EP 118 : Hire Better People Faster with Ryan Englin
Our special guest Ryan Englin is passionate about supporting growing businesses, sharing his proven process for hiring rock star employees and offers valuable bonuses to listeners who purchase their book.
Get ready to enhance your hiring and retention strategies in this informative episode of the DYB Podcast!
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00:01.54 dybsteve Hello and welcome to the Duy B Podcast today's guest is passionate about supporting growing businesses particularly blue- collar industries which is fantastic ah to build amazingly productive companies by hiring the right people. Growing up. He saw his father working 12 hour shifts and weekends as an owner operator witnessing firsthand the struggles that these companies have in hiring quality employees determined to help and find a better way. His company core matters provides coaching and training on attracting hiring and retaining rockstar employees. Using this proven process. The core fit hiring system. You'll learn how to start hiring better people faster ryan england welcome to the show. 00:46.94 Ryan Englin Ah, Steve thanks for having me here I'm so passionate excited to share this message with your listeners today. 00:51.80 dybsteve Right on. Thank I Couldn't wait to have this conversation because man is it hard to hire. It's It's like we've never experienced this before as hard as it's been especially in the last you know few years and it's just it's crazy and you know without going into all the. 01:00.15 Ryan Englin A a. Um, yeah. 01:10.16 dybsteve Politics or whatever but but just simply like why why is hiring so hard. Especially today. 01:11.39 Ryan Englin He he. Well, you know I think that and and I've found this when we talk to small business owners about this I Don't think we have as big a hiring problem as we think we do I think what we really have is a retention problem and if. 01:30.61 dybsteve Um, really yeah. 01:31.41 Ryan Englin And if you want to challenge me on that here's what I want you to do I know's I know it's ah, almost the year's almost over but I want you to think to last year think on December thirty first how many employees did you have and then I want you to fastforward a couple of months when or thirty days when your cpa is like hey you've got to issue this many wtwos for all the employees you had last year and if those numbers don't line up which they typically don't you typically have what I've seen especially in the trades 3 4 5 times the number of w tubes that you have to issue versus how many employees you had you don't have a hiring problem. You have a retention problem. 01:52.62 dybsteve You know. 02:06.50 Ryan Englin And that retention problem might be solved by better hiring which is why hire better is so important to us. But what I found is that most companies can do the hiring. They're just not hiring the right people and and when they do they don't know how to retain them and like I said we solve some of that through better hiring process. But um, you know and when when you're in a small community especially like unless you're in a major metropolitan area eventually, you're going to burn through all the painters you're going to burn through all the people and and you're like wait a minute There's 70 people out there that are good but they've all worked for me at one day or another and. It can make it really hard to find new blood to bring into the business. 02:46.47 dybsteve Yeah, yeah, indeed I remember calling competitors saying okay Ryan's applying over here. You know what was what? what are the issues you know and they'll give it to you straight like okay, he's got this that and that and you think about like well can I work with that you know because you're right? The full run. Ah so what. 02:52.40 Ryan Englin Ah, yeah. 02:58.98 Ryan Englin Can he deal with it. Yeah, ah. 03:03.78 dybsteve But something most businesses are doing wrong when it comes to hiring. 03:07.40 Ryan Englin Yeah, you know there's There's a lot of things but I think the big one is and this is kind of more of a blanket strategic statement is that they don't consider the employee or the candidate's needs when they're hiring someone. 03:21.88 dybsteve No. 03:24.20 Ryan Englin You've heard it said before people don't leave jobs. They leave people they leave bosses yet What we do is we go out to the marketplace and say hey I'm hiring for a painter I'm hiring for an admin I'm hiring for this and here's all the things you're going to do well someone that has the skills to do that job. 03:26.43 dybsteve People. Yeah. 03:42.50 Ryan Englin Know what that is. But if you think about it for a second. Why are they looking? they're looking because they want a different boss. They want a different team to be a part of they want a different company culture. That's why they're looking yet. We do nothing to appeal to that need. 03:47.92 dybsteve Who. 03:58.28 dybsteve Speak speaking of looking did I see a stat that said 51% of people