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EP 140 : Maximizing Productivity with Time Management Strategies

EP 140 : Maximizing Productivity with Time Management Strategies


Welcome back to the DYB Podcast!

In this episode, the team discusses the power of courtesy canvassing and the importance of engaging in this activity with resolve and determination.

They share success stories and practical strategies for maintaining focus, building business relationships, and achieving financial growth.

From tracking time and prioritizing tasks to handling client interactions and seeking business opportunities, this episode is packed with inspiring stories and valuable insights for painting contractors looking to break through to higher success.

Tune in to hear about effective networking, time management, client relationships, and the pursuit of financial freedom.

Join us as we explore strategies and stories to inspire growth in business and in life and Double Your Business faster!

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Transcript :

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Welcome to the DYB podcast, where each week we share strategies and stories to inspire you to double your business so that you can have financial freedom, time for your family, and make an impact in your community. We sell the DYB poster for $100, but you can get a printout of the DYB system PDF for free. Get your copy at d y b coach dot com backslashdybhyphensystem. And now this week’s episode.

Speaker B [00:00:30]:
Hello, and welcome to Mastermind. Our mission is to build profitable businesses so that we can have financial freedom, time for our families to make an impact in our communities. Let’s kick it off with some big wins. Isaac, lead the way.

Speaker C [00:00:42]:
Sounds good. My team is killing it. I, couple weeks ago, delegated training my new guys to my lead, and he did fantastic. And thanks to Jesus tipping me off to the a, b, c, d, e method, he’s been starting the day, setting the goal for the day, and, like, they’d go through, like, a minute long, maybe 2 minute long stretch and just all collect together. And it’s creating just really good camaraderie right in the beginning of the day. And, man, they’re just killing it. They’re knocking out a $20,000 job right now. They’ve only been on for a week, and they’re about to get it knocked out.

Speaker C [00:01:23]:
And Mhmm. Yeah. I’ve I haven’t been on the job side besides touching base with them and bringing them coffee and, yeah, just popping by here and there for 3 weeks, maybe even more now. So That’s

Speaker B [00:01:35]:
so cool.

Speaker C [00:01:36]:
Yeah. I’m Yeah. Very pleased.

Speaker B [00:01:39]:
That’s really cool, Isaac. And and it’s fun to hear, And some of my fellow gen x’s might chime in here how the, younger generations, how they connect. And you you hear what is it? What are you here? 20 Jesus is smiling big. Right? Twenty minute stretch. We’re like, what? I’m like, our generation like, the boomers would have stopped us if we stretched, you know, before we

Speaker D [00:01:59]:
Oh, no.

Speaker C [00:01:59]:
I I I I said

Speaker E [00:02:01]:
1 to 2 minute, not 20 minute.

Speaker B [00:02:04]:
Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. We would we could’ve gotten a yawn in and maybe one stretch. And after that, then they would’ve stopped us and said, good

Speaker F [00:02:13]:
work. Oh, that’s awesome.

Speaker B [00:02:15]:
Very true. Yeah. But we cultivated culture at school. Yeah. What are you doing? Good to work. Good to work. That’s it. They’re all big wins.

Speaker E [00:02:26]:
Yeah. So we’re still working on couple big jobs and jobs in between. The pump in job, which is that big historical theater we’re working on, was a 64,000 hour job. It’s jumped up to about 60 about another few thousand. But we we got our 3rd phase done. So we got 26 or 7,000 coming on that job for that phase, and we got that done, like, a week and a half ago. Give him an invoice because we jumped over and working on the really big house, the other $64,000 exterior, and she’s given us a bunch of extras. And, so it’s been pretty sweet how we’ve been just getting getting a lot of jobs done.

Speaker E [00:03:04]:
I met with a customer last week on a job I looked at for a customer I looked at about 13 years ago. They had me look at the outside of their house, and I knew they were tightwads. And that’s a bad word. I shouldn’t say that word, but they were really tight. They were just really stingy with their money, and that’s okay. They’re good people. Anyways, I I pulled in there yesterday. I’m like, I know this house, and they didn’t remember me.

Speaker E [00:03:28]:
And I went and they had some different stuff to look at, and they had me look at some

Speaker B [00:03:32]:
They didn’t start complaining about the last painting, did they?

Speaker E [00:03:34]:
Yeah. No. They did it themselves, actually.

Speaker B [00:03:37]:
Oh, okay.

Speaker E [00:03:38]:
It was a $6900 interior job. There was some patch, and I added a few $100 because there might be something. Got the job. They had me look at the outside too, and they still want me to do the outside yet. But they’re, like, 70. So I’m believing that once I once I get in there, we give more confidence in their culture and they see everything. They’re gonna have to see the outside too. So that was pretty cool.

Speaker B [00:04:00]:
That’s awesome. So you did get a second chance to make a first impression?

Speaker E [00:04:04]:
Yes. I did. Because they didn’t this even after reminding them where they walked out to my other job where they show where they came up and introduced themselves to me 14 years ago or whatever, they did not remember at all.

Speaker F [00:04:14]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker B [00:04:16]:
Oh, there you go. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. That’s awesome. Very good. Thank you, Drew. Rich, big wins.

Speaker F [00:04:23]:
Oh, I guess my phone is ringing again. It’s ringing more. We did about $8,000 in sales last week, and I still have 3 more to look at. That’s pretty big for me. Yeah. Mhmm. Especially halfway through the month.

Speaker B [00:04:36]:

Speaker F [00:04:37]:
Yep. So that’s the

Speaker B [00:04:38]:
big Right. Good.

Speaker F [00:04:39]:
Wins this week.

Speaker B [00:04:41]:
That’s awesome, Rich. Glad to hear that. Thank you. Craig.

Speaker G [00:04:45]:
One interesting thing that I got to do this week is for my rotary, I got a couple of checks for charities, and so I was able to drop those off with and get get a picture with with the big rotary check. So that was really fun. It was a charity in not too far from me that has special needs facilities like wheelchair basketball and and just fitness, etcetera, etcetera. So people that have mobility issues can can get out and stay active. And so I got a whole tour of the facility. It was amazing.

Speaker B [00:05:17]:
That’s cool. Very cool.

Speaker D [00:05:18]:
So that Thank you.

Speaker G [00:05:19]:
That was that was a big win, and and they might have some work for us if we put together a payment forward so they might have a submission for us.

Speaker B [00:05:27]:
Oh, cool. There you go.

Speaker G [00:05:28]:
Yeah. Yeah. So I we had a look around and was like, this might be an applicable area for a payment forward. Yeah.

