I’m driving but not to work…
It’s a beautiful summer day, but I’m not working!
We are heading to my favorite backpacking trails in North Eastern Oregon and I can’t wait to meet up with friends and family to start our hike!
It’ll be a whole 4 days in the mountains, free from devices and worry.
My phone lights up with incoming calls but I’m not answering, someone else is.
My Wunderlist notifications pop up periodically as they get checked off, work is happening and I don’t even have to be there to tell anyone what needs to be done!
Technology allows me to stay updated on my business while I’m away.
My biggest obstacle is deciding which tech is the best for my business and if it will still be around in a few years…
- So how did I choose what to implement?
- Which Apps and Software do I trust?
- How many apps do I really need?
The DYB Community is your source!
Technology, Computer programs, Apps and so on –
All of these things can help you organize and create tasks, track your progress, keep your “paperwork” straight, keep your employees on track, organize and protect sensitive information, create and track your business systems… and much more.
Best of all, you can set most of this software to give you updates so you can see the “dashboard” of your business.
Embrace it!
The cloud is here to stay and it’s only getting easier and less expensive to use.
So… how do you start?
More than likely you have a smartphone, if you don’t I would recommend getting one today!
Next, get your business set up on Google with Google Apps.
This will make your life so much easier as your email and your calendar will be organized.
Yes, you too like many in the DYB Community can also have an empty inbox like this:
The KEY is to turn on “Priority Inbox.”
Here’s how:
And this is just the beginning. We have workshops periodically that will walk you through the rest of how to get your inbox to zero. Don’t miss the next one!
Maybe an overflowing inbox is not your pain source.
Maybe an overflowing phone is…what do I mean? Check out this article on how to use your phone as a tool instead of a distraction. There are over 40 items to implement.
Will you dare to implement them all? There’s more tech courses and how to’s for you to implement as a DYB Member. Check it out.