Painting Business Owners: How to Prioritize Your Schedule
Hi there, Greg here from DYB Coach, also Green Pro Painting, out of Greenville, South Carolina.
I wanted to share a little bit of a cheat for your schedule as a painting business owner, on how to prioritize as your company is growing.
In my previous post, I had shared a little bit about how to free up some of your time from going to get paint and making sure that this is happening, from a project management standpoint.
But now, I am going to talk to you about an owner’s standpoint and what’s important for you, depending on what your roles are in your company.
So, here is what you do;
Break Down and Prioritize the Things You Need To Complete
What I do is, I take a simple Excel spreadsheet, and I break out and prioritize the things that I need to complete.
Here is how I have broken up my week for me;
• Mondays –Marketing, Client follow up & Biding: On Mondays I follow-up on sales from the previous week, and maybe completing some bids.
• Tuesdays & Thursdays –Job Site Visits & Field Estimates: Tuesday is going to be job site visits and field estimates. So, if you are going to be out doing residential stuff, you have to do your measuring, I set those up for Tuesdays, and Thursdays as well.
• Wednesdays –Payroll & Billing: Wednesdays are payroll and any type of billing item that needs to be completed.
• Fridays –Follow-up on clients & employees: And then Fridays are just follow up for clients and employees or anything of that nature.
Really simple… just break it down like that!
Be Flexible with Your Schedule
If you open up your schedule for Estimates every single day, that’s totally fine, this is what worked for me, and if there was an area where I needed to make an adjustment, it was no problem, we could totally do that on the fly.
If the client couldn’t see us on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, we will do it on a Monday, but I would always present it as Tuesdays and Thursdays were my days are available.
Very rarely did I ever have to make a change because of somebody not being able to come in with that.
If they want to have work done at their house… they usually make themselves available.
I hope that was helpful for you guys!
If you have any questions, feel free to drop a hint in the comment of what you need some help with.
Also check us out on YouTube, because we have plenty of videos that could help you guys when your business is growing.
You can do this!