EP 120 : Building Authentic Connections with Bryan Kramer
In this episode, we delve into the power of human-to-human connection with special guest Bryan Kramer, a renowned business strategist, author, and speaker. From discussing the importance of authenticity in communication to exploring the impact of technology on human connection, we uncover invaluable insights that can elevate your business and relationships. Join us as we uncover the keys to authenticity, human-centered marketing, and the competitive advantages of being human in today’s digital age. So sit back, tune in, and let’s embark on this journey towards higher success together.
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Today’s guest is a renowned business strategist global keynote speaker executive trainer and coach 2 time bestselling author and Ford’s contributor Brian Kramer welcome to the show.
Bryan Kramer
Hey thanks for the kind intro I appreciate it.
My pleasure. Let’s get right to it. What is H Two H We know what H du O is that’s water. But what is H Two h.
Bryan Kramer
So it’s ah the second most needed thing aside from air and water and fire and all the elements. Um, so when you take the elements is number 1 number 2 is is ah human connection.
Bryan Kramer
And that’s what Hh is it’s um, it’s it’s something that came up more more widely in 14 when they gave a keynote at Bloomberg ah in San Francisco and all of a sudden I’ve been talked about for a while but this one but in particular. Ah, right? audience right time and it had the title on the screen behind me. There’s no b two b or b to c. It’s hh human to human we’re all connecting with humans and at that moment people took pictures put it up on social media. Social media was just fresh on the scene and it. Ah.
Bryan Kramer
It hit about 24000000 impressions in over 24 hours which set me off into speaking about it about two hundred days a year really doing what I love doing which was helping people to understand how to maneuver. Um.
Bryan Kramer
Social media at the time. But what’s now all kinds of technology. It’s just blossomed into you know I know we’re going to talk about this but Ai and bots and automation and virtual reality and augmented reality and what does this mean for human connection. So.
Bryan Kramer
Always been an explorer in that area and had an agency for 22 years that focused on that and that’s where my my background has been.
This is awesome and I love this and this is one of the reasons why they invited you to come on to the show because a point that we drive home is that people want to do business with people not corporations. They want to do business with people. They they need that connection now I did. Haven’t used the H Two H or you know the perspective that that you’re giving it which is Great. So I Love this and and ah as we dive deeper here. How can we be more authentic in our social interactions.
Bryan Kramer
Um, well authenticity is one of those words that unfortunately has degraded over time because people overuse use the word and um and so I’m going to talk about it in terms of what I think it means more of today which is um. which which I I believe for first and foremost that being human right now is everybody’s competitive advantage and and that means being more authentic and being more authentic means showing up as your true self case in point.
Bryan Kramer
I tried to use chat Gpt not too long ago to write a newsletter to put it out to see if I could mix ah in some of the support that it helps to give and sent the newsletter out and the reaction that I got and I’ve got. Think over Eleven Thousand Subscribers was very minimal the energy that it gave off wasn’t um, wasn’t what what?? What normally takes place and I think people sense into where um, ah where it’s coming from the tone.
Bryan Kramer
And and what’s what’s going on now I ended it and I tried to make it as human as possible but it still didn’t mix well with enough to get the response I I generally get so then I wrote the next newsletter from scratch I got pumped up I sat down my computer I played rocky music and I.
Bryan Kramer
And I just typed out something from my my heart that just really showed more of an ah authentic self of what I was going through at the time which was a lack of creativity because we had just moved to lisbon and it’s just we were moving. We had 13 bags.
Bryan Kramer
Here with us and all of a sudden I Um, just found myself in this like Creative Rut which is not normally where I’m at I wrote about it but I wrote about it without the aid of chat gbt and sent it out and the response was just phenomenal I Really you know had a much bigger connection with other people.
Bryan Kramer
And so I really think that that is the essence of Authenticity. Um, Authenticity is not just something that you put down on a piece of paper on a screen. It’s something that’s felt by another human, It’s and it’s something that really comes across and I can only explain it as the energy that others feel. And if you can really harness that and and really make sure that we celebrate almost the imperfection of Humanity. That’s where people want more right.