are looking for another company to work with active. You know. 03:59.89 Ryan Englin The need is all about us and the position we need to fill. 04:11.15 Ryan Englin Actively looking at another 30% are open to to looking and it's just it's insane how many people out there are open to switching jobs right now. 04:18.55 dybsteve Yeah, okay so what does that look like I mean obviously it's like a quick hey we need to write better ads ads that appeal what to their needs. So it's not about listing just the health care and what other benefits that might be available but how can a company really stand out and. 04:36.95 Ryan Englin Well I think the important thing is is the first look inward and say hey what is it that makes us different. How can we be of value to our team and and stop focusing so much on how can our team be of value to our customers. 04:36.97 dybsteve Address their needs. 04:42.56 dybsteve You know. 04:53.17 Ryan Englin Think first hey if I take care of building a great team and I have a lot of amazing employees. They're going to take care of the customers. But we get it. We get it backwards and we start thinking how can I hire people to take care of the customers. But you disregard taking care of the team. So I think looking inward and saying what is it that we can bring to the team. What is it of value that we can have. The the last stats that I've seen people don't leave jobs for money anymore now know a bunch of listeners are like are you kidding me? they all come to me twenty five cents more an hour they go somewhere else. Money's the excuse because it's easy because they know you're not going to counter it because if you counter it with John guess what. 05:17.22 dybsteve Um, that's what they want? yeah. 05:30.23 Ryan Englin The rest of your team is going to be lined up saying where's my extra fifty cents an hour they they know that so they use that as the excuse but the reality is is people are leaving you because they want to go work for someone different. Not do a different job. They want to work for a different team. 05:31.39 dybsteve Yeah, yeah, yeah. 05:42.65 dybsteve New. 05:47.51 Ryan Englin And so if you don't know what you can do to be of value to the team member or to the candidate or to the applicant. That's where you need to start? What makes you different and that's where company culture comes in that's where our training and development comes in. 05:57.81 dybsteve No. 06:03.50 Ryan Englin That's where helping people grow personally and professionally and putting programs in place for that. Come in because that's what people want way more than they want more money right now. 06:11.27 dybsteve So is this how penny contractors can compete for the best people by having the best culture focusing on culture. 06:20.70 Ryan Englin Focusing on culture focusing on personal growth and development remember most people don't get out of bed and say yay I get excited to get to go to work today and leave my friends and family alone like they come to work as a means to an end work is what takes care of the experiences they want the bigger house. The better cars sending the kids to school that stuff. 06:28.73 dybsteve Ah. 06:38.34 Ryan Englin So they come to work because they want to take care of the personal side yet employers almost always disregard the personal side like you leave your drama at home like I don't want to hear that you need time off I don't care that you have a sick kid all of those things. So if we can take a step back and get into the the psyche or or see the world through. 06:45.14 dybsteve Mean. 06:57.44 Ryan Englin The the lens or the glasses that somebody else is walking. We walk in their shoes for a day or 2 all of a sudden. We go wait a minute I think I can be a much better employer and bring more value to not only the current team but people that I want to hire. 07:00.53 dybsteve On on. 07:10.14 dybsteve So if I hear you correctly to break this down into practical steps. It's maybe some 1 to 1 meetings some lunches to truly get to understand them. Not just know but understand them their situation and and the struggles that they have and then. 07:14.37 Ryan Englin Yeah. 07:28.29 Ryan Englin Yeah, one of the things that we teach we call it the growth accelerator program and you know most employers hear that and they go oh growth. Yeah I want my people to professionally grow I want them to be better painters I want them to be you know foreman and supervisors I Want to do that. 07:28.68 dybsteve See if you can help. 07:42.55 dybsteve Must. 07:45.23 Ryan Englin But the the flip side here is is our growth Accelerator program is a personal growth program. How many of your listeners have employees that are living paycheck to paycheck and they're and they're constantly focused like I need more money I need more money or or hey. 07:48.91 dybsteve No. 08:00.62 Ryan Englin You know I I know some contractors they'll do loans like you know they'll kind of be their own payday loan like hey I'll give you an advance or I'll help take care of your truck or whatever these guys will live in paycheck to paycheck how many people are saying hey you know what? I've got good money management skills or I know someone that's got good money. Management skills. Why don't I do a lunch and learn. On a weekend and invite them all in and say hey let's talk about how you guys can better budget better spend your money and like invest in them money management skills because nobody else is doing that and imagine that your team said hey you know what they help me get out of debt because they help me better budget or they help me. Ah. 08:21.67 dybsteve Me. 08:34.99 Ryan Englin Develop my personal skills So I'd be more value to the company and then therefore got the raise and we take that approach. 