Wouldn’t it be great to close jobs on the spot?
Have you ever wanted to try but didn’t want to be over bearing, a hard closing sales person? Or have you been afraid they would reject your offer?
Typical Scenario – You just said your hellos.. asked the typical detailed questions about their project… built report with them. Now you have all the information you need to do the walkthrough to bid the job and get the takeoffs/pricing together.
Have you caught yourself saying…..
“I’ll put together the estimate and email it to you” or “I will send you the bid, let me know if you want to do the work”
Sound Familiar? How many of bids did you leave feeling like you could have closed the sale?
Whats the holdup? you ask, …
You need a formula to ask for the sale.
A script… something that let’s the person know you are interested and aren’t some pushy sales person, that you care about their project and want their job!
Here are a few questions you can use to help start your closing sales process.
Let’s change your approach and see what happens.
Start with the end in mind… Ask the right questions up front.
Make an agreement with your new client that you are willing to give them a price at the end of meeting if they tell you there is a chance of winning the business. I recommend asking this question right before starting my take off.
“After I answer all of your questions and have a chance to take measurements of your project I will gladly give you the ballpark price. Will you be able to tell me if it’s in the range of your other bids or what you thought it might cost?”
I always get a “Yes” with this question, who doesn’t want to know the cost of their project?
Follow up question to the “Ballpark Price” question – If my bid price is in your budget and time frame, will you be able to make a decision today?
If the answer is “Yes” and or “Maybe” you have a shot!
Now you can do your takeoff’s
Your price is ready and you have all the pictures and info you need to write up the bid. Now it’s time for the bid write up. Take 5 minutes and write up your bid now. Hand written is okay, people still accept hand written bids from contractors! If you have an Ipad with software to help write up the bid, go ahead and get it done.
Make a point to not take home bid work!
Present your price ” Mrs. Smith, after thoroughly looking at your job, and getting those full 2 coats of paint on your home you requested, it will take us 4 days to get it done and cost approximately $5000.”
Pause and listen!
You will hear a range of responses. The one you are looking for is “That’s about what I thought it would cost” or “The other bids are around there too” “Yes, That is in my budget”
Show your bid – Hand it to your new client. Let them read it, discuss the details… ask questions, resolve concerns and separate yourself from the other bidders. Then..
Ask for the sale, softly….
“Can I pencil you in for the week of…?” Show them your Basecamp calendar on your iPad to give them a visual of your availability.
“Does the week of….. work for you?”
“When would you like to get started?”
“I have the perfect crew available to get started the week of…. will that work for you?”
Pause and listen!
“Yes, that will work for me, let’s get it scheduled” said Mrs. Smith.
Congratulations! You just closed your first sale on the spot! Get the deposit check and schedule the work. Great job!
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