Steve, hope you and your family are doing good.
I’m not very active on the DYB community these days, or most for that matter. Looking over it throughout the months I get intimidated by the size of the companies represented there, seems like most of the people on there have multiple crews and some upwards of millions in volume.
5 years ago I had a job I hated, and would have been homeless were it not for a family member.
I took a 3rd shift job so I could see my kids on the weekend, and my home was an unfinished basement with a old futon and a TV that we all had to share when my 3 kids came over.
Accepted Christ and was Baptized.
4 years ago I got fired, went on mission and asked God to bless me with something to provide for my family and do Ministry work for Him.
3 years ago, I got married, and spent most of my last $100 on brushes and painting supplies.
Had a lot of doors closed in my face, told not to come back.
Made a lot of mistakes but learned from them.
2 years ago I took a part time job to make it through the winter. I moved into a house for the first time in my entire life, grew up in apartments or staying with relatives. My kids have they’re own rooms.
Last year I learned lessons on finishes and exterior scheduling.
I saw your DYB and paid for it for a few months before actually implementing any of the processes, then built a website, mobile estimates, thank you/Christmas cards, video testimonial…
honestly I have a hard time being consistent with it all, but man…
The legitimacy that has been added from your process has blown up my business in an amazing way.
The weather hasn’t even turned here in Wisconsin yet, it’s snowing right now. And I’ve been booked solid all of march, April is booked as well as may.
In the last 4 years, 4 people have come to Christ and been Baptized. I even had the honor of Baptizing my wife, who I had never thought would convert. This is the first year that I haven’t yet preached a sermon, but the year has just begun.
My biggest obstacle the last month and a half has been scheduling and trying to find a trustworthy helper to add to my company.
I’ve sold 5 out of my last 6 estimates, and I’m going to have to raise my prices. Every time I think that these are problems I’m reminded that 5 years ago, I never thought that any of this was even a possibility.
Even though I don’t say much on the DYB community, I watch and learn from what I can understand. I try to not let the fear freeze me up again and stop my progress (it’s always there when I forget to pray).
I have goals this year about growing my business, Acquiring a real work Vehicle, a Festool sanding/extract setup, and finish up my half made website.
I have goals for my family, to invest in summer programs for my children, spend my weekends at home with them not working, and save up for an eventual down payment on our own home.
Thank you for putting together the DYB System.
I actually have goals in my life now. DYB has grown my business substantially, I thank you and April for that. My family thanks you as well.
I know you have hundreds of people you deal with every month, but felt led to share this with you. So that you will know that your hard work has made a big difference in the lives of my family. And I very much appreciate it.
God Bless You All.
Michael Craine
Craine Painting LLC