EP 143 : The Power Of Mindset For Painting Businesses

Introduction :

Welcome back to the DYB Podcast! 

In this episode, our speakers come together to share their insights, challenges, and successes in the world of painting and entrepreneurship. 

From building $1,000,000 businesses to cultivating effective leadership, these conversations are filled with valuable tips and strategies for business growth and development. 

Join us as we dive into discussions on scaling the business, the evolving advertising landscape, attracting high-value referrals, managing employee vacation time, the complexity of cabinet painting, handling employee accountability, and setting goals for a first-year painting business. 

Get ready to be inspired and gain actionable takeaways to help you double your business!

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Transcript :

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, and welcome to Mastermind. Our mission is to build $1,000,000 businesses so that we can have financial freedom, time for our families, and make an impact in our communities. Kick it off with some big wins, Daryl.

Speaker B [00:00:11]:
My name is, Daryl Mendiola. I own Watermark Painting and Drywall. I’m in North Central Oklahoma. Started in, 1999, with, just myself and a welfare check every month. And 6 months later, called the government, said, I don’t need your assistance. Now I have 4 employees, 3 trucks running around, and not in the field working hardly at all. So that’s been really cool. Big winds going camping.

Speaker B [00:00:37]:
So scheduled to leave tomorrow. We’re actually gonna be leaving today. And so that was just really cool to be able to just leave early, the whim of of running a smooth smoothish business. My crew is handling all the jobs or handling the customers or handling getting checks, being able to do that. And also had my first stay interview last week. I might discuss that in our top of mind if we have time, but it went really well. Learn a lot more on a stay interview than you think. So it went really

Speaker A [00:01:05]:
Fantastic. That’s awesome, Daryl. Thank you. Alright. Isaac.

Speaker C [00:01:10]:
Hi. I am Isaac Mumma, and I own White Oak Painting in Southeast Iowa. Been at it for about 6 years. And my big wins are I’m finally getting my van built out. I’ve been just operating with totes for the last 5 months as I got a new van. And so my father-in-law is helping me build out a drawer system that’s gonna change the game for me, staying organized. And I got my Monday job application form filled out, and I’m getting applicants rolling in. So calling through those, I’m gonna start setting up interviews this week.

Speaker C [00:01:46]:
So, hopefully, we’ll be getting some good guys brought on to the team here in the next few days.

Speaker A [00:01:51]:
Yes, sir. Okay. Right on. Rich, good morning.

Speaker D [00:01:55]:
Good morning, guys. Sorry about that. Hey. My name’s Rich Warner, and I’m up here in Northeast Pennsylvania. My big wins this week are we have beautiful weather. It’s gonna be 90 some degrees this week. Got one step closer to my new building. I know I’m always talking about this new building, but, the demolition’s, gonna be stated to start here pretty soon, maybe within the next month of my old building.

Speaker D [00:02:18]:
So that’s a big win for me.

Speaker A [00:02:21]:
That’s awesome.

Speaker D [00:02:22]:
Yeah. It is awesome. That’s pretty much it. We got looking at some good jobs this week. Sun’s shining. Life is good. Right Right on. Awesome.

Speaker D [00:02:31]:
Thank you, Rich. Craig.

Speaker E [00:02:33]:
My name is Craig Armstrong. I operate CAM Painters in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. So I’m a fellow foreigner. Welcome, Samuel. Yeah. My business has been I’ve been in business since 2000, over 20 years now, and got 4 employees. And still doing a little work in the field myself, but, most of the painting jobs, the the crew is able to handle, and then I handle, some of the wallpaper installations outside of that. And big wins are you know what? The crew’s yeah.

Speaker E [00:03:04]:
The crew’s chewing up work and making clients happy. Yeah. So that’s my big one. We’re we’re getting some more Google reviews.

Speaker A [00:03:12]:
Yes. Fantastic. Right on. Thank you. Hey, Jesus.

Speaker F [00:03:17]:
Good morning. My name is Jesus with Carcita Painting. I’ve been in business for about 4 years. We do interior, exterior painting. And, my big win here is working with the customer I haven’t seen for 4 years, so that’s always good. Makes me happy to work with customers I work with in the past. I also did tell him that price was different then than now, and he still hired us. So it’s good.

Speaker F [00:03:39]:
It’s a good thing.

Speaker D [00:03:40]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker A [00:03:41]:
A big one there. Okay. That’s awesome. Thank you, Jesus. Alright. Sonia.

Speaker G [00:03:47]:
Good morning. I’m Sonia Garcia with Palatable Painting in San Antonio, Texas. And I’ve been in a business about, 5 years, but 3 3 years consistently. So I was not in the field just here and there. So I had this wonderful crew to help me develop and learn the business side of the industry. So it’s been a wonderful game changer. And wins are it’s for me, it’s always like an up and down thing, but the wins I have is I’m starting to book up my get to August for bookings right now. So that’s that’s actually a good win.

Speaker A [00:04:20]:
Yeah. Fantastic. Way to go, Sonia. Thank you. Alright. Samuel, again, welcome. It’s man 11. Quick intro and big wins, please.

Speaker H [00:04:29]:
Thank you. And first of all, nice to meet you. All of you guys are my name is Samuel, and I’m from Finland. I own half of the painting company. So we are 5050 with my friend, and we do interior and exterior work here in Finland. And big wins now is that I’m getting on vacation, so that’s huge thing.

Speaker A [00:04:57]:
Yeah. Vacations are good. They’re needed. Yeah. Especially after all the hard work you’ve been putting on. So fantastic. Thank you. Alright.

Speaker A [00:05:06]:
One thing. It’s one thing we could brainstorm, helping to double your business faster, Darryl.

Speaker B [00:05:11]:
Yeah. Actually, I have a small one, and and Craig might actually be able to help on this one. I I just this year is my 1st year of doing vacation. I know Craig. Don’t you guys have to do vacation, or is that Australia? I’m thinking all you people.

Speaker E [00:05:26]:
You people.

