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How to Hire and Retain Millennials in your Business

marketing, painting contractor, business coach

How to Hire and Retain Millennials in your Business

The workforce is changing… are you adapting to the changes?

The millennial generation is here and the current workforce is already compromised with 1 out of 3 being a millennial.

(A millennial is considered anyone between the ages of 19-34 years old)

But more importantly, within the next ten years, Millennials will make up 75 % of our workforce...

Are you ready to adapt?

Millennials are considered tech-savvy employees with an attitude to work for a mission.

What does this mean for you?

It is Our Time to Adapt.

As you’re reading this you’re probably thinking (as I was when I first performed my research) “Why should I adapt to them?”  If you do not change you will be the 72 Pinto Toyota Prius that nobody wants to work on or with a Ford Pinto.

Here’s What We Can Do to Change:

1. Embrace a strong company culture with regularly scheduled team meetings, team building days or events, and most importantly, daily encouragement through technology with everybody such as GroupMe or text.

2. Learn a new language as with the influx of immigrants a new language will enhance the communication level and welcome new employees with the ease of communication.

3. Throughout the company create job descriptions, levels, and achievements to advance within the organization.

4. Build a company that has a reason for someone to come to work. They are looking for and need a purpose.

Provide assistance regularly to a charity chosen by the workers that compliments the organization.

Award employees time off for volunteer days.

Embrace ideas to give back to the community and make it happen!

We are venturing into a new era of a new workforce. You can either sit on the sidelines and resist the change, or you can embrace it, learn from and adapt to it, and allow your company to thrive.

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