Speaker B [00:05:36]:
There you go. Fantastic. Yeah. Hey, Jesus.

Speaker H [00:05:41]:
Yes. Good morning. So mine has to be cutting off distractions. And what I mean by that is, I noticed that I’ve been a slave to Facebook lately, and it reminded me of the post that Chris posted on the MG, the book, The One Thing. So that went back to my my takeaways, and he said from the one thing until your one thing is done. Everything else is a distraction. So I I noticed lately that I’ve been really distracted just checking it, like, every, I don’t know, 10 minutes or something like that. I don’t know why.

Speaker H [00:06:17]:
So it just became a bad habit. So I then then I catch myself just looking through random videos. Like, what am I doing? You know what? I just deleted off my phone, and I just made a decision to make it a jam session in the afternoons. Just go in there and post what I have to post, comment, do whatever I have to do. But that’s more personal, and I feel like I need to focus on more because I don’t have that privilege to be distracted right now. That was my take on.

Speaker B [00:06:46]:
That is awesome. Yeah. And I don’t know that it benefits anybody, privileged or not, to sit there and scroll these videos for time on end. Yeah. So that’s awesome. I’ll let you know that, like, I found myself scrolling too much and too often. Even in the evening, I use phone throughout the day, some chat with you guys or commenting or whatever it might be. And then I find that I continue using it scrolling.

Speaker B [00:07:08]:
So I’ve decided to when I’m done with my meetings for the day, I put the phone down, and sometimes I’ll just go put it in on the charger in the master bathroom and just leave it alone. Leave it there. Not in my pocket anymore where it usually hangs all the time just to break that, cycle as well. So I’m with you. You’re not the only one. Good job. Good. Alright.

Speaker B [00:07:26]:

Speaker D [00:07:28]:
I guess it’s me. I’m the last person. Okay. So,

Speaker B [00:07:31]:
I’m You’re the best for last.

Speaker D [00:07:32]:
Yeah. So big wins for me is, like, I was driving yesterday to one of the communities. I had a lot of houses down. And walking in the street, which I had 2 houses finished, like, 2 years ago, and one of the clients was walking his dog. So I stopped and just talked to him a little bit. But, anyways, okay. Oh, we’re thinking about you leaving May. So we have some touch ups around the house, but I have another 2 of my friends that wanna pay in their house.

Speaker D [00:07:59]:
So it was a good start, which is I was not always, but I’m ready to send because I know all the clients live now, the snowboards. So I have to send the cards, how it goes. Mhmm. But that came right in my way. So talk, like, for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, something like that. We talk about family life and everything like that. It’s great. Yeah.

Speaker D [00:08:17]:
So the other thing is I’ve been talking to you, Steven, the past 2 weeks that interior job for 72 k. So I closed yesterday and to see how many hours and everything. So pretty much, I have 360 hours, 4 x here, and the 510 for interior. And it brings me to 58% of total. Okay? So there was a very big win for me. And the funny part of that project is because it did exceed in one spot. So one of my guys Mhmm. They didn’t have a lot of things to do in there.

Speaker D [00:08:49]:
They go upstairs, and I was so organized this time. Like, I got a lift with my guys 40 feet high. The house is very strange with a very strange pit on the roof. Very excited. And the other thing is because I went for vacation, a small vacation for 4 days in Amsterdam, and my former text was Monday. I said, hey. The house is 9 90% 99% down. It’s just like few touch ups.

Speaker D [00:09:14]:
So when I came on Tuesday, I pulled my guys one more time and say, go around the house, check everything, make sure everything is perfect. So I got out. I’m booked on the lake May 6th. Like, 4 projects going on right now. And today, I have another client from BNI, actually, who also refer. So he have 2 exterior house to paint. So I’m gonna do an estimate today, and I’m feel confident I’m gonna get that. So it looks like it’s a rental house because it’s an investment house, so I have to work around the price now.

Speaker D [00:09:47]:
You know, how we go there and say, hey. Is that a rental, or you own that house? So that’s the main question. So we’ll see how it goes about the pricing. If the guy wants to do bow and go, and we’ll see how we work about the numbers. But I feel confident. Mhmm. Those might be wins.

Speaker B [00:10:02]:
Fantastic. Yeah. Sounds like we’ve got momentum. Big Moe is in effect. 58% gross profit.

Speaker D [00:10:10]:
Yeah. 58 there. Very happy.

Speaker B [00:10:11]:
Very happy about it. Go. That’s awesome. Fantastic for you. Thank you. So glad to hear that. Alright. Isaac, what is the one thing we can brainstorm for you to help you to double your business faster?

Speaker C [00:10:24]:
Yeah. So I’ve been working through what’s the most efficient use of my time, and I’m plugging through my to do list that we’ve got going. And one thing that I’ve been wondering about, is it legal for me to read throughout the day, or is that delegated to a morning or evening thing? Because I wanna start plugging through books, but for some reason, sitting down and and reading, I’m like, is this allowed? Should I be putting together a newsletter or something else? What do you guys think?

Speaker B [00:10:58]:
Yeah. Good question. Yeah. No. It’s not legal to read all day. And really, our brain can only take in so much at a time, then it needs to process it. So at some point, it becomes a drudgery and then just grinding it out to get through it, and you’re not really taking it in because we can really only take in so much, process it, and then apply it. Would not advise it all day, but on hours, great.

Speaker B [00:11:20]:
If you got the time, an hour is great. And you wanna be careful too in this position that we don’t spend too much time researching that we spend the majority of our time, 80, at least 80%. Active and networking and sales and courtesy canvassing are very important. And I know that we’ll try to find any and everything else we can do so that we don’t have to get out there and courtesy canvas. If we don’t have a networking meeting to go to or a sales appointment. But courtesy Canvas seems where it’s at. It builds character and grit. And the funny thing is every time I went out there, I didn’t want to.

Speaker B [00:11:54]:
I had a friend who’s Hey, you get out there yet? I’m like, no, he’s come on. I’m like, all right. And it was hot. So I know how hard it is. And I had a backpack and it was a July August and I did, and then it was the afternoon. Like, why’d you go in the afternoon? Because I said, because it took me that long to get myself to get out there. And I was drinking coffee, and I’m a sweater. So I was just like, Niagara Falls.

Speaker B [00:12:12]:
Yeah. No exaggeration. Those who didn’t tell me get it off their lawn, I would sometimes hand me a paper towel or ask me if I’d like a water because I was sweating so bad. But I kept going. And the funny thing that happened, Isaac, because every time I went out there, the phone would ring after I’d be out for an hour. Like, not right away. I’d probably be out for an hour, hour and a half. The phone would ring from somebody else I provided an estimate to saying, hey.

