EP51: Ron Ramsden Interviews Steve Burnett with DYB Member’s Questions
In this unique episode of the DYB podcast, the tables have turned on Steve Burnett, founder of DYB, as he is the one interviewed by fellow DYB coach Ron Ramsden.
Ron asks Steve some deep and not-so-deep questions pooled from listeners and mastermind groups.
Steve answers and explains some thoughts regarding coffee and music but more importantly, he shares his vision and perspectives on God, life and business based on serving others while doing what you love.
Steve also shares his inspirational background and how he started DYB with his wife, April.
Through Ron’s softball and curveball questions, we get a peek into Steve’s life and mind, and all things DYB.
- How Steve & April started DYB Coach
- God’s role in the expansion of DYB Coach
- The importance of serving others
“To relax is more of an opportunity for me to get into my creative process.”
“I feel like we just shared, helped as much as we could, and the market created the company.”
“Greatest accomplishment? So nothing comes to mind straight away, I feel like the daily discipline, of mastering daily discipline is big.”
“Our mission is to be the ultimate resource, hands down, no brainer, for ten thousand paint contractors throughout the US, Canada, and we’re making our way through Australia already.”
“Blessings are tucked inside of problems.”
“Get yourself to do what you don’t want to do whether you feel like it or not, it’s really the key for everybody.”
2:35 Steve’s definition of relaxation
4:25 What was the catalyst for DYB?
10:33 Coffee
13:00 Steve on failure and accomplishment
14:31 God’s role in Steve’s business life
19:35 Steve’s mentors
26:55 What is the future for DYB?
28:24 Steve’s background and how he changed his life
Schedule Your Free Strategy Call With Steve
Connect with Ron Ramsden on Facebook here
Connect with Steve on Facebook here
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