So what does this look like in our communication then in say the newsletters that are going out. Um, so it’s it’s right from the heart right? So the key is to be transparent.
Bryan Kramer
Um, one is transparent absolutely transparency is huge I’m going to break it down into three pillars and I’ll make it really simple for for you and for um, for the person that’s listening right now.
Bryan Kramer
And I’m going to ask you a couple questions so get yourself ready because it’s going to get your own creative wheels going. Um, the first pillar is simplicity. What Brand do you feel like is simple in its tone and its messaging in its product.
So okay.
Bryan Kramer
Or service that it puts out what brand do you feel like embraces simplicity. The best Apple perfect. Um I agree I totally agree I think simplicity in message in knowing like we could count on both hands probably.
Apple. Yeah.
Bryan Kramer
What products they develop where to get it how to get support so on and so forth. Um, simplicity is the opposite of what I think is being created with large funnel marketing or marketers or it’s the opposite of um.
Bryan Kramer
Making it so complex that a customer can’t get customer service in a very speedy human way. Um with quality. It’s it’s simple is is looking at it from the opposite side and saying do I get this does it make sense. Um.
Bryan Kramer
That’s simplicity. So the second one is empathy now we but we all know that empathy is not felt felt by robots and it’s not felt in automation. It’s what I was describing a little bit in when I wrote that newsletter empathy for myself, empathy in the writing. Empathy for what I was going through and and maybe empathy for what others might be how how they might be impacted from what I wrote and it’s just something that really comes across what brand do you feel like embraces empathy for its customer a lot of times it shows up as customer support customer service. Or just showing up after a mistake and saying hey here’s what we did.
Wow, That’s a good question So I’m drawn blank off the top of my head. So what brands? Yeah empathy customer service.
Bryan Kramer
That’s all right I’ll chime in with one that sparked the spark the discussion. Um, maybe one that you’re not thinking that most people don’t recognize or realize and and oftentimes they’ll get pushback but Amazon is a good. And pathetic brand and the reason I bring that up is because they make it easy to so to return just about any product if you can go get to a ups or a cols or even just go online and say hey I want to return it, you’ll get ah a box and be able to return the package. And there’s really no fee. There’s no problem and and it’s kind of like the old days of Nordstrom if you if anybody’s listening remembers that where they just don’t argue with you and to me that’s empathy. That’s an understanding that the customer really goes through this and we need to understand how to be better around when they have a problem or challenged.
That well I’m sorry I was just can get well no but I I would wanted to speak to Amazon you’re you’re absolutely right? So I hit the wife lottery meaning that.
Bryan Kramer
The third one I already talked about did one come up for you did a brand come up and.
April is awesome with money and she does not like to see anything go to waste. She is an absolute pro at returning items that we purchase from Amazon that are you know for whatever reason need to go back and you’re right? It just seems like it’s um, they are fantastic about just returning. Returning items that need to be returned so I’d never really considered that from an empathetic perspective but that’s a really good point.
Bryan Kramer
Click green.
Bryan Kramer
Absolutely thank you and man you certainly did hit the white lottery if she knows how to ah turn money into more money. Um, ah then the third one is is something I talked about before but it’s the third pillar that makes a lot of a lot more sense. Why I talk about this.
So indeed.
Bryan Kramer
Ah, context which is imperfection imperfection is the opposite of everything that ah a lot of companies are trying to be when you look at Instagram and you start scrolling through a thumbing through Instagram it’s a lot of perfection. A lot of trying to be perfect.
Bryan Kramer
Lot of like my life is good look at my um ability to make money look at the millions of dollars I can help make you. This is not what attracts us to doing business with each other. What what attracts us is when. We show we talked about this before our transparency and our that authenticity and and people really want to identify and connect in it’s like peeling the onion layer down to the soft guoey cord of the point where you know maybe it creates a little bit of tears and sometimes it creates a little bit of um.
Bryan Kramer
Different kind of connection for ah for whoever it is that we’re we’re trying to talk to. So um, who comes up for you that embraces imperfection. Maybe they screwed up and they ah they owned it? Um, yeah.