Speaker B [00:12:31]:
We’d like to go move forward with you. Oh, it it’s weird how it happened, but there was a correlation. Right? Because I tracked the data. And so I’m like, oh, man. I need some work. Alright. I’ve got x open estimates out there. And I don’t recall if this is when I scheduled the follow-up phone calls yet or not, but that’s just whom I didn’t.

Speaker B [00:12:51]:
And I was waiting for them, and I was going through all the self talk of I follow-up with them. They don’t like me. They went with somebody with a cheaper price, but I caught onto the correlation. I’m like, alright. If I just called and knocked on some doors for an hour and a half, one of them was gonna call. Sure enough.

Speaker C [00:13:03]:

Speaker B [00:13:04]:
It’s the weirdest correlation, but it’s the harder I work, the more fortunate I become. So if you’ve got time, it’s great to read, but here’s what you listen to audio books while you’re out there and knocking on doors. Whew. Now you’re reading for 8 hours and generating leads.

Speaker C [00:13:18]:

Speaker B [00:13:18]:
Now in all fairness, when I was out there, I listened to Zig Ziglar Ziglar. He was talking to me door to door. He was, he’s the best. He is the best door to door motivational coach. And we need all the motivation we can get. We’re out there knocking on those doors.

Speaker H [00:13:32]:

Speaker B [00:13:33]:
But it it develops great and character. It just takes your self will, your resolve to the next level, and that’s why I highly recommend it.

Speaker C [00:13:41]:

Speaker B [00:13:43]:
Cool. Knock on a 1,000 doors, you can do anything.

Speaker F [00:13:46]:

Speaker B [00:13:47]:
Jesus? He’s he’s knocked on a 1,000 doors. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He has. He’s not scared. He’ll get it. Any other thoughts for Isaac, guys?

Speaker E [00:14:00]:
No. I think that’s good. Just like Steve was saying, that that the book can become your new Facebook too when there’s things that need to be done. But I think if you’ve got if you’ve got good organization and you got your one things done, you’re

Speaker B [00:14:12]:
it’s been

Speaker E [00:14:13]:
an hour reading. Mhmm. Oh, I spend some more time reading. I’ve been pretty good on the Facebook thing. I haven’t been chugging along on it, so I can spend more time doing other things. But reading is something I wanna step up a little bit on. My biggest for me is actual in a book reading. It’s my biggest weakness, which is my own fault because I don’t take the time to sit down, but my mind wanders.

Speaker E [00:14:36]:
When I’m driving my truck, it’s so easy to listen to audiobook, but you can’t write things down either. So I gotta listen to that book twice.

Speaker D [00:14:44]:

Speaker B [00:14:45]:
So Zig says, according to research, everything he shared was backed up, and he says he backs it up spiritually, physically, mentally. When you research, you have to listen to a book 19 times to retain what you do from reading it once. Mhmm. Because I won’t mention Daryl’s name, but throw these books at me. Oh, I have to take this one and that one. I’m like and for me, I I’m here. Right? So I’m not driving around, so I have to, like, read it. He’s going through him 10 times faster than I am.

Speaker B [00:15:11]:
Yeah. Yeah. And I didn’t realize it. And I was like, dude, wait. He’s driving around. Listen on Audible. Different. Very different.

Speaker B [00:15:16]:
This is you know? I’m still on chapter 3, and you’re on the 12th book. Yeah. Right on.

Speaker E [00:15:21]:
Daryl, how about you? I’ll expand on something I’ve been working on. I started 3 weeks ago, but I haven’t been working full weeks the last couple weeks, and that’s a a daily audit. And so I wrote down some notes on what I was doing. And so what I do, 15 minute intervals from the time I get up till the time I go to bed. And so I wanted to find out where I’m wasting some time. So the 1st day I did this, and I’m just hoping this might help somebody.

Speaker B [00:15:50]:
This is great.

Speaker E [00:15:51]:
So at 8:45 to 9:15, I went over to show Lewis a patch job that he that I needed him to work on. So that was 30 minutes of my time, which isn’t a big deal. But I went back at the end of the day, and I looked at why I had to go and help him get started on a job when I have a tech stack that could do that for me. And he was having some hiccups on, and so he wasn’t able to open up the app. And so, anyways, I had to go over there and help him. Not a big deal at all. It’s 30 minutes. After that, it was from 9:15 to 9:45.

Speaker E [00:16:26]:
I went to Walmart to get some notebooks so I could write down all my different tasks I’m doing on different things. That was an hour of my one day just on that. And I was like, my wife went to Walmart the day before, and I didn’t have all my notes on my daily tasks. I need to get notebooks. I need to get notebooks. I could have my wife get them the day before. So just looking at my daily log, I had a full hour of my day that was wasted just on on meaningful tasks, getting notebooks. I need that keep all my notes together.

Speaker E [00:16:58]:
And I went to go show a guy a job. Need to do that? No. You don’t. That’s what is for. And the next day, I spent an hour and a half at my job with my guys, had everybody there. We called the help desk at I got everybody set up, and I haven’t had to do it since then. That was 2 weeks ago.

Speaker E [00:17:19]:
Haven’t had to I I fixed that was a 1 hour every few days of a gap that I have now. So I’m doing a daily audit, and it’s every 15 minutes. So I woke up at 4:50. Mhmm. That morning, I ran my 5 k from 4:50 to 6 AM. That was the 5 k I ran. I had the whole day. And so doing that for 2 weeks, it’s not an everyday thing, but I wanna do it for 2 solid weeks.

Speaker E [00:17:44]:
Because, Jesus, you were talking Facebooking. You’ve only got 15 minutes. You have to account for every 15 minutes to your day. So if you Facebooked and checked email, you’ve gotta Facebook and email. And then if you see Facebook on there 9 times throughout your day, you know where your hang ups is. So I don’t know if anybody is doing that, but if you’re not, I think it’s a really good idea because it’s helping me.

Speaker C [00:18:07]:
That is I’m gonna

Speaker B [00:18:08]:
do that. Fantastic.

Speaker G [00:18:09]:
Yeah. That is awesome. My opener.

Speaker E [00:18:11]:
And and it’s when you read the bible daily audit, when it’s written down, I was and I’ve been doing this for a long time, just business, and I was like, wow. And I highlighted the things that I can delegate or not do at all. And so there was 2 things there. It was 1 hour in just one day. So it’s really cool.

