I just hired a new crew leader and I’m super excited!
I can already tell this guy has a lot of potential.
After his first month, he approached me to talk about his experience so far. I was blown away with what he told me….
He came from another company in town, in fact had been there for years.
Why did he change jobs?
He did not feel valued!
He said this to me,
“I can’t believe you guys are so nice, all of you know each other, talk to each other, and help each other. At my other job, I didn’t even know who the other crews were! You guys actually care and it shows.”
This was awesome to hear! I didn’t build my team by accident; I used these steps to get it done!
1. Above the line: Share stories of how you did the right thing even though it would have been easy not to. Be the example, always acknowledge when they are above the line.
2. On Time: If you don’t show up on time, why should they? Enough said!
3. GroupMe: Greet your crew, tell them how awesome they are, show how you appreciate them. We hit up our crews either first thing in the morning or at lunchtime.
4. Breakfast: Painters are early birds, why not feed them before work? They love the camaraderie and of course food. It’s also a great time to have a quick training or even safety meeting.
We usually meet at McDonald’s in the playground area for our meetings, no one is in there at 6 am and they always have free WiFi, too. I have asked the manager if we could use it and they have never cared as long as we buy food.
5. Safety & Training: Do you have safety meetings and training meetings? How often? Do you chastise the lack of safety or do you show them what is expected in order to be successful?
Remember – Know/Show/Do/Review! Your painters will thank you for regular safety and training meetings!
6. Bonus/Incentives: Bonus programs can motivate or quickly create conflicts between crews. I have found that employees are motivated by different things. I took a pole within my crews.
Only 1/2 wanted a bonus program, the others just wanted a good hourly rate with a pat on the back.
So I drop off coffee’s in the winter and energy drinks in the summer at the job sites when I visit.
I also have a small bonus program for crew leaders who make budget on each job and of course recognition during meetings helps motivate and congratulate them all.
7. Paint it Forward: This alone has to be the best team builder on the planet!
Serving others in need, together as a team creates a bond that lasts. I can’t tell you how important this is to build an “All Start Team”.
If you’re on the fence about doing this, don’t be, plan it out today! We have our winter PIF coming up soon and I can’t wait! Here is my All-Star Team at our last Paint it Forward…
Having a great time!
Go build your “All Star Team” – Now is the time, get started today!