EP65: Nick Cuttonaro, CEO of The Link Builders Discusses The Importance of Online Presence and Branding
In this episode of the DYB podcast, Greg brings in Nick Cuttonaro of Link Builders, a firm that works with companies to control and improve their brand narrative. Nick talks about the Link Builders, how it started as an SEO company, and how it eventually transitioned to brand reputation management as its niche.
Nick tackles the importance of online presence, branding, and what is actually visible about a company in social media outlets. He gives some advice on how to take care of online reputation, especially in this world of likes, dislikes, and reviews. Nick also highlights the do’s and don’ts of social media management and gives pointers on how to properly execute a press release.
- The importance of online presence
- The ins and outs of Link Building
- Branding and brand reputation
- The do’s and don’ts of social media management
- How to Properly execute a Press release.
“Google your name. What is discovered? Like is there great content? Is there no content? And do that for your brand name as well. I think you’d be surprised…”
“It all revolves around controlling what someone would see on search in social media.”
“Look at the top competitor and your market because, in most instances, a top competitor is doing all they can to be as competitive as possible.”
“You need friends in media because you’re not paying for a press release and so there’s got to be a ‘what’s in it’ for the media company.”
“Most businesses and most business owners are wired this way— they’re wired to give but the hardest thing is articulating what you’re doing to the media or even getting a press release because no one wants to brag or boast.”
2:38 What is link-building?
5:57 Nick talks about his firm’s services
7:54 Pointers on online presence and brand reputation
16:46 Greg and Nick talk about paid review services
26:13 How press releases work
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