Speaker B [00:18:37]:
This is awesome, Daryl. This is, an exercise that we usually have 1 to 1 clients go through when they say, too much going on. I feel overwhelmed. I wanna hire an admin assistant or office manager or project manager. And I’ll say, okay, wait, hold on. Let’s go through this exercise. Right? And track your time throughout the day for 3 days. And it’s self revealing, right, as to what’s going on and where and what can be simplified, what can be grouped together, what can be deleted, and what can be deferred.

Speaker B [00:19:04]:
Yeah. Alright. So that’s awesome, Daryl. Very cool. And there are, the worksheets out there. You can pull them up, like, calendars, 15 minute increments and print them out. I recommend doing it on paper. Yeah.

Speaker B [00:19:16]:
I think that’s what Daryl’s doing.

Speaker E [00:19:18]:
Yeah. I’m doing it on paper. That way, something’s an hour and 15 minutes for that one task. I don’t do I don’t do every 15 minutes. If it’s 6 to 7:30 or 7:45, I just put 6 AM to 7:45. This is the task I did. It’s just you don’t wanna leave a 15 minute interval open on your calendar.

Speaker B [00:19:35]:
That’s awesome. And then maybe if it’s convenient, take a little snapshot of section of time just to show the guys Yeah. I will. To see an example.

Speaker E [00:19:43]:
Yeah. I might do today’s and and so it’s nicer written.

Speaker B [00:19:48]:
Yeah. That’s great. Fantastic, Darryl. Thank you for sharing. Rich, let’s show you one thing, my friend.

Speaker F [00:19:55]:
Thing is posted. The customer didn’t want my helper at work the other day. That’s it’s still killing me. I did sit down and empty the jug per se.

Speaker B [00:20:07]:

Speaker E [00:20:07]:
And and

Speaker F [00:20:07]:
went through she was there throughout the day, so we chatted as well. But we had to sit down, and they they weren’t upset with my reaction, which made me feel good, but that was just a horrible reaction for me. That’s I should have never even sent that. But, anyway, we worked through that. We’re gonna be working for them in the future. I asked them if they met my helper. Would that make them feel more comfortable? And she said, possibly. What had happened is they’ve been broken to numerous times or at least three times.

Speaker F [00:20:34]:
So they’re very they don’t want other peep they know me. I’ve been working for him for 10 years.

Speaker B [00:20:40]:

Speaker F [00:20:40]:
So I understand. But on the other part, it made me feel bewittled. Like, I’m gonna be bringing somebody into their house that’s gonna do them harm and which is not obviously not the case. But I don’t know what to do. These next few jobs, we’re gonna need 2 people, maybe 3. I don’t know what to do. They don’t want they don’t want anybody else but me stuck.

Speaker B [00:21:03]:
The same so is the next 2, 3 jobs are for the same customers?

Speaker F [00:21:07]:
Yes. Not right away, but we’re gonna be working there this summer. It’ll be 2 more times.

Speaker B [00:21:13]:
Do you have other projects that you could put them on?

Speaker F [00:21:16]:
I I didn’t hear you, Steve.

Speaker B [00:21:17]:
Could you so do you have other projects you could put them on and or could we book out our summer and and look they give them an ultimatum? Say, listen. They they come with me here, or we can’t do it?

Speaker F [00:21:26]:
That’s what I said to her. I said she said she would talk to her husband. I said, but, really, I said, there’s it’s I I have to have hope. We would have to move a lot of furniture. We have to do this. We have to do that. She threw in saying that they can help move the furniture and stuff, but I just

Speaker B [00:21:41]:
Yeah. So I would encourage you to find better customers. Yeah. It’s just it’s not that they’re bad people, but they don’t fit your 3 piece. Right? The process. It might be nice people. It might be profitable projects, but the process is not there for you.

Speaker E [00:21:56]:
Yeah. It’s not worth it.

Speaker B [00:21:59]:
Yeah. Or your team, when you’re gonna we can’t lay them off for a week or 2 or 3 Right. In these intervals. That’s not fair to them either.

Speaker C [00:22:07]:

Speaker B [00:22:08]:
Now worst case scenario, if we do not have any other work, we’d then we do it. But I would encourage you rather than focus on them or how to get these people there, your team there, which sounds like it’s just gonna be a difficult battle to instead double down on selling more work, other work. Yeah. And then once you book out enough other work, just let them know. Say, listen, we’ve got tons of other work. We’d love to do this job for you, but I can’t do it by myself. So it’s up to you.

Speaker F [00:22:36]:
Yeah. Yeah. That’s gonna have to be it. It just it hurts because they’re borderline trends, and we’re close as you can get, keeping the business and pleasure thing separated, sat down, had lunch with them. I’ve I’ve heard about their mother. I’ve heard this it’s just a close working relationship and just I just blew my mind the other day that they were like that. But she’s a socialite for a lack of the term. So she’s into the gardening club and the peanut club, and she’s just she’s a good customer that way because she just spreads my name everywhere.

Speaker B [00:23:06]:
Not true for me. No. Yeah. Hold on. Let me help you. Not true. Because when she spreads your name, she’s gonna say, but get just Rich. When you hire him, only use Rich.

Speaker F [00:23:15]:
Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking that yesterday. I it’s tough. So I know bad news travels faster than good news too. So I don’t know. I don’t know.

Speaker B [00:23:26]:
So So here’s a story. Real quick, I got a story for you. There was really nice home. Guy called me out back in Venice, Florida. And, to come out and look at his dock, he had a 100 and he was yeah. I think it was a 100, around a 100 feet, linear feet, a 100 foot dock going out into the bay, which went out to the gulf. Big dock. And, it need restained.

Speaker B [00:23:49]:
This wasn’t really in our 3 piece, but I was thinking about the process wasn’t there. It wasn’t something we wanna do or or but he was in the neighborhood that was a 3 piece. And we so I was thinking about doing it. Consider I was entertaining it for the sake of working our way into the neighborhood to do painting all the homes. But my tail just kept wagging with this guy. I just I didn’t get a warm feeling from him. And it wasn’t blatant or obvious, but just my my my god, which is wasn’t right with this guy. And I just didn’t.

Speaker B [00:24:15]:
So I sent him an email. So I trusted it. I sent him an email. I said thank you so and so really appreciate you having us out. Unfortunately for your project, our first availability isn’t for such and such or whatever it might’ve been. Because I didn’t present it on the spot. I didn’t feel right about it. I I went back to the office and just decided no and fired that email off.

