A month ago the phones were quiet.
Most of the days were manageable and our daily list was getting completed daily, BUT if your business is anything like ours, once the weather warms and the daffodils start to pop out of the soil the the phone starts ringing off the hook.
Voice mails to return for estimates, new customers booking online estimates, emails from past customers asking for you to stop by to look at something for them.
You head is now spinning like you just jumped from the frying pan into the fire.
Do you:
- Schedule estimates non-stop through out the day and into the night?
- Skip family time to please the customers schedule?
- Miss your daughters dance class on Saturday to please Mr. New Customer?
- Throw you hands up and and only call some of them back?
We have all been there, it is like someone has flipped a switch.
You will be amazed how easy it is to take back your time and control your business instead of your business controlling you.
Take it back by instituting “YOUR” New Rules:
- Set a set schedule of when you provide estimates and let the homeowner know what times are available, you will be quite surprised how many will find a time that mutually works for both of you.
- Provide estimates on the SPOT. This will shortened the response time when providing the estimate and office time will be eliminated for this task.
- When establishing your Schedule, Schedule in your family time, date night, kids activities and work the estimates around those.
- Interview, prequalify the customer before heading over to provide the estimate to see if they are a good fit for your company.
- Source: How did they find you?
- Are they in the area you want to be your Target Market?
- What is there time frame for having it completed?
- Do they have a budget?
- When was the last time they had their home painted?
- If you are busy then RAISE YOUR PRICES.
- The definition of Supply and demand via the online dictionary is the amount of a commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it, considered as factors regulating its price.
If you are wondering about online booking, estimates on the spot, calculating your price point as well as some of the other items mentioned above and need some assistance maybe it is time to check out our online community or join a mastermind Group .