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EP97 Tanner Mullen of $1.4M Premium Painting & DripJobs App Creator   INTRODUCTION: In this fun episode, you'll hear all[...]
How to Bid/Estimate Interior Painting? Here are two easy ways to put an interior painting bid together when you are[...]
  What are the 9 Steps Steve took to more than double his business before selling it?In this episode of[...]
  The phone call came in to paint the prestigious home on the hill. This house was no ordinary home,[...]
  Do you dislike playing phone tag with leads? How about doing the "Calendar Shuffle" and trying to find a[...]
There's a definite process for reaching $1,000,000.00 in sales. It's not easy to come by, it's not easy to do.[...]
painting contractor business coach

Leads.   Sales.   Time.

Which Do You Want To Double Today?

What Are They Saying About Us?

Get Access To The Ultimate Business System

...To Help You Double Your Business Without Making A Sale!

DYB System


Thomas Drake A New Leaf Painting

Personally, I think the Cafe is worth $99 dollars per month or more. There is so much value for the money. I mean where can you go for a step by step guide on how to set up and build a business for $37 dollars a month?

Steve Hobson California Color Works

I can honestly say, as a Master Painter who has been in the trades 60 years and has been a licensed contractor in California for 45 years, Steve Burnett has great great stuff for anyone who wants to take their business to another level. I don't profess to know it all, and that is why I have associated myself with Steve. Great honest and caring person, knows his business and I am thrilled to be a part of it.

Don Goddard All About Paint

"Killing it" is right. Most of time, at this point in the year, I'm
slowing down. I just hired on an extra guy last week, and we're looking for another one. No kidding! Steve is the man.

You just have to follow the instructions and take the steps. It's not easy to do at first, but once you get the hang of "thinking outside the box" you want more!

Marc Poulos Marc Poulos Painting

Hi All, just finished with a 1-1 coaching session with Steve, like the mastermind on Steroids or should I say caffeinated Steroids!!!!!! I've had other coaches before and most of them just wanted to make sure they were on the right side of the cash register. If you want real growth personal and professional ( there's time when I feel I'm on the couch talking to Dr. Steve) and insight into how to make your business cruise the "one on one" is the way to go!!!! Unless you are a direct competitor of mine, which in that case, you should really consider doing what you usually do - the same thing you always do. See you in the stratosphere. Rock On!

Rating? 10 out of 10

Not only is this a community and coaches that have helped my business. Its a group of high integrity individuals that share freely with ideas and resources that enrich your life. I know that sounds airy fairy but just by being a part of the group and implementing the ABCs my relationships outside my business have flourished which intern leads to a healthy bottom line.

Steven Henn Brushstrokes Painting Company

Haven't Been This Excited About What I Do In Years!

I clicked the "I'm in for a $1" button. Wow! This is awesome. I turn 55 this coming week and I'm finally giving up on figuring it out as I go. Thanks everyone. In less than one week I've been on here and in the vault so much my wife thinks I must be having an affair. LOL. This is the boost I didn't even know I needed. I haven't been this excited about what I do for years.


I was going to wait until Friday to share this as a "Big Win" but I just can't contain my emotions that long. Today, Oct 12, I collected final payment for the job we completed yesterday. I have now officially doubled my business from last year.

We also currently have three other ongoing projects, more exterior work sold than weather will permit us to get to this year so we've booked some for spring, and we have December and the first half of January booked solid with interior work. Life is good, DYB Rocks!!

John Peek Peek Brothers Painting

I have been on board for some time now and I must say... I have never gotten so much done in so little time. The consistent frequent positive encouragement really helps with my inner motivation....Important task are stated as goals each week and then we celebrate one another as things get done! I encourage anyone to get on board and then watch out....you will never be the same 🙂


7 Prequalifying Sales Questions, NOW!

Don't go on another sales call without first prequalifying using these 7 questions - you can put in your online booking form, too!

marketing, painting contractor