Speaker B [00:24:36]:
And he replied back with nothing but explicitives. You blank blah blah blah. And then here’s what he said. He said, I’m gonna tell all my friends about you. Good. Fantastic. Yes. Please do.

Speaker B [00:24:48]:
I will pay for the stamps, the phone calls Mhmm. Because birds of a feather fuck together. Right? Yeah. And so the good news is she’ll tell her friends. Yeah. Yeah. That’s okay. Because I didn’t want his friends calling me either.

Speaker F [00:25:02]:
That’s a good way to look at it too.

Speaker B [00:25:04]:
I know you have these feelings about the situation. You have to, 1, take ownership of your feelings. Your feelings are just action indicators. Okay? They’re saying you need to take action on this. And the action I would encourage you to take is just find other business. Find more business. Find another business that fits your 3 piece. Awesome people, profitable, and a great process where your whole team can come and help you.

Speaker B [00:25:28]:
That sounds ideal.

Speaker F [00:25:29]:
Yeah. That’s that’s what I’m gonna have to do, really. So

Speaker B [00:25:32]:
Any other thoughts for Rich, guys?

Speaker E [00:25:35]:
No. I don’t really run into that problem, but I always catch it ahead of time too. Like, I whenever they ask about my team, I just I only were I only hire people that I would trust to work in my house when I’m not there. I I got guns and cash in my house, and I trust my guys. And then, of course, adding the police officer thing on top of it. I can do background checks that are more serious than what you guys can do.

Speaker B [00:25:56]:
Yeah. The card, we can’t pull. Yeah.

Speaker E [00:25:58]:
Yeah. You guys can’t pull, like, ours, so I wanna use that one. But just say, hey. I trust these guys work in my house, and my wife is home because they do. I have no problem, and I’ve yet to have an issue with it. Rich, I don’t think you’ll have an issue going forward.

Speaker F [00:26:13]:
That that was the other thing. I she was excited, the lady was, that we’d have my helper. 7 o’clock at night, I get a text message, and we’d prefer you’d work single. And I was like, first of all, and I said, I okay. And then I put it off, which I shouldn’t have sent back some not really nasty text, but it was not right.

Speaker D [00:26:33]:

Speaker F [00:26:34]:
I have to cut my ties. I will. But

Speaker E [00:26:37]:
We don’t have to cut them. You can let her make the decision.

Speaker F [00:26:40]:
That’s the way it’s gonna be.

Speaker B [00:26:42]:
Yeah. You set the boundary. It’s your company, not hers.

Speaker F [00:26:46]:
Yeah. I already let her know that’s the way it’s gonna be. I’m gonna have

Speaker B [00:26:49]:
Rich is an awesome name, but we wanna be

Speaker F [00:26:52]:
richer. Yep. So I don’t I can’t waste my time there. That’s very true.

Speaker B [00:26:56]:
Yeah. We need to build this business. Yeah. And generate more referrals from 3 p’s. And we want referrals from people who are gonna refer us and say, hey. This whole team’s awesome.

Speaker F [00:27:07]:

Speaker B [00:27:07]:
Yeah. And I I wanna encourage you to get to a point to where you’re hiring people who are better than you. So when you’re selling, you could say, and not only are they trustworthy, but these craftsmen are actually better than I am.

Speaker F [00:27:18]:

Speaker B [00:27:19]:
And when it’s true, you sell the fire out of them. Yeah. When you hire a craftsman. And and I remember sometimes I show up to Jeff’s like, what are you doing here, Steve? These guys got it. I’m like, oh, I don’t know. See you later. I’m gonna

Speaker H [00:27:29]:
go back to Starbucks. That’s good. Yeah.

Speaker B [00:27:32]:
Yeah. Yep. Unless you wanna stay in the pub, which is awesome too.

Speaker A [00:27:36]:
We’ll continue with the rest of this week’s show in just a moment. But first, do you have your copy of Steve’s book, how to double your business? It’s for sale on Amazon for $37, but we want to give you your free copy instead. Just cover the 6.95 for shipping and handling. Get your free copy of the dybbook@dybcoach.comback/freehyphendybhyphenbook.

Speaker B [00:28:01]:
Craig, you’re up, buddy.

Speaker G [00:28:03]:
Already gotten so much from from the conversation.

Speaker B [00:28:05]:
Okay. Meeting adjourned.

Speaker G [00:28:07]:
Just what I’m dealing with other than a cat keeping walking in front of me.

Speaker B [00:28:11]:
I can get a screenshot. That was awesome. I can only see your eyes for a second.

Speaker G [00:28:15]:
With the tail. Anyway, I’m just I’m still scrambling a little bit for for jobs for my guys. Things, like estimates are starting to trickle in a little bit more, and I know that as the fullness of April comes that it’ll just get really crazy. It’s just a little bit of a lull before the storm. But, yeah, so courtesy canvassing is certainly going to be on the schedule for today. I’ve got one crew working on one job today. So they were working yesterday and today, and the rest of the week is pretty sparse. So I’ve yeah.

Speaker G [00:28:52]:
So I’ll have to do some courtesy canvassing today. I’ve reached out to to my previous clients, open estimates, so on and so forth. So, yeah, I’m just all ears to to how to stick in some work for the rest of the week.

Speaker B [00:29:09]:
Yeah. I think you answered that. Things first. Yeah. Couple things. Just some extra, accountability. Chime in at the end of the day today in our mastermind chat of the time, how long your courtesy canvassing, and how many doors you knocked on, and how many conversations you had. Okay.

Speaker B [00:29:28]:
That’s good. K? How much time, how many doors, and how many conversations? Alright. Then the other thing is step 9, the system. Remember step 9? You’ve got system operate over your desk. Right? Of course you do. Step 9, stay on top of mind. So you’ve already reached out to all your open estimates, but are you calling 2 customers a day just to say hi? How are you doing? It’s not a sales call. Yeah.

Speaker B [00:29:50]:
You’re just calling to say hi to connect because it’s about relationships. Right? And then I assume you have a monthly newsletter going out consistently, and then you got your send out cards. I believe you’re pretty strong in your send out cards.

Speaker G [00:30:03]:
Yeah. I just had a send out card for weekday. And newsletters are, like, once every 2, 3 months. I could be a little bit more frequent with the email newsletters.

Speaker B [00:30:16]:
Okay. These are critical. Very important. Very important just like the rest of these steps. So if you’re not able to stay on top of them, hire April’s team to do it or somebody else. I think April’s, like, 99 a month. Mhmm. And they send all these beautiful email newsletter, and it’s just done.