Speaker B [00:05:28]:
I thought Canada. Maybe it’s Australia. But, anyways, I’m doing a week vacation. And right now, what I’m doing to keep track of it is it’s really sad. On clock chart, I have a job name just called vacation. And so I know how many tie I know how many days people have when I go and look at the job name on clock chart. I don’t really have I can’t go into my system. How many vacation days do I have, or how many hours do I have? I don’t have a system for that, and I don’t have a system for accruing vacation.

Speaker B [00:05:57]:
This year, I just gave everybody a flat one week. But I sure would like to progress that a little bit further next year and then make it based upon their hours or days. I’m not trying to get too technical, but I don’t know if anybody’s got any ideas on that. I’m just trying to get a little better at it.

Speaker E [00:06:15]:
Just if you’re curious, what the Canadian government requires you to do for payroll is or, I guess it’s Ontario because it’s provincial, is put an extra 4% on every paycheck, and that go that’s called vacation vacation pay. Like, whether they actually take vacation or not, they get that extra 4%. Because when you total it up at the end of the year, it equals, like, an extra week’s worth of pay for somebody that works full time.

Speaker B [00:06:46]:
Yeah. In real life.

Speaker E [00:06:47]:
So that’s how it’s done here. So we don’t really, do hours. It’s like an added percentage on top of the wage.

Speaker B [00:06:56]:
Yeah. You guys are weird, though, but it’s okay. I still have you.

Speaker A [00:07:00]:
You’re correct about Australia, though, Daryl. If so he he they have to give 4 weeks paid vacation.

Speaker B [00:07:07]:
Yeah. I don’t know if that’s weeks.

Speaker C [00:07:11]:
What I’m doing is if I’ve got, like, a lower level apprentice type guy on, I’ll start him out with a week. And then the upper level guys, I call one of my positions, craftsman, that’s really good painter just below the ability to do crew leader. Them and the crew leader, I do 2 weeks. And then I use QuickBooks Time, which was previously TSheets, and you can really easily keep track of all the paid time off. And then they can request time off, and then it gives you a notification. You hit proof, and then it just shows up on the time entries PTO, and it’s really easy to manage how much they’ve used. And so I don’t know if Clog Shark does that or not.

Speaker B [00:07:59]:
I haven’t really looked into Clog Shark. And now we just didn’t know if there was a different if there was a actual program to be used. I don’t have an issue with the way I’m doing it now, but if I get more employees or more vacation days and stuff, I just wanna make sure I’m not lost in my brain on it.

Speaker D [00:08:15]:
For sure.

Speaker B [00:08:16]:
But, yeah, I think I’m the only oh, I am the only painter in in my entire within a 100 miles that I know of that does anything like vacation PTO or anything. I’m doing way different than a lot of others. But yeah.

Speaker A [00:08:28]:

Speaker B [00:08:28]:
So it’s actually, the vacation is one thing that’s brand new to me. But I did give I gave my guy vacation time, just last week. He had a he had an illness that came up last minute, and I just I let him do his vacation pay. I’m not a I’m not a fan of just for you guys, I don’t like I don’t like sick days that much only because, yeah, I don’t feel like coming in work. I’m not sick. I don’t I have a good crew. I I don’t think they would do that, but you just never know with anybody coming on later or whatever. But I would like to do some some additional some tie like, maybe another 3 or 4 days a year for unexpected, but I don’t know how that’s gonna work yet.

Speaker B [00:09:05]:
So I’m still working on that. But that gives me some heads up. I’ll look into into into my clock circle a little bit better, knowing that there’s not, like, some massive cool program out there that is just all organized. I don’t know how, like, municipalities and all that do that because they they keep track of everything, but they have lots of big systems going on. I don’t need that. I just wanna make sure I know. If I go into ClockChart oh, yeah. Just type in vacation, and I know who’s got what right there.

Speaker B [00:09:33]:
So is anybody else doing vacation? No? Okay. Alright. Thank you.

Speaker H [00:09:39]:
Have the same we have the same system as Canadians, or there’s actually 2 opportunities. You can just pay extra in every salary, or, Painter can take 3 to 4 weeks, paid vacation every year.

Speaker F [00:09:55]:
Sounds good.

Speaker H [00:09:56]:
Yeah. But we do that. We just pay and then negotiate the 3 times.

Speaker B [00:10:02]:
Yeah. Good to have you here, Simi.

Speaker A [00:10:05]:
Isaac. Yeah.

Speaker C [00:10:08]:
So I’m wondering how much to niche down my offerings. I know that every time you do a different type of painting, it changes up the process for the guys, and so it’s most beneficial to just have a repeatable system. And I’m wondering, basically, we’ve got a new paint system down for cabinets, and it’s working really good, and the product is awesome. And I’m just wondering as we start bringing on more guys, because I’ve got one guy that is I don’t know. He’s got some back issues right now, so I’m having him work a lot less while he does physical therapy. And he’s gonna come back full time maybe in 6 months or so. But he did. He’s done really great with cabinets.

Speaker C [00:10:53]:
And I’m just wondering going forward, even though we’ve got a good system for it, is it more beneficial to just say only interior, exterior repaints, or we keep cabinets on even if we only do 6 to 10 a year? Or is because I just keep hearing different people say don’t even incorporate cabinets at all unless you’re doing, like, I don’t know, like, at least 2 kitchens every month or more. What do you guys think?

Speaker B [00:11:24]:
I can tell you with cabinets, I don’t do them a whole lot. I do cabinets, but I do them on my time. I’ll fit them in when I want, not when I have to. So I’ve got a guy that I bid on a $7,000 cabinet job for 4 months ago, and he approached my guy, said, hey. I think I’m ready to start that. And I’m I’m gonna call and say, thank you. We’re probably gonna be looking at December before I could do it. For me, I don’t wanna do any kitchen cabinet jobs this summer because we are so slammed with the exteriors.

Speaker B [00:11:54]:
It’s okay to do cabinets. If it’s something that you can do and you can make money on, I would absolutely do it. I know Steve didn’t do cabinets, but he was he had a good niche out there with Florida houses that he was working on. For me, I’ll do cabinets, but it’s not something that I wanna do a lot of because I spend a little bit more time in the field on cabinets than I would any other job. But I’ll still do them, but I also will make sure that anybody who’s less than a client, I won’t even paint a kitchen cabinet for me because I’m busy with other things. Anything less than an a plus client is negative for me. So that’s just how I roll. I set my standards higher with with cabinets.