So yeah, one of my Bob Berg author of um, go giver. Ah, yeah, yeah, he’s been a friend of mentor for years and the 1 thing that really stands out. He’s just so authentic. He’s he’s so genuine and um.
Bryan Kramer
Um, yeah Bob and you Bob. Yeah.
And it’s it’s it’s ah inspiring especially in a world of ah leadership where everybody else looks perfect. You know, um and I don’t know anybody too on Twitter who thanks.
Bryan Kramer
Um, yeah.
As many people as he does for their compliments their retweets their comments as Bob or so you know for me, it comes to mind. Thank you.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah Amen Wow That’s a good one I like that. Ah you know, ah imperfection I’ll bring up a brand like dove who celebrates the imperfection of skin and skin color. Ah, they do it in their messaging in their marketing in their advertising do a great job of it. There’s other areas of imperfection like the travel industry. Um, you can point to almost every airline who faces you know a challenge with a flight a delayed time. A.
Bryan Kramer
Missed flight completely and how they handle it and some airlines handle it really well and some don’t at all and when you look at how you handle imperfection because something’s always going to go differently for the customer than you think it will. But when you have a plan in place for how you’re going to.
No. Yeah.
Bryan Kramer
Handle it that is celebrating and embracing imperfection. So when you look at all 3 I can tell you that and and maybe I’ll disrupt a couple people here but Facebook is not all 3 when you look at ah the the brand are they simple, not really.
Bryan Kramer
Are they embracing imperfection. Not so much when they um, celebrate empathy I don’t feel it. It’s it’s lacking a little bit there and usually it comes down to the owner the Ceo and and the top down so you can feel it a lot more in like ah Richard Branson or
I agree.
Bryan Kramer
Ah, you know, maybe it maybe a Tim Cook is close I don’t know if he’s all the way there but he’s a lot closer. Um.
How about elon I think Elon might be ah, a good example of you know, empathy and and imperfection. Um I don’t maybe I’m wrong I remember like somebody posted that picture of him shirtless you know he’s on a boat with a friend out in the middle nowhere and.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah, yeah.
Bryan Kramer
He was overweight and you know he took it with stride. He’s like yeah you know I could you lose some weight you know? ah.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah, um I I think he certainly has ah room to grow in each of those areas would I give him a 10 out of 10 in each category probably not would I say that he’s better at times in certain categories and not as good at other other times.
Bryan Kramer
Absolutely um, simplicity of the of what you could break apart is brands probably a little bit easier and say is tesla simple is tesla empathetic is tesla imperfect or embracing imperfection probably Twitter not so much so the brands start to.
Um, okay so.
Bryan Kramer
Fall apart on those different categories but the person himself then we can take that and we can roll it up and say okay, where does this all fall I would I would challenge your listeners everybody. That’s here to think about that. How are they putting out eat in each of these categories your content. Your.
Bryan Kramer
Ah, marketing your approach your customer care your operations and in each category. How would you so how would you score yourself and if you’re getting 10 on attends. You’re probably building a great business and your business is primed to growth not growing already.
Thank I was just thinking about that. You know as ah, pay contractors How you know can they break that down and you just did it So How can they simplify and I’m looking at my notes here because this is really kind I’m taking noteses we’re as we’re talking you know simplify and then empathy. And Imperfection. So then again just to circle back. These are the 3 pillars of authenticity correct. Oh human to human.
Bryan Kramer
the the 3 pillars of human to human and order to be more human to human um authenticity is a piece of that authenticity falls into the empathy category.
Okay, falls into the empathy got it. Thank you correct my notes here all right? So thank you? This is really good. Ah, another question so kind of shiftcase here. What’s the importance of addressing and getting rid of falses.
Bryan Kramer
Bryan Kramer
Um, false pre the way that I I hear that the way that that lands for me in false pre preconceptions is what people make up in terms of assumptions. Um, that’s how it lands for me. So what assumptions do others make.
Bryan Kramer
About me or about my brand and how do I make sure that those false assumptions are corrected um and there’s a number of well there’s a lot of ways that that we will never know unless we take a pulse read.
