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Dear Painting Contractor…I made this for you.

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Dear Painting Contractor,

I made this for you.

Why? Because you are the hero of your family—and I want you to feel like it, too. I want your family to come before your business—with the actions that prove it. How can that happen if your business isn’t quite where it should be? We’ve been there. We’ve learned, we’ve failed, and we’ve tried again, and we’ve overcome, as you can, too.

Oh, who am I? Well, I was reminiscing this morning about our journey here.

Steve and I met in 2008, and when we married 6 months later, I married into the painting business—a very small painting business. But as we learned, implemented, failed, and tried again, learned, tweaked, and learned more, we grew, and the company grew, too.

As we learned together — books, seminars, expos, webinars, toastmasters, leadership events, etc, our company grew and so did my involvement in it.

First, Steve asked me to start writing our blogs. “I don’t know the first thing about painting and especially writing about it,” I said.

“You can do it!,” he said. “Here are the top questions our clients ask at the estimate. If you don’t know the answer, just interview me.”

Then Steve asked me to take over the business phone and all the calls. “I won’t know the answers to the questions they have,” I insisted.

“You can do it!” he said. “Just tell them you will find out and get right back to them. Then ask me.”

We continued to learn, study, implement, and grew our way to the sweet spot: a very profitable business with lots of family time! This is why I made this for you—so you can do the same. Once you’e accomplished this, I hope you’ll want to help others do the same, too.

So in 2014, Steve wrote a book to get our system out of his head, as we continued writing out systems and processes out and E-myth-ing our business. Steve was asked to help others do the same.

I saw how overwhelmed he was with two companies and I said, “I can take over the painting company while you run with the consulting company.”

“You want to do that?” Steve asked.

“Yes! You have taught me everything I know and need to know. We’ve struggled together and learned together. I’ve got this.” And then we were off! Like two trains speeding along their tracks – but going in the opposite direction. Wanting to work with my hero again, we decided to sell the painting company.

Our desire is to help other painting contractors feel like the hero to their family that we know they are.


I made this for you.

What did I make for you?

This is the latest course I wrote, recorded on video, and put into a checklist format, as well, for you, Painting Contractor. It’s my course on Facebook Ads and it’s $7.

Not ready for that yet?

Steve made this FREE resource for you: it’s a PDF of the 3 Steps to Getting Leads on Facebook. And you know what?

We have many other FREE resources. Things Steve and I made just for you, Painting Contractor: (all below are FREE)

3 Steps to Getting Leads on Facebook

11 Interview Questions for Hiring [PDF]

How to Create Your Own YouCanBook.Me Calendar for Your Website [VIDEO]

52 Blog Post Ideas [PDF]

30 Seconds to Find Your Target Market on Facebook [GIF]

How to Prequalify Leads [PDF]

Instant Labor Rate [Calculator]

5 Step Video Testimonial Checklist [PDF]

How to Create A Google Form for Hiring [VIDEO]

How to Purchase Your Own Domain Name [VIDEO]

PLUS 3 Free Videos from the 30 Hour Work Week Program [VIDEOS]

We want your children to say, “Are you going to see the man who helped you spend more time with us?” Like one of our clients sweet child said recently.

I think of you every day, Painting Contractor.

I wonder…are you struggling? We’ve been there. We found and learned from several guides to help us overcome. I ask myself, “How can I help you today?”

Do you feel like the hero to your family? I know not everyday feels like you’re a super hero. Let us be your guide and get you back into your super hero gear.

And if you already do feel like the hero you are, GREAT!

Are you ready to start helping others who are not feeling like the hero we know they are?

So, we made these for you, Painting Contractor. We hope you not only like them, but use them, and do extremely well being the hero and feeling like the hero you are to your family and community!

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