EP47: Shawn Derby Half Million Dollar Painting Business in Just 2 Years Shooting for $1.5M
In this episode of the DYB Podcast, Steve shares the mic with Shawn Derby of Sir Paints a Lot, a painting business that set its roots in Montana and flourished in Oregon.
Shawn discusses the different elements that turned his high school gig into a successful business, including faith, love for his family, and a work culture that empowers his employees.
– Leadership and Team-Building Tips
– How to build an exceptional culture that empowers employees
– The role of marriage and family in the success of a business
– How to plan the path forward to tripling revenue in 2019
[03:22] “You just don’t hire the first person that you like in an interview. You need to vet them and make sure they have a hunger and a drive to get a job done even if it’s not something that they don’t particularly enjoy.” [25:14] “I think the biggest paradigm shift has been switching my mind from a technician’s background… and really working on your business and trying to empower people to make the choices themselves and let this be their success.” [26:21] “If you’re just directing them, all they are is a bunch of go here, go there people. You’re not going to deliver the right experience if you have to tell your crew lead to talk to your client and make sure they’re happy.” [38:07] “These books that these authors write really are peering into the minds of these geniuses so I’ve been digging through every book I possibly can.” [39:10] “Take pause, capture at least three takeaways and implement them.”——————-
[04:30] Shawn’s life before Sir Paints a Lot[19:48] Revenue breakdown from year 1 to present
[29:10] A “secret sauce” both Steve and Shawn share
[31:29] Shawn discusses the successful programs that he implemented
[36:57] Shawn targets 1.5 million in revenue
[40:34] Books that had an impact on Shawn
Burnett Growth Team – Virtual Assistance
Estimate Rocket – Estimating software
PEP Cloud – Estimating software
Grasshopper – Phone service
Basecamp – Project management software
GroupMe – Team chatting and segmenting work
Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt – Goal-setting planner
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
Who’s In Your Room by Dr. Misner
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Connect with Nadia Burnett on Facebook here
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Here’s the pictured Shawn mentioned at [2:13] when he worked a 24-hour shift, went home for a 4-hour nap and then got right back up and did another 32 hours of sanding cabinets!