Speaker B [00:30:31]:
And this if we stay top of mind, it pays for itself. So it’s not an expense. Right? Unless you can get yourself to do it. And ideally, it’s not the best use of our time to be doing them ourselves anyway. So either April’s team or somebody else, I read out to keep those consistent. Okay. But the one thing you shouldn’t delegate are the phone calls, 2 phone calls a day. And while you’re driving, you just call.

Speaker B [00:30:55]:
Right? Say, Hey, Rich, Craig, how you doing? But you connect on a personal basis. How’s how’s that pesky dog neighbor’s dog, right? How’s that golf swing? Whatever points of rapport that were there, just drop back to them. If there’s something funny, there’s usually something funny in humanness. For me, it was like, hey. That gator, go back to the neighbor’s pool. Is this some We

Speaker G [00:31:16]:
we we don’t have no gators up here. Yeah. It’s more like rat knives.

Speaker B [00:31:22]:
Yeah. Okay.

Speaker D [00:31:23]:
Maybe bears.

Speaker B [00:31:25]:
Yeah. Bears. Hey. The bear come knocking on you the front door again.

Speaker D [00:31:28]:
Yeah. Looks like the bear’s here.

Speaker B [00:31:31]:
Yeah. There you go. Yep. Bear’s there. Maybe. But the idea is trying to get creative and and draw back to a point of rapport. We’ll call 2 of them a day, outsource that newsletter to keep it consistent, and make sure your send out cards are, minimum every quarter. Newsletters are minimum once a month and 2 phone calls a day.

Speaker B [00:31:51]:
And use a habit tracker for the phone calls to help get you and keep you in that habit because you’re establishing your habit as well.

Speaker G [00:31:58]:
And may I have one more question? This might be a can of worms. So if there’s no time for it, we can do it next time. But

Speaker B [00:32:07]:
I think it’ll be okay. Let’s hit it.

Speaker G [00:32:09]:
Okay. So a friend of mine has a painting business or had a painting business in the city, and he has since retired from painting. So he’s interested in selling off his client list. He has not been he’s not a sky. He says he’s not been very good at keeping in touch with his clients. So in actual fact, probably over the last couple of years so he like, anything over a couple years old, would be, like, spamming people because they’d have no recognition of him. So he’s probably only got a client list of maybe 40 people type thing. Mhmm.

Speaker G [00:32:50]:
So we were just either thinking about him selling that to me outright or doing, like, a referral fee for anybody off that client list that that comes to me.

Speaker B [00:33:01]:
Okay. I’m really glad you brought this to us. Do not buy the list. It’s not worth very much. And if you work something out, go with the referral fee.

Speaker G [00:33:10]:
Yeah. I was thinking, like, 5% for the first job, and then after that, it’s mine.

Speaker B [00:33:16]:
Yeah. That sounds fair.

Speaker G [00:33:17]:
And he would do, like, an introductory email for me

Speaker B [00:33:20]:
of Because now he has ownership Yeah. In that. Right?

Speaker G [00:33:25]:
Yeah. He would do an introductory email saying I’m getting out of the I’ve gotten out of the painting business. This is a good friend of mine who does really good work. You can trust him, sing my praises, whatever. If you have any painting needs, he’s your guy. He’ll be reaching out to you every once in a while with an email just to keep you updated on things. If you don’t want if you don’t wanna sub you don’t wanna be subscribed, just unsubscribe.

Speaker B [00:33:51]:
Yeah. Yeah. That’s it. And especially go the referral because he his ownership in it. If you just buy the list, like, he he has no interest in aside from being a good guy, I wanna help you out. But if there’s 5% in it for everyone that he’s able to help you to get, he’s a little more incentivized.

Speaker G [00:34:08]:
Yeah. Because then if somebody calls him, he’s yeah. Go go to Craig. Right? Like, rather than somebody else. Because for me, he’ll get 5%. And

Speaker B [00:34:17]:
Yeah. Big enough job. I’ll come pick you up and deliver you drive you over there and introduce him to you personally. Mhmm. Right?

Speaker G [00:34:23]:
Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Because, yeah, we’re like other guys, he’s not gonna get anything from. Right? Or they might lie to him and not give him the full 5%. There’s all sorts of Yeah. Stuff.

Speaker B [00:34:34]:
So there was way back in the day, there was a company. They got a divorce, and he moved to Indiana. And his wife, his ex wife said, hey. Do you wanna buy his list? Or and so I thought about it and I looked at it. And she said in in in after I thought and prayed on it, I realized no. Because it’s not the same customer base. He was always lowballing everybody. And it turned out that later on, he, like, let everything go.

Speaker B [00:35:00]:
And I was able to capture the phone number for free just because he let it go, like, months later, a year later, whatever. And nothing. Like, the phone was so next to silent. The phone number wasn’t worth anything either. And I’m so grateful that I didn’t pay for any of that because that would have been a big mistake. So do yeah. Share that to say, don’t pay for it. Don’t buy it.

Speaker B [00:35:23]:
There’s nothing there. If now I’m not saying don’t ever buy business. Right? There’s certainly businesses of value. We sold our business because that had tremendous value. But this one here, no. Especially being he hasn’t stayed top of mind, and he’s done. Yeah.

Speaker G [00:35:37]:
Yeah. But he does like, I’ve lent painters to him. He’s does good work. I I know that, yeah, it’d be good to be able to get some of his business. So, yeah, I think the referral fee is the way to go.

Speaker B [00:35:50]:
Yeah. So you go for similar market, similar service.

Speaker G [00:35:54]:
Yeah. Should it does 5%, like, per job, does that sound like sound like something reasonable? I think 10 is high, especially on the bigger jobs that might

Speaker B [00:36:06]:
Well, it the size doesn’t really matter because it comes down to the net profit percent. Right? So see, you know, negotiate with him. Tell him 5. He’s probably he he’s gonna probably feel like that’s way too small. If you don’t know, net profit is usually 10%. So the question would be, is it worth giving up 10% or most of the net profit to acquire the customer? Now something to consider is that is it’s not about the job. Okay? That’s the short game. That’s nearsightedness.

Speaker B [00:36:33]:
Mhmm. It’s about the customer and the referral network of that customer. We’re playing the long game. Right? The repeat business and referrals from that customer, as long as we stay top of mind on a regular basis through all these medias we just talked about, then those referrals, you know, continue for years on end, which branch into more referrals. So it’s about the referral network of the customer. So some might be worth giving up 10%, which is most of the net profit or majority of the net profit. But don’t start there. Start at 5 and see how the negotiations go.