Speaker E [00:12:34]:
I think the there’s a difference between doing stand alone cabinets versus you’re in a house, you’re doing it already, and they wanna add in a vanity. Like, I I think that’s a profitable add on versus the setup and takedown for, like, just doing somebody’s cabinets and that’s it. I I think it could still be something that you offer, but but not not promoted just just as a little add on for people’s places who you’re already in. Just my 2¢ on that.

Speaker A [00:13:03]:
Yeah. So this is really good. I agree with everything that’s been shared. Just to clarify, we I did not want like, the math didn’t pencil out for me to have a shop to do cabinets, and I really didn’t like spraying up creating a spray booth in their garage to do it either. It’s just and moreover, I guess the the liability is much higher in cabinets than it is just cutting and rolling a wall or painting an exterior. Mhmm. And so I didn’t have to, hire and train the level of quality for a painter that it took to secure the painting cabinet, to do it well, to provide a great experience, and to put all that liability at ease. When I focused on mainly exterior residential repaints in Florida, we could do it all year.

Speaker A [00:13:51]:
We we did interior 2, but it was just far less liability and much simpler to grow. Now when I say do and don’t do it, I like I agree with Daryl. Prequalify much harder, only a and a plus clients. If it’s something you wanna do. Also, if you’re not booked out, then we have to take it on if we need the work. So I wouldn’t say no if we didn’t have any work. Because in the beginning, we say yes to everything until we get booked out. It’s it’s part of earning our stripes.

Speaker A [00:14:20]:
But once we’re booked out, then you have liberty to be more selective, if that makes sense. But the one thing I would caution against and I worked at a lot of companies and they’ve got these shops for cabinets. And the tough thing is doing cabinets, it’s a it’s cool to do cabinets. They have a shop to do cabinets. But when you look at the map, it’s just a much simpler process to not have the shop, not have the liability, and to just cut close some walls and just sell as many of those as you can.

Speaker C [00:14:48]:
Yeah. Definitely. I got this 10 by 10 room that goes up like you would at, like, a farmer’s market with 4 walls and got the fan blowing, and don’t have any overspray stuff, and got the paint line shelving thing and Centurion wood coatings products, and it’s going really well. I’ve done I taught my guys how to do 2, and then now they’ve done 3 completely on their own even somewhere. We’re filling wood grain or changing the drawer holes, and I didn’t have to go do anything. And they turned out great. And so That’s amazing. Okay.

Speaker C [00:15:25]:
They, like, they can do it. I don’t have to jump back in the field for them if I’ve got the guys. So that’s nice. But I just didn’t know as far as switching up the processes. We’re, oh, we’re doing walls, cabinets. Exterior, exterior cabinets.

Speaker A [00:15:40]:
Yeah. It’s tough. What some guys will do is they’ll keep a cabinet crew. Everybody else will be walls and exteriors, and then they’ll keep a cabinet crew.

Speaker C [00:15:47]:

Speaker A [00:15:47]:
If they can turn over enough cabinets, that makes sense too. Now something else to consider. Right? We wanna play the long game. So as we’re scaling, the time and effort it took you to train these guys Mhmm. Versus a new crew training them your exterior system or your interior repaying system. Right? Yeah. And then also the level of character and responsibility that needs to be there for cabinets because the liability is higher. Yeah.

Speaker A [00:16:09]:

Speaker G [00:16:10]:
was gonna say, yep. Exactly.

Speaker A [00:16:12]:
So will this scale? Yeah. That’s a good question.

Speaker C [00:16:14]:
Okay. No. That’s super good. Appreciate it.

Speaker A [00:16:16]:
Yeah. And I’m not saying don’t. I just want you to be aware of everything that’s involved. Ops. Right? And so maybe you can keep this cabinet crew going while you build up some interior and exterior crews. Okay. That’s it. Rich.

Speaker A [00:16:30]:
How can we

Speaker D [00:16:31]:
help you become richer? I have some new guys in the area, new kids on the block, I’m calling them. Couple of them are some some Who

Speaker A [00:16:39]:
remembers New Kids on the Block? Okay. And all the young guys are what are they talking about? It’s the first boy band. Yeah.

Speaker D [00:16:46]:
The boy band. A couple of them are head heavy hitters. They’re really advertising, and they’re really getting at it. And Mhmm. Since I’ve been in business about 18 years, it’s kinda laxed on not that I’ve laxed on advertising, but not in advertising to say, but I don’t do as much on Facebook anymore. I’m not I

Speaker A [00:17:04]:
don’t know what how how to go about that. But should

Speaker D [00:17:09]:
I actually do a, like, an advertising bomb? Should I put up more yard signs? Should I should I do more Facebook posts? Should I do this? Should I do that?

Speaker B [00:17:16]:
The ABAs. Yes.

Speaker A [00:17:17]:
ABAs. Yeah. Wait for it. You ready?

Speaker D [00:17:20]:

Speaker A [00:17:21]:
Bam. Do this, buddy. Do this. You will crush it. So what’s that mean? Networking. Yes. Make sure you have your website conversion funnel locked in and then just crush all those AVAs. And you won’t have to post an advertisement.

Speaker A [00:17:37]:
You won’t need it. And you will get so many high value referrals. Yeah. That’s true. Back saying, your your problem will be, I need to hire more guys. I need to hire more guys. Yeah.

Speaker D [00:17:48]:
No. I’m still you know, I’m getting my fair share of the pie, but I’ve noticed things have slowed down a little bit. I don’t know. I just wondered. I I guess maybe I’m jealous because everybody’s getting the recognition and this and that. I don’t know.

Speaker A [00:17:59]:
Well, it sounds like they’re hustling. So Yeah. They’re they’re hustling. Hustling. Right? Just a hustling. Where so it comes back to the fundamentals. Where are you networking? What AVAs are you executing? Yeah. And then step 9, what are you doing to stay top of mind to your customers as well? Yeah.