08:40.25 dybsteve So even something as simple as going and buying Dave Ramsey's financial peace university and running your you know your team through that to help them to get out of dead. Yeah yeah. 08:49.34 Ryan Englin That's one of the things we talk about is fpu and smart dollar and the investment is so minimal you know? yeah it might cost you thirty bucks a month. But what's it costing you when that guy leaves and you're going to replace them whoa. So. 09:01.16 dybsteve Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 09:05.34 Ryan Englin You know, investing in your people not just with dollars but also with time can be really beneficial. We encourage the companies we work with the owners should spend 30% of their week focused on their people 30% of their time a day and a half every single week. 09:10.64 dybsteve Um, ah. 09:23.10 Ryan Englin Focused on their people and when you do that your people are going to take care of your customers. They're going to take care of your business. They're going to take care of making sure that you got new customers coming in. They're going to do those things because they feel invested in. 09:34.52 dybsteve Okay, unpack that force a little bit. What does that look like 3% of the time or a day and a half is that following up those meetings they lunches. What. 09:43.77 Ryan Englin Yeah, so one of the places we start is we take a look at so 90 more than 90% of job seekers start their search online right? We're all online I would imagine that even your smallest contractors have a website or social media presence or something like that because you have to in this day and age. 09:59.90 dybsteve Yo Yeah um. 10:03.55 Ryan Englin Yet how many of them taking a step back and say well when a job seeker looks at my online profile. What do they see? are they excited about what they see. Um I don't know if you have any listeners like this but we have some contractors. We're like yelp is the worst they're awful. They don't I hate yelp and they'll have a two and a half star review and they'll be. 10:07.28 dybsteve 1 10:15.41 dybsteve Where. 10:22.70 Ryan Englin Challenging him like hey that guy's never been a client. He's just mad because one of my texts cut him off right? like that's the argument and so people throw their. 10:25.74 dybsteve Yeah, yeah I saw one where like my cat went in their yard and they called the Humane society on me. They might be good painters but I hate them for neighbors. You know I was like whoa. 10:34.41 Ryan Englin Yes, exactly and so what do people do they throw their arms up in the air they say ah screw yelp well you know what Yelp is 1 of the most trafficked websites for reviews in the world Google knows this so when someone does a search for your company name. Guess what's going to pop up high. 10:42.98 dybsteve Stuff. Ah. 10:48.17 dybsteve Um. 10:51.71 dybsteve Who. 10:53.96 Ryan Englin Yelp even if they search for your company name and put jobs at the end of it. Guess what's going to pop up high Yelp and a job seeker is going to see that and say well if the customers aren't thrilled. What's it like be on the inside and working for this company. So one of the first things you want to do is you want to take a look at your online brand and say hey am I attractive. 11:01.53 dybsteve Yeah. 11:13.58 Ryan Englin To the people I want to attract because if I'm not attractive to the good people or let's say hey you are one of those companies that's hiring a lot but you don't like the people that you're attracting if you're not attracting good people. You're probably not attractive to good people. 11:13.59 dybsteve No. 11:27.56 dybsteve Hold on if you're not attracting good people. You're probably not attractive to good people. Yeah. 11:33.83 Ryan Englin Correct yeah, sit with that one for a minute and and so really think about that for a moment if you're not happy with the quality of candidates that you're getting or you're not getting enough take a step back and say what do they see. 11:52.57 dybsteve Um. 11:53.52 Ryan Englin Is it is it good enough for them to get excited about wanting to join my team. 11:57.85 dybsteve Would it help to to your point to also share more team experiences on social right. 