Speaker B [00:37:06]:

Speaker G [00:37:07]:
Sounds, sounds good.

Speaker B [00:37:10]:
Okay. I don’t. Thanks. Hey, Jesus. You’re welcome.

Speaker H [00:37:14]:
Hey, Steve. Yes, guys. So I just wanna witness to Steve was mentioning earlier about door knocking. At a suddenly, you would get calls and people will start saying, I’ll go with you. So, yes, that happened to me too, and it’s strange. Now that I Wild? Now that I stop and slow down door knocking, I only do maybe once a month now for 30 minutes, which is horrible. I told Matt to I I told Steve as well too in October or November, Steve, no matter how busy I get, I’ll continue doing door knocking. And I feel like I’m not holding on to my word as I told Steve there.

Speaker H [00:37:49]:
So now what’s happening, guys, is I’m pretty embarrassed about this. I am not happy with it either is that my close ratio is at 32, 33. Around February Yeah. February. Around that month, February, March. Yeah. February, March. It was about 55 to 49, 48.

Speaker H [00:38:11]:
So I noticed that it’s dropping. And the comments that I got recently last month from 2 people were one one lady told me, you’re too professional, laughing. Another lady older lady, it was 2 of them, but the older lady was just sitting there. She’s pretty old. And before I left, he’s she said, you’re pretty ambitious. So I don’t know if that’s compliments on the of the reason why I have 35% ratio. Maybe I’m going too hard at it, or maybe I’m acting too much of a car salesman. I don’t know.

Speaker H [00:38:46]:
I just don’t like that 30% ratio. I want it above Good. At 55. Yeah. And then things do you bring to love, Steve. I know I’m gonna go back out there because it’s an eye opener that is true what you were saying.

Speaker B [00:39:02]:
Isn’t that cool? Right on. Okay. Coaching time. How often are you gonna go out for how long? How many doors are you gonna knock on?

Speaker H [00:39:11]:
I told myself 30 minutes one time a month. So now 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Is that enough?

Speaker B [00:39:18]:
That’s a good start.

Speaker H [00:39:20]:
Yeah. Okay. That was, like, 3 hours.

Speaker B [00:39:23]:
How about yeah. When he first started, it was 3 hours. I remember that. A day. Every day. Wasn’t it just about every day at first? Yeah. Yeah. Yep.

Speaker B [00:39:31]:
But now you’re not scared of knock on doors, are you, anymore? They’re accusing you of being ambitious? Yeah. That’s a pretty cool compliment. Now what I would have asked her is, how do you mean? Yeah. I was telling her that. We can we can give it meanings, but I would ask her, how does she mean by that? So next time I hear that’s, okay. That’s interesting. How do you mean? Just to have her clarify. Like, what does that mean to you? I’d be curious.

Speaker B [00:39:53]:
Now the one that said you’re too professional, that’s great feedback. That means that she wasn’t your 3 piece, and she’s looking for a handyman to do some cleanup work or whatever.

Speaker H [00:40:02]:
Yeah. When she said that, I thought maybe I should come dressed up with a shirt full of paint and pants full of

Speaker B [00:40:08]:
paint. I heard that.

Speaker H [00:40:09]:
No. She she burst out laughing. Yeah. She did. Because I asked

Speaker B [00:40:16]:

Speaker H [00:40:16]:
Professional questions, and she laughed. Like, you’re too professional. Like, what? That’s a compliment.

Speaker B [00:40:21]:
Good job. That is yes. Yeah. Well done. Well done. Uh-huh. Because that’s what the right customers wanna hear.

Speaker H [00:40:30]:
This is my first time hearing it, Steve. So I just thought I should lower my standards, or was it really too high? But now you’re clarifying that, so I appreciate it.

Speaker B [00:40:38]:
Absolutely. No. She’s just she she lets you know that she’s not your 3 p, and that’s awesome. So, yeah, way to go. Alright. Ryan, get back out there courtesy canvassing, and let us know when that phone just happens to rain.

Speaker F [00:40:51]:
Yep. Okay.

Speaker B [00:40:53]:
3 times a week for a half hour, and I would encourage you go for an hour. Let’s set it up to an hour. How about an hour?

Speaker H [00:40:59]:
1 hour, 3 times a week? Okay.

Speaker B [00:41:02]:
Unless 3. You wanna go 3 hours?

Speaker H [00:41:05]:
No. I don’t. I cannot

Speaker B [00:41:07]:
stand alone. Just just 1 hour? It’s hard work, but it man, it builds character

Speaker E [00:41:12]:
and It

Speaker H [00:41:12]:
does. It really does. Okay.

Speaker B [00:41:15]:
Yeah. And it develops your resolve. I can do anything. Are you gonna stick your dog on me? So what? Look at all these bite marks. It’s an HOA? You’re not allowed to. What do you do? Send me a letter? I don’t live here. Let me call the police. Are they gonna call me away to HOA jail for 99 door? I’m half kidding.

Speaker B [00:41:35]:
Right? We don’t wanna go and break all the laws, but the idea is to develop grid and and resolve, and that’s one of the best things. That’s what I had Sam doing. I know you guys might remember those videos back in Venice. He started the, weed killing business, and he would go door to door for an hour and a half, 2 hours. And in the afternoons and evenings in Florida, knock on doors, and he’s real shy. He’s I should say shouldn’t say shy. He’s a very reserved. And he would go for an hour and a half here no after no, but then he’d make a sale.

Speaker B [00:42:00]:
And then he’d go no and no. Then he’d make a sale, and then somebody even come out and shake his hand, take a picture with him, send it to their grandkids and say, why aren’t you doing this? You know? We had a couple of those, right, or sent to their son. Like, you should get a grandson doing this. But he developed that resolve. And now today, I said, same goal. I’m not gonna start making this phone call. I’m just gonna say, okay. Because he knows what’s the worst thing that’s gonna happen.

Speaker B [00:42:21]:
Mhmm. But it develops that grit. That was all. It’s awesome. So way to go, Jesus. Alright. And then I’ll share with you. So anytime you guys need your team to do something that they don’t wanna do or they feel like it’s too hard, all you have to do is just raise the pain.

Speaker B [00:42:34]:
So to get you to go to an hour, I I joked around about 3 hours. You felt the pain at 3 hours a day so that now an hour a day doesn’t feel so bad.

Speaker D [00:42:42]:
Yeah. I still feel it, but

Speaker B [00:42:43]:
No. You feel it, but not as bad as 3 hours a day.

Speaker F [00:42:46]:
Yep. Yep. Okay.

