How to Become the “Lucky” Painter Part 2
I am a lucky painter again! That’s what I was just told, cool.
Anyways I shared a while back a video of mine, that when I became lucky, at least someone told me I was a lucky painter.
This is years ago I had a schoolteacher who painted on the side, had his own little business, but he decided to work for me full time during the summers.
I was working right alongside him when I was still in the bucket and my phone rang and a half hour, I landed two deals signed, said they got the go ahead and I also got a call for an estimate on a pretty decent job.
He turned to me, he says, you are the luckiest painter I know.
Well, I was just told that again today I am a lucky painter.
Let me get you to a little story first of all…
First I am Ron Ramsden and I’m a DYB coach, also a painting contractor up here in New England.
A few days ago, Sunday night I was sitting near my wood burning stove, scrolling on Facebook and a picture of a local restaurant popped up and that restaurant was actually moving in, and another restaurant was moving in, and they said we need a painter, ASAP.
Well, so I got a comment on this… but I found out I was the twenty-ninth comment on this one Facebook post, looking for a painter.
I just said yeah we’d love to provide a free quote at your earliest convenience, and I put my website down and told them, you could book an appointment right on the website.
Then I private messaged the restaurant, I didn’t know the person who owned it.
So I private messaged them, and quick introduction, I said you can find out… these are the links to all our Google reviews.
Here’s a link to our Facebook page and here’s a link to our website where you can book online if you have any questions, please feel free to either call me or message me here.
And within an hour I had a message, I went and looked at the job and I asked why and she says well you were local and you had a good reputation.
And we also asked at the paint store when we’re picking out our colors and they said they know you and they highly recommend you also, so I was getting lucky.
So anyway, we found out yesterday that we landed the job and it’s a significant job that they gave us.
And then I was talking to some other people, they wanted to know who won that job and I said, I did, and they said boy, you are so lucky.
And then I thought back how did I become lucky?
Maybe a little different of how we did it before because technology is so ingrained in our work, in our habits and everything people do.
But I want to tell you how I got lucky.
We have over 25 google reviews and how do we get those?
We ask for these Google reviews; we provide the customers with an easy link so they can review us.
Hopefully, they are five stars, if not we are going to ask why they are not 5 stars, but we get Google reviews.
Also, we keep up to date with social media and what do I mean by social media?
We keep quality pictures on job sites on a regular basis.
We also do fun things, we do some contest, charity work, we actually paint it forwards and other charity things, we like to know that we’re ingrained in the community.
A lot of people like to work for people who have similar interests, if they are charitable they like to work with people who are charitable.
Also, our easy to use website, our website is not only new and fresh, but you can also actually book your appointments on time.
And I’ll tell you, I can’t tell you how much positive reviews we’ve had from that.
And also, we have a good reputation at the paint store, we pay our bills, we are nice to them, we take care of them, we drop them off some products, we drop them off pies and coffees and things like that.
So we make sure that they like us, we like them and we appreciate everything they do because without them there’d be a missing link in our chain.
So, keep relevant with your community, get those Google reviews, someone’s going to be looking for you, you want to make sure that they feel comfortable hiring the right painter; that’s how you get lucky.
If you are waiting just to get lucky for that call to reach you.
Someone will call you, probably someone you don’t want to work for but someone will call you.
Plan this way, get your Google reviews. If you don’t have a Google review link generator that you can easily send a link to a customer, message me here and I will get you one.
It’ll be your own, customize it to yourself, very easy to use.
If you have other ways that you stay ingrained in your community, share them here, I’d love to hear those comments also.
If you’d like to chat with me you can find me or you can email me at ron@dybcoach.com. You can now share your story on how lucky you got or find me on Facebook.
A lot of people do send me a private message. We can either chat that way or we can trade cellphone numbers.
I would love to hear your story also.
I’m Ron Ramsden, I am a DYB coach and I am the lucky painter and I hope you get lucky also. Have a great day.