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Painting Contractors: How To Win Bids Before Arriving To The Painting Estimate

painting business, painting contractor, marketing, paint, business, painting, painter, online marketing

I used to get SO frustrated when I would lose jobs to cheaper bids. This used to happen over and over. Not anymore and I’ll show you how along with a few other examples of DYB members taking it to the next level, but first,

I pulled up to the estimate and saw Ohio State logos all over the place. I loved this because it set me up for a great icebreaker that never fails.

While wearing my smiley face name tag, I walked up and rang the doorbell at the exact time of the estimate.

They opened the door and greeted me; I kindly replied with a warm smile, while shaking their hand,

I paused with the most serious tone and said, I’m sorry I need to let you know something right up front…

They paused looking to themselves wondering what it might be,

Then I said, “I’m from Michigan.”

They laughed and laughed!

See, there is a fun rivalry between Michigan and Ohio State fans.

Now, I’ve tried this a few times with Michigan State fans and well… They don’t seem to think it’s so funny. (Lighten up MSU guys).

After the icebreaker, she said,

“We already know that. I read your story on your website and loved it. I also loved that you have your pricing on your website, too.

In fact, I already measured our home and if you find my measurements accurate, according to your pricing on your website, you’ve got the job.

…we didn’t even call anybody else.”


Or take Mr. Scott. I arrived at his 3rd story condo on Venice Beach, FL on a sunny afternoon.

After I measured his condo, I presented my proposal and he looks at Mrs. Scott, looked back at me and said,

“Ok, when can you start?”

We looked at the schedule, picked a day, Mrs. Scott wrote a check for the 20% deposit to get on the schedule and then I asked him my “why us question”.

I learned this from Jeffrey Gitomer the author of The Little Red Book of Selling.

It goes exactly like this:

“Thank you. You could have went with another painting company; why did you choose us?”

In fact, it’s this exact question that lead to the discovery of most of the DYB System.

Mr. Scott replied, “Well, we liked your website. Especially all of your video testimonials. Then when you made it so easy to book an estimate with you right on the website, I didn’t even call anybody else. You pretty much had the job before you arrived.”

Then they graciously provided a video testimonial.


Good marketing, helps you to bond with your prospect by showing them you will provide the experience they are looking for, and makes it easier for them to decide.

How cool would it be if YOU could win bids before arriving to the estimate?

Well, you can.

Check out what our DYB member, Aaron Steininger, shared into the DYB Community



Now this is just a clip of his entire post. He also shares the emails he sent for other DYB Members to use like,

“Before You Hire Any Painting Contractor, Make Sure They Can Answer YES To All 25 Questions”.

Then there’s Ron Ramsden, who sends a video to let them know what to expect when he arrives to provide them their estimate.


Ron Ramsden’s Pre-Estimate Video

This allows them to get to know Ron ahead of time, and sets him heads and tails above the rest!

Just imagine, you too, can build value into your estimate so that you are not competing on price– so much that, in fact,

You’ll find yourself winning bids before you arrive to the estimate.

Whatever you do, don’t be boring.

You can become the person with amazing plans for the weekend and be fully present with your family or hanging with the guys watching the game,

because you’re not trying to get caught up on your estimates.

In short, you’ve taken the antidote to boring.

Bottom line — what are you doing to win the bid before arriving to the estimate? Is it something new and interesting?

A website with your story, your pricing, video testimonials, and then access for them to book you IS the antidote to boring.

Then sending a few emails and/or a 2 minute video — can change your life.

If you’re tired of putting all the work into driving to the estimate, meeting the homeowners, taking notes, writing up the scope of work, then compiling it all into a nice proposal only to lose it to a cheaper bid,

I’d love to show you a different approach. Learning how to win bids before arriving to the estimate can be fast, effective and fun.

I have a whole site of courses in the, DYB Cafe, where you’ll see how to learn fast — even if you’re already busy.

There’s no need to stick to that old routine: doing the same old things everybody else is doing (competing on price). We can show you how to change your life like Aaron, Ron, Dalton, and many others today so tomorrow looks even better. The confidence to win bids— on the spot — is the ultimate gift.

Join DYB now

You’ve Got This!

Steve Burnett
Founder of Burnett Painting
Pres. DYB Coach

P.S. If you even think you might be interested, do me a favor. Take 3 minutes to check out the info page and decide if it’s right for you.

If not, no prob. At least you made the decision instead of missing out by default.

(And as always, you’re protected by my 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. I kept the price very low and made trying all of the courses risk-free because I want to share this course with as many people as I can.)

Start Winning Bids Before Arriving To The — Join DYB now.

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