Ray Paparo of Aspen Painting & Wall Covering of Pennsylvania Tells of His Remarkable Experience with Painting Contractor Business Coach
Hi, I’m Ray Aspen with Aspen Painting & Wall Covering in Pennsylvania.
I just want to take a moment to endorse my mentor, my business coach, my friend; Steve Burnett.
I have been working with Steve, one-to-one since March of 2017 and it has been a remarkable experience to say the least.
Steve has managed to take his “high-C” personality and has gotten me to tap into my inner “high-D” personality and take action getting things done.
Which has been no small task as I can procrastinate with the best of me…
Since working with Steve, I have become better at marketing my business, I have been closing more sales, and he has definitely helped me implement systems to keep me focused on my goals.
He has helped me get through some of the difficulties of using technology as it’s difficult for me.
Now I am using things like; Estimate Rocket, BaseCamp 2, Pipeline Deals, T-sheets, Group Me, You Can Book Me, Google Sheets.
There are probably several more that are just escaping my mind at the moment.
But these things have helped me to become more time-efficient, they’ve helped me to become more profitable and has also reduced some of the stress as well.
And Steve continuously adds value to working with him, one-to-one.
There is also something that has occurred, that was completely unexpected, very intangible item; I feel like I am a better person, since I have met Steve.
Not only has he been a great business coach, but he has been a life coach as well.
Like I said, it came completely unexpected, just another added benefit of working with Steve.
If you are considering working with Steve one-on-one, maybe you are on the fence…
I would say, jump off that fence, take that leap, and start working with Steve, I strongly urge you to do that.
Start taking control of your business and tackling your goals one by one.
Take control of your life, Steve will keep you energized, he will keep you focused!
Give Steve a call, you will thank me later.
Make it a great day everyone!