Here’s Why You NEED to Blog
What does this apple mean to your business?
I’ll tell you, but first…
I am Ron Ramsden and I am a DYB coach and I’m also a painting contractor in Northern Massachusetts.
The other day in one of our mastermind groups we were talking about blogs.
And the question came up that they heard that blogs don’t have much SEO juice as they used to because everybody is blogging.
Well, I have to tell you I think everybody is blogging and if you aren’t already, then you should be.
I want you to look at this apple here as your website.
Now, good websites sitting out there by themselves is okay.
Yeah sure, it’s a nice looking website, nice and shiny, it’s out there.
You’d actually have to point everybody in the direction of your website…
Now, let’s look at a blog post as a toothpick.
This is an arrow pointing from your blog to your website.
Now if you don’t have any blogs, here you are, you are looking at a nice shiny apple.
It’s out there, it’s great… but imagine if you had five blogs, that’s 5 extra ways someone could find your website.
Most of the time you have many, many tag words. Imagine if you had five blogs out there.
Well, I have to tell you, you have five arrows pointing to your website.
Even if they have a little less juice than they used, five arrows are better than no arrows.
Imagine if you had 25 blogs, that’s 25 arrows pointing to your website.
That’s with only one tag per blog. So you could have interior painter Orlando Florida, choosing Orlando for an example.
Exterior painter Orlando Florida and then you could actually go down to your zip code. You could have residential painter Orland, Florida.
You could have shutter restoration Orlando, Florida.
Maybe you do flooring and you could have a tag word just for that flooring in that area.
I just say, even if the blogs have a little less SEO juice than they used to have, the more blogs that you have out there, the better it is.
And a couple things you have to remember, every blog doesn’t have to be epic.
It’s great to have a super blog out there, but be consistent with your blogging even if it’s shorter blogs.
Maybe two paragraphs, maybe a how-to, or steps for doing something.
Blogs are very, very important.
So you can have a shiny, shiny website out there and maybe you only have a few blogs to start.
But a few blogs is better than no blogs.
But once you start blogging, these are the arrows that will lead your future customers to your website. Just a little tip for today.
I am Ron Ramsden and I am a DYB coach and I’m also a painting contractor in Northern Massachusetts.
I help painters work on their business so they don’t have to work in the business.
Get out of the bucket, give me a call.