Speaker A [00:18:14]:
I I have

Speaker D [00:18:14]:
been doing most of that. So I’m I’m calling. I’m talking to people. I

Speaker A [00:18:18]:
don’t know. Okay. How many BNI meetings have you hit this month? How many rotary meetings have you hit this month? How many chamber meetings have you hit this month? Which ABAs have you launched?

Speaker D [00:18:26]:
Yeah. I do I do my my Masonic Lodge. I’m not a in the the BNI at all. I probably should be. After 18 years, you’d think I would be, but Yeah. That’s something I’ll think.

Speaker B [00:18:37]:
Rich, I’ll tell you. I’ve been in business since 1999. The things that you did to get in business are not the things that we’re doing now to stay in business because things have changed. I did yard signs. I’m still doing yard signs, but I I didn’t do rotary. I didn’t do networking. I didn’t do branding the way I do now, Yeah. And and culture.

Speaker B [00:18:56]:
So we have to be doing things that other people are not doing. That’s one thing that I’ve because I I get that same way, Rich, because I see these other guys out there. They’re, like, busier than I am. But I’m making good money, and I’m not working in the field. So let them work a 100 hours a week for less money and getting the c clients out of my pond. And so that’s where I sat with that. Because I have one guy that he posted on his Facebook that he got a new truck, and it was it’s a really nice truck because I don’t care. I’m a work my tail off.

Speaker B [00:19:28]:
I’m work all these hours just to bang it. And I’m like, I I don’t wanna do that at all. I’ll let him do that. He could take all them seat clients from me.

Speaker A [00:19:36]:
Mhmm. So, Rich, let me bring this home real quick. What Daryl’s saying is that the traditional advertising attracts c clients. Right? Because they’re throwing out discounts and anything else. What we’re trying to show you and what Daryl’s trying to convey is that this system attracts high value referrals. See everybody nodding their head? They’re like

Speaker D [00:19:56]:
No. I absolutely have. No. I’ve seen that. I know. I and I know that, but it’s it’s more of the, like you said, I don’t know if it’s a a jealousy thing or or I feel left out of the out of the limelight or I I don’t know.

Speaker A [00:20:09]:
So So, yeah, you should be using yard signs too. Yard signs are great for branding. Just top of mind awareness and branding. They’re not really lead gen. You’ll get some, but it’s more about branding and staying top of mind. Same thing with your vehicle excuse me, logo on your vehicle and branded shirts. Everything shows professionalism and branding. But when it comes to generating high value referrals, networking, ABAs, and staying top of mind are the 3 avenues for that.

Speaker A [00:20:34]:
Now these guys, our advertising, it’s actually a good thing because they’re going to attract all the c clients who won’t be bothering you. Perfect. But there’s a way to attract the a clients. Right? So when I need my lawn done or when I need some plumbing or electrician, I don’t go to Google. I I talk to my friends in my circles, and I say, hey. There are some guys in my, bio study group. I’ll say, hey. I need x y z.

Speaker A [00:20:57]:
Who do you recommend? And they tell me, and that’s it. I don’t call anybody else. I I I have them out. I I get a price and I hire them. Mhmm.

Speaker C [00:21:05]:
Hey, Rich. So something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is even though I’m in my community, easily doing the most as far as community involvement, and I’ll just say, like, advertising even though I’m trying to just follow the system. I’ll just call that advertising. There is this picture somebody brought to mind that I’ll bring to mind for you and see if you can translate over in the sense of feeling jealous. See that guy looking at Michael Phelps?

Speaker D [00:21:37]:
I see David.

Speaker A [00:21:38]:
Hold up.

Speaker C [00:21:39]:
See how Michael Love is just looking forward, not looking at his competition. Just look forward and crush it, dude. Don’t even pay attention to him.

Speaker A [00:21:48]:
Yeah. Thank you. Alright. Right on. And any questions you have, use the chat. You know? Use Absolutely, Rich. Use use the group me chat. It’s what we’re all here for, buddy.

Speaker D [00:21:58]:
Alright. Perfect. Thank you.

Speaker A [00:21:59]:
Alright. Your first action is gonna be join BNI. Right?

Speaker D [00:22:03]:
Yeah. I wrote it down on my list, but we’ll put it down. Down. I’ll put it on

Speaker A [00:22:08]:
my list. Right on. Awesome. Alright. Canada’s caffeinated painter.

Speaker E [00:22:13]:
You know what? Just a little bit of accountability needed from the group to enforce some discipline on the painters. There’s been a couple of issues with just clocking in, in ClockShark and just making sure that hours are correct and up to date on Clockhark. So I need to, yeah, I need to get on that, painter for that and make sure that I’ve spoken to him, like, verbally spoken to him. I was gonna send a follow-up email with our conversation detailed, which is what I should have. But now it’s been yeah. I just got busy, and it’s been probably about a week since I had the conversations. I don’t know whether the follow-up email would land the same way as if I did it right after talking to him. And, also, what our newest team member lead is thinking that she’s not really pulling her weight.

Speaker E [00:23:09]:
And, yeah, and just yeah. He’s yeah. There there’s just a few issues that he’s had with her, and he sent an email around to me. And I need I need a a little bit of accountability to now that the email’s sent to actually confront this employee with with just getting her to upper attitude and upper production. So there it’s a little bit to do with attitude, and it’s a little bit to do with production. Like, just she’s just not hustling as much as the crew lead wants her to.

Speaker A [00:23:45]:
Okay. Are you using the progressive disciplinary procedure?

Speaker E [00:23:51]:
That’s what I wanna do.

Speaker A [00:23:52]:
So I That’s always the answer. Okay. Go ahead.

Speaker E [00:23:54]:
So I’ve got it in writing from the crew lead. He sent me an email with all the things that he was upset with her about, and he still likes working with her. And he still thinks that she can easily improve, and they can work everything out and and move forward. It’s just yeah. At this point, it’s I need to address it verbally. And then after that, I’ll send an email which documents everything.

Speaker A [00:24:19]:
Yeah. Okay. I just forwarded you the email. I had written an email just summarizing it. So just so it’s fresh for you. It’s also laid out in the employee handbook, but there’s, yeah, there’s always a fear. So let’s we can address the psychological element. There’s always a fear that if we execute it, that we’re gonna lose something.