Bryan Kramer
I e a survey or something that would give us a sense but let’s let’s hone in on paint contractors and figure out what is it that we can do that we have control over There’s a lot. We don’t have control over for instance. If I asked you to go into the ocean and stop the waves from happening. Could you do it? not so much but if we could take ah find excuse me find 1 of the waves and surf it that we can do so find your wave find the wave that you do have control over.
Bryan Kramer
What does that look like it looks like um maybe maybe doing the 3 60 maybe internally you’re doing more 3 60 um reports with your employees or peers. Um, maybe maybe do a 3 60 with your customers. Um, understand where the disconnect is where the assumptions are assumptions are the killer of all relationships false preconception comes from assumptions and if we can clarify what those are then we have a better job at fixing them.
So I understand what a three sixty report is would you unpack it for listeners who may not know please.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah, yeah, 3 60 is literally three hundred and sixty degrees around you as the epicenter and it’s typically a report um that people or it’s a process that people take to go through. And put together. Um through a series of questions how you are engaging how you’re leading how you’re creating relationships how you’re showing up how you’re and how you can be better in all of those categories and.
Bryan Kramer
A good 63 report shows you not only what you’re doing well. But what you could do better at and it comes from 3 different categories when it’s done really? Well one is from your employees or or your contractors one is from your peers and one is from your manager boss if you have 1 um, if not then just settle for the other 2 That’s the best way to really understand three hundred and sixty degrees around you. How are you impacting the world. How do you show up, but you may not be aware of it because we all have unintended consequences and unintended impact.
Bryan Kramer
We don’t know what we don’t know those are called blind spots if we can take those blind spots and turn them into actionable items that we could work on and chip away at in little one degree shifts because we’re not going to solve the world in a day but take those and actually break them down into actionable shifts. Man you’re going to create a ripple effect that will change your entire world.
Right on. Ah, do you does your your company provide these report services If not who’s ah, who’s a source you’d recommend. Okay.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah, we do ah and and I do and I love doing them. They’re really great for and like I said understanding understanding what your world around. You looks like and it’s really nice to do. There’s a little bit of work that goes into it beforehand.
Bryan Kramer
To make sure that people understand the context for why you’re doing it otherwise blindly setting this out won’t be helpful. But yes, that’s something that that I I definitely love to offer because then it gives us a place to start and now we have those things to work on. We know what actionable items we need to work on.
Okay, fantastic and at the end of the show. We’ll you know, share your contact there and for those who are interested in following up. But first why is a marketer’s job more important than ever in the Ai era.
Bryan Kramer
Well, it’s a great question. So right now as somebody who owned an agency for 22 years I can tell you that our job has gotten gotten harder. Not easier with ai because it’s now too easy. It’s like a crutch.
Bryan Kramer
That we can lean on and when you lean on a crutch too much. You’re not building strength and you’re not getting better at some point you’re going to have to let that crutch go and start walking on your own and healing Ai can can start to become that if we rely on it too much. I think that it’s a combination of humans and technology working together not humans or technology. So I’m not here to say that we don’t need Ai I’m just here to say that it’s an and not an or.
Bryan Kramer
Um, how that shows up is yet to be defined quite frankly so it’s so new. It’s like a newborn baby that we’re all trying to figure out and for me to say that there’s 1 prescriptive way of using Ai would be idiotic for me to say that that that exists because it it is so new.
Bryan Kramer
However, as in in the example of what I gave with the newsletter. Ah, the human interaction is always going to be felt at a deeper level.. The human voice is going to be fairly a deeper level than ai so use it as more of an assistant right now rather than a partner rather than a crutch. Um, if you can do that then I think you know coming up with things like subject lines to help you again assist in ah creative brainstorming things that you’re not Seeing. It’s a great use case of doing things that are going to spark your creativity to be bigger. But if you think it’s going to be creative for you yet.
Bryan Kramer
That’s not quite there I don’t believe yeah.