12:05.35 Ryan Englin Oh as a fend I Love that idea So many people have customer testimonials but no one ever has employee testimonials and the the funny thing is I'll hear this argument and I'm sure people are listening this right now going you have but my team would never do that for me, you know what. 12:10.37 dybsteve Yeah. 12:21.22 dybsteve Who. 12:25.38 Ryan Englin I've never ever in the hundreds of companies that we've worked with I've never had someone come to me and say I asked my team they they told me to shove it. They weren't going to help. No, they're like I have ideas. Are you cool? Is it cool if I do this can I do it on my phone like I post a Tiktok all the time I'd love to do a video. 12:27.49 dybsteve And then. 12:40.83 dybsteve Yeah, yeah. 12:42.84 Ryan Englin And then the owner's like I had no idea they had 10000 followers on Tiktok like he learned so much about people and I've never once had a team come back and say I don't want to help because the reality is your team is overworked too. 12:55.27 dybsteve Um, yeah, so yeah, yeah, would it helped too. So as we're writing back to hiring Ed here. 12:59.92 Ryan Englin They know you need help hiring and they want to help. 13:08.40 dybsteve Um, a lot of times in marketing for sales and trying to get customers you mentioned testimonials right? And so we quote customers. But what? what if we asked our employees. Why do you work here and then quote them rather than say we're a great place. Quote them saying whatever it is they say about their experience there. 13:27.88 Ryan Englin Just so we're clear Steve has not read my book yet. We're just on the same wavelength all right? So for the listeners out there. Yes, ah is exactly what I want to do don't take my word for it hear what our employees have to say put in some quotes and then. 13:33.77 dybsteve Ah, okay, yeah, yeah. 13:42.74 Ryan Englin Link to your careers page where all their video testimonials are so they get to hear it first. The end I mean ah how powerful would that be and I promise you your competitors aren't doing this stuff. You want to stand out. Go do that people are going to see that say yeah, it's a team I Want to be a part of. 13:44.43 dybsteve Awesome. Okay, yeah, yeah, right, right? on? yep. Right on now not to beat this dog but I'm just curious because this is your space and this is what you specialize in. Do you see a difference in the trades versus um, ah other industries where it is a little more difficult in the trades or is it just equally hard all the way around. 14:02.45 Ryan Englin Yeah, yeah, yeah. 14:16.40 Ryan Englin Now there's some. It's really more positions I think than industries I think there's some positions that are just easy. Ah, you know for some of your larger contractors. They might have some customer service reps that they need or some admin assistance or something like that. They post those ads they get bombarded. 14:18.59 dybsteve First. 14:27.81 dybsteve Yeah, no. 14:33.20 Ryan Englin You get bombarded but then they post an ad for a painter and they're thinking does no one know how to paint there is no one applying and then they'll post the Csr and they'll have they'll have 400 applications by Monday and they're like what I could just put a paintrush in some of these people's hands right. 14:37.95 dybsteve Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, ah that makes sense positions. Yeah, okay, okay. 14:50.20 Ryan Englin So I think it's more dependent on position than it is the actual industry right now. 14:55.91 dybsteve And another speaking of applications for painting positions. It's Incredible. How many of the applicants. Um, after the the companies will reach out to them. They'll see a great applicant say hey fantastic. Let's let's schedule a phone call interview or even an in-person interview. Ah, we'd really like to speak with you and they're getting ghosted left and right how can they overcome this. 15:17.79 Ryan Englin Yeah, yeah, you know it wasn't a thing I mean ghosting's been happening forever. Yeah, it started in the dating world. That's where we heard about it and all that it's been happening for a long time but I haven't started having to coach it as much as I have in the last eighteen months it's just so bad right now here's so here's there's a couple of things that we do to coach and I'll do I'll keep some simple tactics. Ah, we had a client that had a 90% no show rate 90% they had Hr was. 15:38.60 dybsteve It's crazy. Yeah. 15:45.81 dybsteve Um. 15:50.19 dybsteve It doesn't so let me just say that sounds common February that that we're dealing with so yeah, which is horrible. 15:55.29 Ryan Englin Yeah hr was centralized. They had multiple branches and so hr was having the phone conversations and then scheduling with the branch managers and this was construction company home service and a 90% no show rate. And they were just like what a waste of time so we actually had them set up that we were able to listen in on some calls and so we actually listened some of the calls that they were having and what we found was the recruiter was just pencil whipping the questions. Was 6 questions they had to ask they asked the 6 questions if they got any kind of response they checked the box. They weren't listening to what was being said and I'll never forget. There was 1 in particular one of the questions was are you available to work overtime. It's common question you available to work overtime are you available for a flexible schedule. 