Speaker A [00:24:36]:
We’re gonna get offended and strung off. Usually, what happens is we give them a verbal. We go, woah. Alrighty. And you let them know it was documented in written warning. And that’s when we’re really afraid that they’re gonna leave. What happens is they do an about face. They go, oh my goodness.

Speaker A [00:24:51]:
I’m so sorry. I did not realize the severity of this or or or how bad it was or whatever their action might be. And they do a 180. Not only that, but, like, they let the rest of the crew know, hey, don’t, This is serious. Don’t. Whatever they’re doing. And it’s awesome. And so one of the best things you can do is give somebody a written warning because it gives them an about face.

Speaker A [00:25:15]:
And now remember the lesson from we’re less stupid. Right? Sonya just read that. And at chapter 7, culture, you get what you tolerate. Mhmm. Yeah. So the the the faster we curb this, the stronger our culture is. You mean

Speaker E [00:25:30]:
these problems just don’t go away by themselves?

Speaker A [00:25:34]:
Not if there’s not if there’s people anymore.

Speaker E [00:25:37]:
Oh, they’re dang humans.

Speaker A [00:25:39]:
Yeah. When those and now when those AI robots

Speaker E [00:25:41]:
easy without the humans.

Speaker A [00:25:43]:
But and you wanna so we wanna do it. It’s I don’t wanna be mean to them. Well, if if if we don’t hold the line, right, then we’re being mean to our team and our customers because everybody else is affected. But it’s so powerful when you when you get to a point where you sit down and you explain, okay. You’re at step 2. This is a written warning. Step 3 is, a few days or a week off. And step 4 is you’re like, oh, man.

Speaker A [00:26:05]:
I certainly don’t want that. So let’s make sure that this doesn’t happen again. And and you walk with them, help them to understand. And they just do an about face. They go, oh my goodness. I had no idea it was that bad. I’m so sorry. It’ll never happen again.

Speaker A [00:26:17]:
And then let the rest of the team know new people come on. Don’t do that. Okay? Yeah. And it protects the culture. So Craig, I I

Speaker B [00:26:24]:
have a quick question, Craig. Do you when things are initially brewing, just little issues before they come big, do you give your your crew lead the the power to to address those issues with you not being involved?

Speaker A [00:26:36]:
Great question.

Speaker B [00:26:37]:
Because I would suggest it highly because it it gets you hands off, and it makes it very awkward when your crew leader goes to you with a problem with a guy that they’re watching, and then you gotta go address the problem. You don’t even know what’s going on. You’re a little bit disconnected.

Speaker E [00:26:52]:
Yeah. That’s, the situation. So I’ve I’ve had the crew leads report to me if there’s anything to deal with their subordinates.

Speaker B [00:27:01]:
Yeah. I would suggest let giving your crew leads the power. If you can if you have crew leads, you should be able to trust them. But I my my new guy that I’ve had working for about a month and a half, I don’t talk to him at all unless it’s how’s life, how are you doing, what’s going I don’t ask him anything. I noticed yesterday, my team lead let him paint some window sashes, which he shouldn’t have done. He got paint. He blew out the glass. I mean, we’re scraping it anyways, but he went a little bit too far.

Speaker B [00:27:28]:
I didn’t tell the new guy. I’m like, man, that’s stupid. No. I told my team lead, hey, man. Let’s not let him do Windows. This will take him twice as long to clean that off. He’s okay. And I was hands off.

Speaker B [00:27:39]:
And now my team lead’s gonna address all those things. So I haven’t handled the discipline issue on a anybody other than a crew lead in quite a while.

Speaker E [00:27:48]:
So you would give them authority to verbally warn the employee and I would. Do written warm warnings to that employee?

Speaker A [00:27:56]:
Absolutely. That’s leadership. In fact, I would go through Maxwell’s 5 levels of leadership with your lead. It is right there.

Speaker B [00:28:06]:

Speaker A [00:28:06]:

Speaker B [00:28:07]:
It’s a small book. It it’s it’s the best book on leadership I’ve ever read.

Speaker A [00:28:11]:
It is, hands down. And it’s not even a book. It’s more like a field manual. That should be called a workbook because it’s just it’s pure awesome. It’s more like a workbook. It’s not something you read about a bunch of analogies. It’s an actual workbook working you through the beliefs and habits of every level of leadership and to help them to see. And then to recognize at what level they are with each person is powerful.

Speaker A [00:28:33]:

Speaker C [00:28:34]:
Real quick, Greg. Are is your person doing the clock shark wrong out of malice? Or

Speaker E [00:28:41]:
Forgetfulness. And, yeah, I guess the way that I’ve set it up is it’s not locked down. They can go in and edit their sheets, and perhaps that’s that was a bad decision from the beginning. But I just I realized human nature, I trust them to do their hours correct. It’s just if I didn’t have the give them the ability to edit their time sheets, like, I’d be editing them constantly.

Speaker C [00:29:10]:
Yeah. I asked because I was running into that, and it was super annoying. It’s like I was having to look back at text, like, who said they forgot? And I didn’t know if that was a disciplinary thing or not because I’ve never brought that up. So that’s good to hear.

Speaker E [00:29:24]:
Yeah. And the one guy, it’s gotten to the point where I go in to do hours for payroll and half his time sheets are missing. And I need to, like, text him and say, put your hours in timesheet so I can pay you, unless you just want me to pay you for 20 hours this week. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. So that’s been the issue.

Speaker B [00:29:44]:
Yeah. One one real quick thing, because I know we went a little bit long. But on on clock chart for their time, I set it up where only admin can change their time because when if they know they can go back this is what I’ve ran into. When they know they can go back and fix their time in the week, they become a little less reliable on that. So when they know they have to reach out to me to fix their time for yesterday, they start to learn. And I’ve had very few issues with my guys forgetting to clock out now that they have to actually reach out to me and say, hey, man. I forgot to clock out yesterday, or I didn’t clock in at 7:30 when I got there. I don’t let them go back in and change their time because makes it a little embarrassing on their end to have to reach out to me to tell me that they forgot to do something with FlockSmart.

