, dream big, hustle smarter. You’ve got this.
April Burnett [00:50:50]:
I hope you enjoyed this episode. If this was helpful, please share it with a friend to help inspire them to double their business. Again, this is April Vernett. Steve and I are the founders of Brunette Painting and DYB Coach. We want to take a moment and thank you for making us the most rated podcast dedicated specifically to painting contractors. Interest. To celebrate, we want to help you break through to higher success, so Steve is now giving away free strategy calls. Just click the link below in the show notes that says free strategy call.
April Burnett [00:51:20]:
There are only a couple of openings on his calendar each week, so get your free call with Steve now. Thank you So much for listening, and remember to dream big, hustle smarter, you’ve got this.