16:32.81 dybsteve Um. 16:39.71 dybsteve M. 16:51.35 Ryan Englin And I'll never forget this one guy he says he says yes except for Friday nights and she goes great. We don't work Friday nights you know we we let everybody go home early on Friday and she moved on and he said he said yeah except for Friday nights because I play in a band and she just moved on. 17:01.80 dybsteve Um. 17:05.77 dybsteve M. 17:08.83 Ryan Englin And I said that was an opportunity for you to create emotional connection with them and give them a reason to want to show up because somebody took a minute to care about something they cared about and our coaching went something like this the next time you hear somebody share something personal. 17:20.89 dybsteve Um. 17:27.65 Ryan Englin About it. You play in a band on Friday nights tell me about that like where do you play if I heard any of your music and what kind of style music. What instrument do you play I mean how many questions could you ask somebody about I play in a band on Friday night. So I can't work over time. But I think our inclination is. 17:29.26 dybsteve Um. 17:41.22 dybsteve Um, yeah, yeah. 17:47.14 Ryan Englin Our default responses I'm busy I've got to get off this call as fast as possible and get back to the work I was doing before I got interrupted by this person that I want to hire on and so that was our coaching anytime you get something personal about three weeks later we have another session with her and I say so how are things going. 17:50.19 dybsteve Um. 17:55.30 dybsteve Yeah, yeah. 18:06.41 Ryan Englin She goes everybody just wants to talk about themselves like all do we share personal stuff I go on how's the no show rate and this is what she told me she goes Ryan she goes I didn't think that this would do it but she goes we went from a 90% three weeks ago to less than 10 percent three weeks later 18:23.78 dybsteve Wow. 18:26.70 Ryan Englin Create emotional connection. Give the candidate something to lose a new friend a boss that cares about them someone that's interested in what they're interested in give them something to lose and they will not ghost you. 18:29.51 dybsteve No. 18:41.20 dybsteve That's fantastic. Thank you Ryan now. Ah, where right where can companies find good people. 18:46.71 Ryan Englin Oh okay, so let's like I want to I want to break that down that question down you use the word find good people here's the thing they're they're not wild animals that you're going to go out and you're in your target and you go. That's the one you're not stop. 19:01.68 dybsteve Ah. 19:05.28 Ryan Englin Thinking of looking for good people and I want you to start thinking about attracting people. Okay, stop looking and start attracting. We talked about that earlier have a brand that's attractive. 19:08.10 dybsteve Um, go. 19:18.62 Ryan Englin Figure out what it is that you have to offer and put that out there be a boss that gives a dam and actually wants to invest in their personal lives and you will start attracting people. But when we start thinking about fine here's what I want you to start looking for instead of looking for people I want you to figure out who is the right person for you. 19:19.65 dybsteve 1 who. 19:37.10 Ryan Englin What's the right employee for me who's going to fit best here who's going to have the skills and take a step back and say where do those people congregate where do they hang out and I want you to go there So when we talk about finding we're talking about the place. 19:44.65 dybsteve M. 19:53.96 Ryan Englin Ah, we we use ah some fishing analogies right? like I want you to stop fishing in lake indeed because that's where everybody's fishing right? now you and millions of other employers. Guess what that thing is overfished anything that's left or the people that got thrown back and. 19:58.19 dybsteve Yeah, yeah, yeah. 20:10.57 Ryan Englin And I want you to stop fishing in Lake indeed and I want you to say Okay, where is it that I can go fishing for good people that isn't that isn't too crowded that isn't overfished and and I'll give you guys a couple of things that we find they're really easy. So if you're a small company. 20:15.13 dybsteve No. 20:25.64 Ryan Englin And you're community-based a lot of these small companies they serve a certain community. Go get plugged into your compute community. It might be a local chamber. It might be a local networking group. It might be a a rotary club. It might be getting involved in your kids' tball team right? Like whatever get plugged into the community. 