Speaker E [00:30:29]:
Yeah. Yeah. That might be something that I have to do.

Speaker B [00:30:32]:
I think you need to.

Speaker E [00:30:34]:
Yeah. That that, that’s the next step. Yeah.

Speaker B [00:30:37]:
It’ll hold them accountable.

Speaker A [00:30:39]:
Cool. Thank you. Alright. Right on. Hey, Jesus.

Speaker F [00:30:44]:
Hey, Steve. So, everyone, I have no lead as of now, team lead, because he’s lead next Friday. And, he’s really important in our team. He’s been really good. I’m proud of him. But last Wednesday, he sent me a message that he need to clear some things out. And this kinda happened last summer. I told Steve,

Speaker D [00:31:06]:

Speaker F [00:31:07]:
was going through some depression, too much pressure outside, running crews, and handling all the other stuff he has to handle. And then he told me that he feels really stressed out. He feels lost. So I called him, and I told him, you know what? It sounds like you don’t have a passion, and and you’re not focused, so I’m just gonna let you go here. And he said, no. I let me finish strong. And I thought about it, and I was like, I respect everything you’ve done for the company, so I’ll give you 2 weeks. So he’s gone next Friday.

Speaker F [00:31:36]:
So I’m not sure that was too nice. I should’ve just let him go, but he is working hard. He’s finishing strong as he said he is. Now I’m looking for a team lead. I am training one of my guys, so that’s the solution. And I am pushing forward out there, trying to stay hiring top of mind, and I’m gonna push even harder this week for hiring the top of mind. Other than that’s been my challenge right there.

Speaker B [00:31:57]:
Yeah. I don’t think you were too nice because if you’ve got a good character in your guy I’ve had that happen a time or 2 where I’ve let someone go for whatever reason. Not nothing moral issues, but letting them finish it out is fine. I don’t see an issue with that at all. But again, that 5 levels of leadership, I think you should read that with your team or even pay them an hour a week and let them read 1 chapter a week, and then sit down. I know this takes a long time, Jesus, but taking an employee out to lunch and sitting down and chatting, you get so much more out of it than sitting down in your office or on the job site or in your truck. So that way, if your guys even up for the task, the my crew lead that I have right now, he was never on my radar for team lead until I fired my team lead about 4 months ago, and something happened. My Will, who I have now, he just did a complete 180 on everything.

Speaker B [00:32:57]:
And this guy is now like I say, he’s collected checks. He’s meeting with clients. He’s setting things up. So I think and, honestly, I’m I need to go over 5 levels of leadership with him too, but he’s so new in the leadership. I didn’t get that for you, but I’m going to. But, yeah, just grooming somebody to to take on that role and make sure that there are parts in it because you definitely just the first level of leadership is positional leadership, and that’s the worst leader there is. Because he’s somebody who’s an authority because you’ve placed him there. He’s not earned his right with the rest of the crew, and you wanna get him from there to the next level.

Speaker B [00:33:38]:
And so that’s what’s the the mindset of your crew leader potential crew leader needs to understand. You’re not a leader because I put you here. I want you to I want you to earn that, and you gotta want it. So that’s what I have

Speaker F [00:33:50]:
to say. No. Thank you, Daryl. I appreciate it. And that is one thing I do with my leads. Every month, we go over a book together, and I also have a 30 minute time with them as well too.

Speaker A [00:34:01]:

Speaker F [00:34:01]:
Down and talk to them. But it’s funny because I just gave him the 5 levels of leadership, and now he’s, now I have to let him go. But he’s been a good leader. He’s a really

Speaker B [00:34:11]:
good investment for the guys behind.

Speaker F [00:34:13]:
He’s been a really good leader. I’m proud of him. Again, nothing bad to say about him, but his passion wasn’t it wasn’t there, and I need people with passion to move the team forward. I do start people with the goal giver book on my my leads. I feel like the go giver is really important because if they come with just the ambition just to get the money, it doesn’t work here. You need to be a go giver. But, yes, I remember when Steve first told me about that book. So it’s my favorite.

Speaker A [00:34:39]:
And we usually both hanging out together.

Speaker C [00:34:41]:
What was the issue again I didn’t quite follow? Just he doesn’t have as much passion as he used to.

Speaker F [00:34:47]:
Last summer, Isaac, he was dealing with depression and, anxiety, handling the crew, dealing with customers, reporting production to me, stuff like that.

Speaker A [00:34:59]:
Mhmm. Yeah.

Speaker F [00:34:59]:
I stayed patient with him. I told Steve about it last summer too, and Steve told me maybe he’s not leadership material. Yeah. That could be true. But I felt like he was just going through some episodes of depression as a patient. He went he followed through. This summer, he he told me again. He felt confused, and he just feels like he’s that he wouldn’t be able to produce as he has because he feels like his passion is not really there because of his depression, and he feels lost.

Speaker F [00:35:27]:
So I just tell him, it seems like it’s not gonna work out, so let’s just call it good. And he told me if I can just give him more time. So that’s what I did. I gave him more time, and he’s out there looking for work.

Speaker C [00:35:38]:
Yeah. So was it pretty mutual, or is he, like, really bummed to leave you guys?

Speaker F [00:35:44]:
He was a little he seemed a little bummed, but at the same time, relieved because I feel like it was my it’s my fault. This is a good opportunity for me to learn. That Steve knows is that I overschedule myself, and I can imagine how burned out he felt going to 2 jobs in a day with 3 jobs and trying to move the jobs forward. So I feel like it was my fault too for burning him out, especially with this depression.

Speaker A [00:36:08]:
Gotcha. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker D [00:36:12]:
Very good. But you

Speaker B [00:36:12]:
know what to do, brother.

Speaker F [00:36:14]:
Yep. Thank you.

Speaker A [00:36:15]:
Oh, yeah.

Speaker G [00:36:17]:
So I was like, okay. I got I think I got everything answered. Thank you, guys. So I I was okay. I’ve got the ABA thing, you know, that the little cups, right, that are going across? Okay. And because I oh, man. I cringe on social media. I’m like,

Speaker H [00:36:28]:
ah. I hate

Speaker G [00:36:29]:
so it’s like

Speaker H [00:36:29]:
You’re great on the news?