Speaker B [00:42:48]:
So when you’re out there, say, hey. At least it’s not 3 hours a day. Let’s get it. And you put in a Zig Ziglar, it’ll feel like 15 minutes.

Speaker H [00:42:55]:

Speaker B [00:42:57]:
Alright? Yeah. And it’d be hypnoscopy everywhere. Mhmm. In Europe.

Speaker D [00:43:03]:
Okay. So other referral lady from, France and b and I. The question is how I can follow-up because I made the phone calls, email, text, like, 2, 3 times, and no one answer. So I have one lady we talked about, Steve, last week. This lady is I offer her she wants to do some plus jobs. I offer her plus job. I sent her a text, call her yesterday, and there’s no answering. It’s like, how I can follow-up is another way other than phone call, email, and text because there’s no one responding.

Speaker D [00:43:41]:
Like I said, even Calendly so they can book me, send me through the website, schedule me, all that kind of things. So I did whatever I had in my hands in order to get those clients. And and I hate it on the people that don’t answer me at least. Just say to me something like, hey. Something I have another pain that I’m gonna do this time. But when they don’t answer, that’s what they excuse me. Say that, but I hate it. Like, I don’t like it at all.

Speaker D [00:44:07]:
What do you think, guys?

Speaker B [00:44:08]:
When you’re at the estimate, always schedule the follow-up phone call so you’re never interrupting anybody. Schedule the follow-up phone call. That’s really the key to effortless and following up.

Speaker C [00:44:19]:
Yeah. And what’s weird is that she was the first one when I asked to schedule it a certain day. She’s the first one who said, I need more time to to get more estimates, so probably not. And so I just did anyways. But

Speaker D [00:44:34]:
Every time I call or send a text or email, and I’ve said to them the same day, I am gonna follow-up by the end of the week. So they know they are they know they are gonna call them, but still they are not respond.

Speaker B [00:44:47]:
I would redirect those efforts to new leads, new opportunities.

Speaker D [00:44:51]:
Okay. Cool. Yeah. Okay. Thank you.

Speaker B [00:44:53]:
Alright. You’re welcome. Alright, gentlemen. Let’s roll out with takeaways. Isaac, midway.

Speaker C [00:45:01]:
Feelings or action indicators, newsletter, 2 phone calls a day, habit tracker, courtesy canvassing.

Speaker B [00:45:09]:
Awesome sauce. Thank you. Yeah. Rich?

Speaker F [00:45:12]:
Really like Daryl’s time out or time audit.

Speaker H [00:45:16]:
Yeah. Mhmm. That

Speaker F [00:45:18]:
that’s huge. And stay on task. It’s like and, call 2 a day. I like to

Speaker B [00:45:24]:
Quick side on that. Here in Tennessee, it’s interesting. Everybody, loves to visit. When somebody came over, they’re here for 3 hours. Woah. Okay. That’s cool. I was on the phone with somebody who was calling about my Jeep.

Speaker B [00:45:33]:
I put my red Jeep up for sale. And after 29 minutes, he says, I hate to cut this short. You won’t you you probably shouldn’t wouldn’t have that problem when you call them, but that’s cool. Call them, connect to them. That’s so good. Glad to hear that, Rich. When you’re here in the south or the real south, Florida’s not to south. That’s as soon as you get down below Orlando, you’re back up north because everybody’s from up north down there.

Speaker B [00:45:53]:
But when you’re in the real south, it you better schedule a half hour for those phone calls. Alright.

Speaker H [00:45:59]:

Speaker D [00:46:00]:

Speaker G [00:46:01]:
There were many, but I think the biggest one is the courtesy canvassing. So I’ll get on that today.

Speaker B [00:46:07]:
Awesome. Yeah. And then please show us at the end of the day, right, how long, how many doors, and how many conversations in the, mastermind chat. Jesus?

Speaker H [00:46:17]:
Yes. Mine has to be just tracking the conversations I have up there. Okay.

Speaker B [00:46:23]:
That’s it. Keep that ambition. Keep that professionalism. Just put it in the right neighborhoods.

Speaker D [00:46:29]:
Okay. Okay.

Speaker B [00:46:30]:
There you go, buddy. Florian.

Speaker D [00:46:33]:
Yeah. Like what Daryl says, is to track your time during the day because you waste 15 minutes, 30 minutes there, whatever it is. So it’s better to write down everything, which I do. I have, actually, in the focus planner. 3 p’s, people, process, and profits. So keep this in my mind all the time. Happy tracker, courtesy, of course, daily rules, and then looking for the new clients. I did what I did in manageability for those clients, so I have to look for new ones and let them go somehow.

Speaker D [00:47:02]:

Speaker B [00:47:03]:
Daryl, quick question. What is the name going to be the name of your new time management book?

Speaker G [00:47:08]:
I don’t know.

Speaker E [00:47:10]:
Get it done. Get it done. Get it done. Get

Speaker B [00:47:11]:
it done. Get it done.

Speaker E [00:47:15]:
Yeah. Get in. I’m in Oklahoma. It’s Purdue.

Speaker B [00:47:18]:
Get rid

Speaker F [00:47:18]:
of them.

Speaker B [00:47:19]:
Purdue. Our takeaways, Derryll?

Speaker E [00:47:23]:
Being top of mind even when you’re really busy and and booked out, don’t really need jobs. That that need will come in 3 months, and you didn’t stay top of mind 3 months ago. And so I’m gonna I’m gonna stay top of mind better even in my busy season.

Speaker B [00:47:37]:
Yes, sir. Fantastic. Alright. You guys, another awesome and I appreciate you guys. Wanna encourage you to continue to do what it says right behind Daryl and Jesus and the rest of you off to the sides there on the wall. Dream big, hustle smarter. You’ve got this.

Speaker D [00:47:52]:
You’ve got this. Yeah.

Speaker C [00:47:52]:
Good day, guys.

Speaker B [00:47:53]:
Good luck. Have a good day, guys.

Speaker A [00:47:55]:
I hope you enjoyed this episode. If this was helpful, please share it with a friend to help inspire them to double their business. Again, this is April Burnett. Steve and I are the founders of Burnett Painting and DYB Coach. We want to take a moment and thank you for making us the most rated podcast dedicated specifically to painting contractors. To celebrate, we want to help you break through to higher success. So Steve is now giving away free strategy calls. Just click the link below in the show notes that says free strategy call.

Speaker A [00:48:25]:
There are only a couple of openings on his calendar each week, so get your free call with Steve now. Thank you so much for listening, and remember to dream big, hustle smarter, You’ve got this.

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