20:34.81 dybsteve Um. 20:37.40 dybsteve 1 20:45.45 Ryan Englin We have 1 client that did this and they went and got involved with habitat for humanity I mean these are tradespeople right? They they love working with their hands. They went and got involved in habitat for humanity and they said anytime there's a project locally. We're going to be there. They got plugged in they started sponsoring all of a sudden everybody started talking about them. 20:49.48 dybsteve Yeah, yeah. 21:03.88 Ryan Englin Have you heard about these guys like they're so plugged in the community. They're taking care of us. They're spending time with us. They're supporting the community Guess what that advertising went so far because people say wait a minute I want to be involved with a company that's doing stuff like that. Not only did they get more customers from the promotion and all of that. 21:03.89 dybsteve Um. 21:17.55 dybsteve No. 21:23.33 Ryan Englin Got more better employees because the employees took notice and said my boss doesn't do that. My boss doesn't care about the community I live in want to be a part of that So get plugged in the community Grassroots campaigns are one of the best ways to do it If you're a small company. 21:29.74 dybsteve Right on. 21:35.94 dybsteve Fantastic I Love that and we're huge proponents of networking So this is a natural fit. Thank you for that hiring is time consuming. 21:42.97 Ryan Englin Um, yeah. 21:47.88 Ryan Englin No. 21:49.56 dybsteve Right? Especially if these guys who are running penny businesses. They're running around trying to you know make sure jobs are set up. They're running around to networking and they're they're doing all these sales calls and trying to get them their phones blown up all day where is this. How do I do that and because they're working on setting boundaries. But. 21:56.66 Ryan Englin In here. 22:06.60 dybsteve Generally run around their heads cut off. So we're you're sharing some awesome strategies with them. But they're thinking you know it's so time consuming What are some ways that they can improve the process. 22:12.71 Ryan Englin So yeah, yeah, so you know I'm going to guess so I don't I know enough about painting to be incredibly dangerous and piss off every single person that's listening right now but I would imagine that a successful painter. 22:23.49 dybsteve T. 22:32.10 Ryan Englin Has some tools that they have purchased and that they've learned to use that save them an incredible amount of time I've seen I've been told that one of the most time consuming things about being a painter is the prep. 22:41.16 dybsteve Um, from. 22:43.90 dybsteve There? yeah. 22:47.00 Ryan Englin And there are tools and I've seen I was like that is cool where'd you get that they're like oh my gosh, Let me show you much time. This saves me by using this tool and makes them more efficient more cost effective increases profitability right? They've invested in not just the tool but learning to use the tool right. 22:51.69 dybsteve No. 23:03.92 dybsteve Um. 23:04.82 Ryan Englin You put a hammer in the hand of a master craftsman and that hammer is worth a hundred grand a year you put a hammer in my seven year old's hands. It's going to cost me money no making money but the difference is the master Craftsman has learned to use the tool so there is a tool when it comes to hiring that. 23:12.30 dybsteve Data. 23:17.74 dybsteve No. 23:24.13 Ryan Englin Everybody needs to know about and it's called the applicant tracking system now an applicant tracking system. It's like a crm I don't know do do you guys talk about crms and growing business and how important it is It is it I would say it is a crm that's what it is except instead of managing customers. 23:27.28 dybsteve No. 23:32.91 dybsteve Um, Oh yeah, more? yeah or yeah. Brilliant. 23:44.10 Ryan Englin Manages applicants and so when you plug into this tool. You take that job ad we were time out and you post it into an applicant tracking system I mean this will save you a ton time right here instead of sending it to just indeed where you have to do it manually. It'll send it to dozens if not hundreds of job boards. Automatically. 23:48.50 dybsteve No. 24:02.31 Ryan Englin For free if you're spending money on indeed for free. You will get on indeed. You will get on Zip Recruiter You will get a monster and career builder you get on all these job boards for free and you only got to post the job once and just start there and how much time that's going to save you. 24:05.57 dybsteve Ah, oh boy Yeah here. 24:13.84 dybsteve Wow Hook What? what's the serum called. 24:20.77 Ryan Englin Well just like crms. There are thousands of them and they all matter one. We really like really like is applicant pro. Yeah, now here's the thing about applicant pro. It is a very powerful tool. So just like a lot of crms you could. 