Speaker G [00:36:31]:
I cringe. I know.

Speaker A [00:36:33]:
I’ve got all the little cups up top there too. So when you see that, that’s your reminder of all the AVAs. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker G [00:36:41]:
So I’ve just, because it’s been I understand you, Rich, totally. I feel FOMO myself. I’m feeling I’m missing out because of, oh, man, everybody’s gonna win. I have or that that mis congeniality that the blondie, what’s her name? What’s your favorite season or what’s your favorite date? So anyways, she was

Speaker D [00:36:56]:
saying that

Speaker A [00:36:57]:
in here better relate to what that Oh,

Speaker G [00:36:59]:
it’s what I feel I thought, you know, as far as I get the same thing, I’m not watching these people and, yeah, the Facebook ads never doing that ever again. That’s what kinda drained my capital for, like, the past couple of months. And then so right now, I’m really trying to get out of myself. I’m I went door to door. I haven’t been able to go out as I had hit 35 doors. I had talked to 7 people. Slicked a win to out of its, 7 people, 2 of them were like, alright. But it was a little I didn’t get anything out of them yet.

Speaker G [00:37:28]:
But I can’t say, oh, it doesn’t work because that was only, like, 2nd time or 3rd time that I’ve ever done it. But the networking, so I’m in BNI. That one’s been progressive for me. But I guess my main thing is, okay, I don’t I’m not in the field. Right? Timewise, Monday through Friday. What would it what should I ideally be doing? I I know I heard it over and over, but I get all mixed up in myself. So it’s okay. Yeah.

Speaker A [00:37:51]:
3 things. 3 things. You should be networking, sales, and recruiting.

Speaker B [00:37:58]:
I think you need to do a daily audit too for a week or 2.

Speaker A [00:38:02]:
At least, yeah, 3 days. It should some I I could feel overwhelming. Yeah. So I agree with Daryl. Usually, I go for 3 days, a daily audit for 3 days. And Just give me a minute. Yeah. It’d be a self realization of, wow.

Speaker A [00:38:14]:
Look how this busy work I’m doing that. You know, I could group or delegate.

Speaker B [00:38:19]:
And when

Speaker G [00:38:19]:
you say daily audit, like, of what I’m doing on the networking, sales, and recruiting, I’m The

Speaker B [00:38:25]:
the way and Steve might have a different way. But what I do from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, and I write down everything I do, the time, and I don’t let I don’t let there be any, empty 15 minute intervals. If a task takes you an hour and a half, just write 7 to 8:30. But don’t ever let anything throughout your day be more than 15 minutes of dead time in there so that way you keep track of what you’re doing. For me, my my my schedule’s so variant. I that’s why I would I would I do a week for me because I don’t I do so many different things throughout the week, But I find out there’s things I could be delegating, things that I should not be doing. You don’t realize you’re on Facebook as much as you are. But when you write it down when you’re writing down from 8:15 to 8:30, I was Facebooking.

Speaker B [00:39:11]:
No big deal. But you got 2 or 3 times on your day, but you got an hour on Facebook that you noticed. It’s just an accountability thing. But don’t let 15 minutes go by without being written down what you’ve done in that time. Oh, boy, Hannah.

Speaker F [00:39:27]:
It’ll be a it’ll be

Speaker B [00:39:28]:
a mirror to your life. It’ll change

Speaker G [00:39:30]:
your life. No. That’s excellent. Okay. That’s pretty much it. Just oh my gosh. I need to

Speaker A [00:39:34]:
I am yeah. Awesome. Alright. So, for the sake of time oh, go ahead, Samuel.

Speaker H [00:39:40]:
Yeah. So I do the same with Google Calendar. So I track down everything what I do. And, of course, if it’s possible, try to plan ahead as much as possible and plan those customer meetings and everything.

Speaker A [00:39:56]:
Thank you. Samuel, you’re up.

Speaker H [00:39:59]:
Yeah. Actually, I have quite similar question than previous one about yes. We are about to finish the 1st year of our business, the 1st fiscal year of our painting business. And now we have to set up goals for the next fiscal year, and it’s the goals we are going after, they are quite new you haven’t done before doubling your business. You haven’t done it before. What are the best ways to focus on right things when things are going well? I don’t know. Did you catch it?

Speaker A [00:40:35]:
So that is these are good questions, but they’re general. Right? If we were to open this up in a silo, you would probably get unique advice from every one of us because it was so general. Okay. So if I read you correctly, we’re looking into a large business, which that’s got a nice ring to it like that. And it’s a new territory. So what do we focus on? First thing I would do is fill out the DYB scoreboard. And if you don’t have a copy, you can get a copy in the cafe. It’s a Google Sheet, and you go across row c and fill out all your revenue, targets, right, your goals, projections, and then go down actually, row 3.

Speaker A [00:41:14]:
And then go down column c and fill out all your goals. And those are your leading indicators. Right? So it’s easy to track lagging indicator sales and revenue, but leading indicators, those are the efforts that we need to put in to achieve the goal. So we put in our leading indicators. What you do is compare that to what you did last year. And so if we went to I’m just gonna throw some examples. If we went to, 4 networking meetings a month and we wanna double, what does that mean?

Speaker H [00:41:42]:
Put 8 bets.

Speaker A [00:41:43]:
Put 8. Yeah. And so that’s what the scoreboard does. It shows you that data. And you say, okay. I did this, and we hit that. Right? So now if we want to double that, then we just need to at least double these efforts down here. And so if you go down the scoreboard, which is basically the entire system just unpacked into a great big scoreboard and just start entering in all of those leading indicators.

Speaker A [00:42:04]:
And we get leads and lags from forex or 4 l execution x. I’ll I’ll free up the name of the book now. You don’t have to read it. It’s a corporate book. It’s a triadark. But it just basically talks about 4 d’s of execution. That’s it. It’s one of those corporate books that I read for you so that you don’t have to.

