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How to Teach Your Painters Accountability

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How to Teach Your Painters Accountability

Hi Guys, Greg here from DYB Coach.

I wanted to just take a brief moment today to talk to you about caring for your employees.

I come from an entrepreneurial background, I have always been inspired by entrepreneurs, and one of my mentors took the time to teach me some hard lessons.

When I was 19 years old, I was a go-getter, I made sure I worked very hard, didn’t really fully understand what accountability was, nor taking responsibility for the overall duties of a job.

So, we had a little disagreement, my former mentor and I, and he handed me the QBQ book, which is a famous entrepreneurial book written by John G. Miller.

He has other ones as well, but this is a phenomenal way of explaining what accountability looks like.

Sometimes, you can’t just put it into words as well as these authors do, but this is something that I implemented a few years ago…

Whenever I run into a roadblock conversation with one of my employees about accountability, where they are not really understanding, I go ahead and I buy them a copy of this book and hope it yields the same results as it did for me.

I also want to make sure that they understand that I want to invest in their success, and in their future.

I want to teach them the things that I have learned, so they can apply it to their life, and become successful, and reach their goals.

This is a small little token of gratitude and a gesture for when you care about someone and want to communicate that to them.

It’s a small thing to do, really easy and simple, I suggest you guys do something along those lines.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to drop a comment, I would love to hear from you guys.

Also, subscribe to “DYB Coach” on Youtube!

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