24:23.47 dybsteve Okay, and applicant pro. 24:40.62 Ryan Englin Go down this path of administrative and setting it up and configuring and all that stuff. But I'm tell I'm gonna give this offer out to your listeners if they're interested interested. So we're an applicant pro partner 1 reaches out to me and says hey Ryan can I get an intro to applicant pro. We're an affiliate partner. So this helps us. 24:52.00 dybsteve Um. 24:59.79 Ryan Englin I have it set up so that if someone knows if applicant pro knows they come in through core matters. They copy all of our templates. They copy all of our process. They copy all the admin settings they copy everything over for you and I'd be happy to give that to help your listeners with that So they don't have to set it up because. 25:07.15 dybsteve Um. 25:13.80 dybsteve Awesome! Fantastic! Thank you? Yeah right? right? Okay, fantastic. Yeah, if you send it over. We'll post it in the show notes. 25:19.20 Ryan Englin Got a business to run. They don't need to spend dozens of hours figuring out how to set this system up. Um, yeah, you know what just have them reach out to me. Um, either through my website you know if they do it through my website. It's way faster because I don't know about you. But. 25:31.57 dybsteve Right. Not. 25:37.98 Ryan Englin Sometimes my team gets responses to these things a lot faster than I do Um, yeah, just go to the contact page. Yeah, go ahead. 25:39.42 dybsteve Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, no for sure and your website is core matters dot com correct CORECOREMATTERSDotCom okay 25:51.29 Ryan Englin Correct and they just go the contact page. It goes to my team they will take care of getting you connected to our rep and if they know you came through us they will copy everything over for you. But then here's the next cool part I just wanted to share about the app and tracking system. It's not just about posting. 26:00.41 dybsteve Sure. 26:08.62 Ryan Englin It's about managing all these applicants that come in. You know you come in Monday morning you see 30 new applications in your inbox and you're just like oh I don't have time for this well with a system like applicant pro what you can do is you can set it up to not only screen people for you knock out all the people you don't want to talk to. 26:11.38 dybsteve Ah. 26:28.36 Ryan Englin But then you can automate the communication so it comes in and they get an email and says hey we like what we see Click this link to schedule a time to meet with us and you can go from application all the way to interview and never have to look at an applicant with the system manage and automate that whole thing for you. 26:29.40 dybsteve Nice. 26:44.11 dybsteve Mm. 26:47.71 Ryan Englin And then all most of systems applicant pro included now text messaging because how many painters are sitting there in front of their computer waiting for an email to come in. They're not text messaging so you can automate text messaging and even better if you've got a team. Let's say you've got an admin assistant or office manager or Crm. Ah. 26:52.14 dybsteve Ah, no yeah now here. 27:02.72 dybsteve No. 27:06.11 Ryan Englin You know someone customer service rep you can give them access to applicant pro and they can help you manage this too. They don't have to be in your email. How cool is that all in 1 place. So there there are so many other tools that we teach in our program but that tool right there. 27:10.47 dybsteve You go put it on. Yeah yeah, fantastic. Yeah. 27:24.16 Ryan Englin That's the game changer for saving time. 27:26.56 dybsteve Talk game change is right? This has been fantastic I Can't tell you how much of an alignment your methods are with what we believe but it's just awesome that you specialize in all this and I I can't wait to read your book now I read it. Um is it is a published yet and what's the name of it. 27:40.00 Ryan Englin Um. 27:43.29 Ryan Englin So the book is called Hire better people faster and it's all about our proven process. So we break down all the tools. All the systems everything that you need to go implement what we teach our clients and ah. 27:49.60 dybsteve Um, time about. 27:56.52 dybsteve We're gonna. 27:58.17 Ryan Englin It comes out October Seventeenth Twenty Twenty three so I'm not sure when this is publishing perfect. So most likely by the time you get hit listed to this the book's out. Um, we're going to be doing a lot of cool promotional stuff. One of the things that you get when you. 28:02.99 dybsteve About then actually we're about five weeks out from. Ah yeah, so this that the yeah right. 