Speaker A [00:42:20]:
Okay? Leading and lagging indicators. Yeah. Everybody focuses on the lagging indicators of sales, but it’s all the efforts that we need to track, the the leading indicators. And so I would download the Google shape the scoreboard and put your projections across the top under revenue, and then go down column c and enter all of your leading indicators. And then compare them to what you did last year. Now don’t fret when you go through it. You you might think for the first time since you’re new, you’re like, I haven’t done much of this at all. Good news.

Speaker A [00:42:53]:
That means those are all brand new opportunities for you, and it should be that much easier for you to double. It’s good. I will I’m gonna

Speaker H [00:43:01]:
load it and do it. Okay. All of a case. Yes. It’s when you are, in the busy week and reacting stuff, it’s always difficult something creative and think about the long vision. So it’s good to step back, take some vacation, and just dive in the dreams.

Speaker A [00:43:22]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It is. Even today, we can go on vacations. I I’m always up early, and so I sneak in a jam session almost every morning before everybody else wakes up and business planning and strategizing and trying to be creative. And so I get that. Any other thoughts for Samuel, guys?

Speaker B [00:43:39]:
No. I think he’s on a good track there.

Speaker A [00:43:41]:
Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Right on. Alright. It’s time to roll out with takeaways. Daryl, lead the way.

Speaker B [00:43:49]:
Yeah. Just, listening to all of our situations here just reminds me, how big is our leadership cup gotta grow. We self growth, Zig Ziller, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, just some things I wanna get back into. And like I said a few weeks ago, one of our masterminds, we wanna be somebody who wanna work for. So a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately is would I wanna work for me? And I just that’s really been hitting on me. Do what I work for me. We all think contractors, we all think we’re great. But when we take a step outside of ourselves and look at ourselves, what would you work for you? And so that’s what I have written down again.

Speaker B [00:44:25]:
This is, like, the 3rd time this year I’ve written it down. Would I work for you? Because it makes me wanna change and be better. So that’s my takeaway.

Speaker A [00:44:32]:
That’s awesome. Thank you, Darrell.

Speaker C [00:44:33]:
Isaac? Networking, sales recruiting, daily audit. I need to really hit the scoreboard. I’m gonna do that this week. And cabinets, only 8 clients and only if they’re very profitable.

Speaker A [00:44:48]:
Yeah. So I like that. Awesome. And then the mantra of the scoreboard is you master what you measure. So fantastic. Rich?

Speaker D [00:44:56]:
Oh, I’ve got highlighted d Michael Phelps. That really hit home. So thank you, man.

Speaker A [00:45:01]:
That was big. For sure.

Speaker D [00:45:03]:
Gonna be doing a time audit on myself too. Looking it’s gonna be going back into the DYD system. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve even looked into any of that. I’d be doing probably looking into a BNI too, Steve. So

Speaker A [00:45:17]:
Awesome. Okay. Glad to hear it, Rich. Right on. Thank you for sharing. Craig?

Speaker E [00:45:22]:
I will be doing some progressive discipline this this week.

Speaker A [00:45:26]:
Okay. There you go. Hold the line. Yes. Hold the line. Protect that culture. Way to lead. That is leadership.

Speaker A [00:45:33]:
Hey, Jesus.

Speaker F [00:45:35]:
Yes. I’ll train on my next lead, and I like the audit transfer and fill. Working on that.

Speaker A [00:45:42]:
Okay. Fantastic. Thank you. Sonia?

Speaker G [00:45:45]:
Networking sales recruiting, daily time daily audit scoreboard, jam session.

Speaker A [00:45:49]:
Key. Yeah. Key. Yeah. Yep. Awesome. Right on. Thank you.

Speaker A [00:45:53]:
And, Samuel, takeaways, please.

Speaker H [00:45:56]:
I will find it by the 5 levels of leadership book. Read it on this vacation and, then fill out the actual seat scoreboard system. So I’m knowing what I’m going after for the next year.

Speaker A [00:46:12]:
I see. Right on. Awesome. So glad to hear. And, again, welcome. It’s a pleasure and honor to have you from Finland. We’ve had him from England and Australia, Plenty from Australia and where else? Ireland, England. And we’ve got some members in the cafe from Africa too.

Speaker A [00:46:26]:
They don’t ever speak up or they’re in the community, but we’ve got some members from, the continent. Africa. In fact, 1 guy joined from Nigeria. I’m like, yes. We finally made a dollar up to Nigerian prince. Right? Now I’m only kidding. I never met him. I don’t know who he is.

Speaker A [00:46:40]:
It was just fun to see somebody from Nigeria come through. But Finland, how cool. It’s such an honor, Samuel. And you pronounce it Samuel? Yes. Samuel. So my son’s name is Samuel, and as a nickname, we call him Samuel. So that’s pretty neat. Didn’t know it was a Finland pronunciation, but now we’ll, pretend like we planned it all along.

Speaker A [00:47:00]:
So thank you for that, Samuel. Oh, my pleasure. Alright. Lady and gentlemen, I wanna encourage you to do exactly what it says behind Sonia. Dream big, hustle smarter. You’ve got this.

Speaker B [00:47:11]:
Have a

Speaker A [00:47:11]:
great day, everybody.

Speaker C [00:47:12]:
See you guys. See you guys. See you next time. Guys.

Speaker G [00:47:15]:
Nice to meet you, Samuel.

Speaker H [00:47:16]:
Nice to meet you.


About the Author

As a newly single father of two from MI, he struggled to start over as a paint contractor in FL, going door to door. His situation was so bad, even the IRS had mercy on him.

 Feeling completely hopeless, he remembered the story of King Solomon praying for wisdom. Could it be so easy? 

He felt he had absolutely nothing to lose. So, as a bankrupt, divorced, high school dropout, single father of 2 young kids, now living 1250 miles away from all friends and family, started to pray for wisdom.
 And while he continues to wait for the wisdom to arrive, what did come was an insatiable desire to learn and read books… 
Thanks to God for giving him the burning passion to read books, and attend seminars, (oh and winning the wife lottery) he not only cracks the success code and overcomes the struggle, but also streamlines his painting business in less than 3 years, published a how to book, then sold the company. Now he leads a business coaching company for painting contractors so he can help other businesses, like yours, to do the same. Hear more... http://www.DYBCoach.com/01 Or JoinDYB.com