Okay, great. Thank you So a practical example I believe I heard you will say was you know to use it to accomplish subject lines for say blog articles white pages or newsletters. Okay, okay.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah, yeah, use it for subject lines use it for ah maybe this paragraph take a paragraph that you wrote and um, you can you can put feed it in and say what’s another way to say this.
Oh. Yeah, we are.
Bryan Kramer
Um, and maybe you use it or don’t use it. Maybe it just comes up with 1 word that just makes that whole paragraph sing and so you might pull that word out and use just the word. Um I like seeing it as an assistant to me thinking outside that’s sitting right next to me I don’t have to.
Bryan Kramer
You know, call a friend as often perhaps and say can you read this? can you double check it for me. It’s there to support you in that case but is it there to do the work for you? No and marketers need to know that um we have to double check the work We have to make sure that the human speak is still there.
Bryan Kramer
And so if we can use it in that way. It’s going to really help I think that we still have where where I think marketing is is really never going to truly be taken over and the 1 spot that matters the most is in strategy strategy will always be.
Um, or this.
Bryan Kramer
Best left up to humans once you have this strategy now take the pieces and parts and say how can I apply some Ai situations to this but strategy is just going to be that human-centered focus more so than anything else.
Okay, thank you? What is the human marketing funnel.
Bryan Kramer
Well think about a funnel First of all, not a funnel cake which I absolutely loved when I was younger. But when you think about just a funnel right? Let’s just break down with a funnel. It’s a funnel is a step by step or a sequence of messages that goes out in a timed order a scheduled order. Right? So if if I were let’s say just take a very simplistic funnel like you sign up for a lead magnet or what’s called a a lead magnet. It’s something that has um value that I’m giving away for free in exchange for your email address. Ah, then I followed up two days later with more context around that lead magnet that gives you more education and maybe three days later I ask you ah a question to start engagement and then maybe two days later I start digging in and getting a little bit more intimate to see if we can. We might be able to work together. All of that right now can be automated now here’s the problem with that. It is all automated and and the energy that gets put out into the world is is that really you emailing me or is this something that um, that is ah um. You know, ah obviously a robot here’s how to correct that take your entire sales funnel or your or your all of your marketing quite frankly, ah, go walk over to a whiteboard grab maybe 1 or 2 people and if it’s just you no problem.
Bryan Kramer
But just start writing down everything that you’re doing that might be automated like how are you releasing an invoice in automation. How are you releasing emails. How are you releasing newsletters. How are you releasing? Um, you know, maybe a birthday situation. So anything that might be automated. Put it on all onto a whiteboard and then take a step back and ask yourself where are the human touch points in all this. What is 1 or two ways that I can surprise and delight in the middle of all this that’s going to change the course. Ah, this automation to show up in ah in a more human way. So for instance, what if it triggered me on every birthday to actually reach out I reach out and wish them a happy birthday versus an automated response. The trigger. Is something I can never do on my own but the outreach is something I can do on my own now I’m oversimplifying it ah down into a birthday. But if you can imagine all of the automation that might be going on or what you might want to do do it automate? Automate things I’m not here to say don’t automate. It.
Bryan Kramer
But also take a stand back and say now how can I show up in those little slivers or those little moments of of um of of ah things that are going to stand out and and really make sure that you have those in place so that you can show up with ah authenticity.
Of that. So this probably isn’t a great example, but something reminds me, you know you will see the Facebook reminders of birthdays and rather just being another happy birthday or whatever on there that trigger is a reminder and so instead I will pullload my phone and shoot them a personal text message directly.
Bryan Kramer
Right? That’s a green one I love that? Yeah I mean I’d I’d encourage you to take it even a tiny bit step tiny bit of a step further record a 5 second or ten second video and send it to them.
Um, yeah, okay thank you.
Bryan Kramer
That cannot be automated least not yet or so you know take a second and and actually say something in send a video see what kind of response you get to that. That’s just over and above and you can do that on Linkedin you can do it on Facebook you can do it a text message you can do it in an email. Um I encourage people to write me back and reply.
Yes, sir.