28:16.98 Ryan Englin Buy the book if you come to our website and you let us know we've got 12 bonuses 12 tools that we give our clients that we talk about in the book worksheets templates everything when you let us know you bought the book. We're going to send those to email and to you right away and ah. 28:19.19 dybsteve You. 28:35.41 Ryan Englin These are the tools that we use every day and working with our clients or clients use them and we talk about them in the book. But we're actually going to give those templates and everything away for free. 28:41.29 dybsteve Fantastic. Is there a question I should have asked you final point you'd like to make. 28:47.27 Ryan Englin You know there's 1 thing that I think everybody listening to this right now is either familiar with or needs to know about and that's employee referrals you didn't ask me about employee referrals and I'll bet you that a lot of your listeners are like oh if I could just get. 29:00.19 dybsteve Um. 29:06.12 Ryan Englin Another employee referral if I could just get Jimmy over there to refer one more buddy I'd beset right? I talk about this a little bit my book but I really do this is an important thing especially for the small business you know under 1015 employees employee referrals are lifeblood of how you should be growing your team. 29:06.34 dybsteve Yeah, yeah. 29:25.14 Ryan Englin You should not be on indeed. You should not be out there looking through the marketplace like everybody else is employee referrals are by far the best. They're not going to save you time. They're going to save you money. But I promise you that people are listening is like oh my gosh employee referrals are so good. How do I get more. Let me tell you this This is what we've learned. 29:30.90 dybsteve He. 29:37.65 dybsteve Now. 29:44.70 Ryan Englin If you have an employer referral program or if you don't and you're thinking about doing one do not reward them with money. Don't reward them with money. We see it all the time. Oh if you prefer somebody after ninety days I'll give you a thousand bucks doesn't work. 29:44.40 dybsteve And. 29:54.49 dybsteve No no. 30:00.41 Ryan Englin Less than 6% of people will refer for money here's what I want you to do instead I want you to remember we talked about figuring out what you have to offer what value you can bring I want you to sit down and think about that for a moment and then think about that perfect employee for you that referral that you want what's important to them. 30:02.61 dybsteve Wow. 30:08.77 dybsteve Month. 30:19.20 dybsteve No. 30:19.18 Ryan Englin And if you don't know, go ask them? What's important to you one thing I've learned especially in the trades I don't know how many of your your listeners give their painters any kind of paid time off vacation pay or anything yeah might happen every once a while but you know what that vacation pay. Not only is it inexpensive for you but all it's like gold. 30:37.10 dybsteve No. 30:39.80 Ryan Englin So attracts people so imagine instead of saying I'm go give you a thousand bucks you said hey I'm going to give you three days paid time off for every referral that comes on board and to sweet in the pot here's how you get that refer to come over so think about this for a minute if if if I'm going out and I want to refer someone to you I was like hey. 30:44.40 dybsteve For. 30:58.89 Ryan Englin Got to meet my boss Steve what am I really asking that guy to do I'm asking him to quit his job I'm asking him to go home and tell his wife he's going to quit his job to come work over here. That's a big ask. But imagine. 31:04.49 dybsteve Yeah, yeah. Indeed. 31:15.60 Ryan Englin That you sweeten the pot on your employee referral program and not only do you give me three days time off. But imagine you gave the new guy three days time off after his first ninety days now I get to go to him and say hey you know how you and your wife been fighting because you can't take time off because you got no paid time off if you can work for the company I'm with. 31:24.63 dybsteve Um. 31:34.13 Ryan Englin <unk>re going to give you three days paid time off after you've been there ninety days nothing you know had do nothing just be there now when he goes to his wife. He says honey. You know how you've been wanting to go visit the in-laws you want to go visit your parents. Oh now we can get away with that and. 31:41.76 dybsteve Um. 31:50.75 Ryan Englin Not have to take the hit because we already talked about people live paycheck to paycheck imagine they get to take like a long weekend now drive up and she gets to go see her parents finally and not take a hit to the to their personal income I mean how powerful is that? yeah. 31:52.26 dybsteve Yeah, yeah, so sure. Yeah. 32:05.77 dybsteve Yeah, indeed, that's fantastic. Ah yeah. 32:09.91 Ryan Englin I Just want to throw that one out there. It's an easy thing for people to do you just got to go do it. 32:15.28 dybsteve Yeah, yeah, yeah, ah you we mentioned the website is there any other way that if somebody wanted to follow up. They should reach out to you just go to the website core matters.com okay 32:22.15 Ryan Englin You know for any of your listeners are on Linkedin I'm super active and involved on Linkedin but now my website's the best place? coreatters.com um, you know we'll actually also have um, some bonus information that you're going to put in your show notes I don't have the url right now. But I'll get the exact yeah url for you? Um. To give your listeners some free tools and some free information to help them with this process. 32:41.88 dybsteve Awesome right? on right? Ah, you've brought tremendous value I appreciate it. Thank you for your time. 32:47.33 Ryan Englin Thank you.