Bryan Kramer
Being the hh guy in and ah in hit reply to all my newsletters and I’ll take a Saturday and just start walking and just start hitting reply and video recording a reply back to everybody and it just goes that little extra step to where they go. Wow. You know this is just not what I expected. It’s just not hey thanks or or an automated response. This is like really intimate. Let’s get the conversation going because the number 1 kpi quite frankly I I believe that every organization on earth I don’t care what size you are that should measure.
Bryan Kramer
You should measure yourself by is engagement if you can increase engagement everything else will go up your roi will go up your your balance sheet will go up your sales will go up your your employee engagement go up engagement engagement engagement just focus on that and everything else will increase.
Right? So this is great to to bring it home for the penny contractor step 9 in our system pointing out the mug here for people who are listening who you know those and had the poster up on your office like on the wall step 9 staying top of mind and. Ah, many ways to do that and 1 of them that we encourage is you know, reaching out for the annual warranties or touchup warranties and so taking Brian’s awesome advice here instead of sending an email or maybe instead of that automated email record that 3 to 5 minute video and send them. You know, text them or email them that that short video letting them know just to bring that connection even closer. So that’s fantastic. Yeah yeah, indeed indeed thank you for that Brian this has been fantastic I really appreciate.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah amen amen man that is brilliant I want step 9 more in my life.
Your time and all the valuable insight is there a question I should have asked or a final point that you would like to make.
Bryan Kramer
Um, you know I said this before I’m just going to Hammer at home. Um, and that’s that’s what I said what was and and I’m going to say it again because it’s just I Hope if anybody takes anything away from everything. We just said it’s that being human is everyone’s competitive advantage right Now. You can compete by being more human because if you think about like back in the day when everyone was selling door to door and it’s on some level.. There was some annoying pieces but the but the engagement part was high. We got to see the.
Bryan Kramer
The milk person we got to see the the vacuum salesperson like everything was high touch high relationship now. Now it’s dissipating. We don’t receive anything in the mail. Um Mail is gone by the wayside and digital has become the replacement for that.
Bryan Kramer
So if you want to stand out. Maybe take a look at sending something in the mail look at ways that are the more traditional ways look at ways that are a little bit more going to be the old school ways and stand out with that because they deal they work now more than they ever did work and.
Okay, fantastic now what services and and or products do you offer to help with H Two h.
Bryan Kramer
Yeah, so we’ve got 2 companies hh and pure matter and both of them are um syphonico they’re both run in parallel and it’s really who would I be if I’m not the simple guy right? So executive coaching.
Bryan Kramer
Um, and ah included in that is the 3 60 and helping people to see their blind spots and then create more revenue for their company out of those blind spots. Um and perform better without burning out which we didn’t talk a lot about which is totally fine, but a lot of people are in burnout when you’re.
Bryan Kramer
An entrepreneur and that’s something that I think everybody faces today and so getting yourself out of that is really important. Um and pre-burnout included and number 2 is marketing consulting looking at where all of this marketing landscape exists and and saying okay how do we.
Bryan Kramer
Make it more efficient but be more human and those are two things that we do.
Fantastic. Okay, thank you brain and if somebody would like to follow up with you. What’s the best way they should do so.
Bryan Kramer
You know, email me directly. Why the heck not so um, go go to Brian or you can email me at Brian V R Y and at Brian Kramer that’s Brian with like y and kramerworth a k.com or you can go to my website briankramer.com
And that’s and that’s BRYAN at b r y a n k r a m e r dot com correct Finn
Bryan Kramer
Ah, either or and everything is everything’s on my website. So.
Bryan Kramer
You get? you got it. You got it I say that it’s funny I was talking to my dad um the other week and and I spelled my name for him and he looks at me and goes I named you and I’m like oh yeah, I’m just so used to saying it that one does Brian with an eye that I just I’m on.
Here here.
Bryan Kramer
I’m on automation level when it comes to spelling of my name I’ve had it spelled many different ways now. So anyway, yes you hit it right? You got it.
Yeah, habits. Okay, fantastic. Well again Brian thank you so much appreciate it.
Bryan Kramer
Thank you I Appreciate you you.