EP 134 : Cultivating Culture
In this episode, this DYB Mastermind Group dives into the importance of pre-qualifying potential clients, protecting company culture, and the significance of liability insurance and workman’s comp.
The conversation encompasses experiences of managing deadlines, hiring practices, and the challenges of running job listings.
The mastermind group shares their big wins, challenges, and tactics for improving the customer experience.
With insightful stories and practical advice, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge for painting contractors and entrepreneurs looking to Double Your Business, faster!
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Transcript :
Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, and welcome to mastermind group 11. Our mission is to build $1,000,000 businesses so that we can have financial freedom, time for our families, and make an impact in our communities. Let’s kick it off with big wins and short intro. Lauren, lead the way, please.
Speaker B [00:00:16]:
Hey. Good morning, guys. For your attention, modern finishes, painting and decorative art. The Naples, Florida. Bonita Springs is Southwest Florida, east west coast. Since it’s been 2 weeks, I have a lot of, like, big wins. Still, we talk about, like, sweep. We’ve been talking every week, but, we complete on Saturday, like $23,000 on exterior, heavy cabinets over 5,400 dollars Another project was a garage floor with finish for 2,800.
Speaker B [00:00:47]:
Still working on some, project, which we started in February and being in February, which still is like 90% down. Just waiting for the people to install the carpenter so he can go and put the last, what do you call, the clear code. And that cabinet job, which is the cool thing is about I gotta read the testimonial, which is looking so bad. It’s been, like, 2, 3 months. I haven’t gotten any testimonial. So, also, I start a new guy as a helper. He just came from Mexico. He looks a very very nice guy.
Speaker B [00:01:17]:
He never stops. He’s just running on the job site like crazy. Those are my big wins. It’s a lot, actually, but for 2 weeks, it’s good. Yeah.
Speaker C [00:01:25]:
Speaker A [00:01:27]:
Glad to hear that. Thank you, Florent. That’s really good. Daryl?
Speaker D [00:01:30]:
Yeah. Yeah. I am from Oklahoma, Northern Oklahoma, small town. We have about 45,000 people in my entire county. Last year a year before last, I had 5 employees, lost every single one of them, was not able to go to PCA last year like I really wanted to. But now I have 4 full time employees. Most of all of them are less than 2 years in our business. 3 of those are less than 6 months in our business.
Speaker D [00:01:57]:
And so one of my big wins is this week, I am off the entire week, and I’m in Orlando at PCA. So I didn’t get to go last year. I’m going this year. So that’s pretty cool. So that’s my big wins.
Speaker A [00:02:08]:
And you still made it to Mastermind?
Speaker D [00:02:10]:
Yes. I’m in a hotel room. I don’t have a normal background, but hey.
Speaker B [00:02:14]:
Yeah. That’s why I’m still wondering where is he that? I mean, You know? So
Speaker A [00:02:18]:
Yeah. Yeah. Well, that’s awesome, Daryl. Flora and you’ll appreciate this. Daryl sent me a picture yesterday. There’s some water in the background. He’s in Florida, he says. Is there an alligator? It says there’s water.
Speaker A [00:02:26]:
Yes. Yes.
Speaker D [00:02:28]:
And 5 minutes later, I saw a sign that said beware of alligators.
Speaker B [00:02:32]:
Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. But now it’s not gonna come to this. So no worries.
Speaker A [00:02:36]:
Yeah. No worries. As long as nobody’s been feeding them, you’re fine. But if some snowbirds or whoever been feeding them, you’re not fine. So Yeah. That’s just bullshit.
Speaker B [00:02:46]:
You can eat them. Right? Go a restaurant and eat them.
Speaker E [00:02:49]:
Yeah. I’ll
Speaker B [00:02:50]:
get you there. That’s it.
Speaker A [00:02:51]:
Yeah. And get you a a gator head souvenir to bring home, put on the books. Yeah.
Speaker B [00:02:56]:
Oh, yeah.
Speaker A [00:02:58]:
That’s awesome. Thank you, Darryl. And, again, glad you made it. Chris, good morning.
Speaker F [00:03:02]:
Good morning. Chris Petco with the Proud Paintbrush in, Houston, Texas. My big wins are my losses this, these last 2 weeks. We, we did record breaking sales in January. Highest month we’ve ever had. And it was in January, which is great. But because of that, we’ve found a lot of holes in the boats, lots of leaks in place areas for improvement. But so we’ve lost a lot of battles this month, but we’re winning the war and, we’re putting in a lot of, lots of, how do you say we’re learning a lot of lessons.
Speaker A [00:03:35]:
Yes. Same pains. Right?
Speaker G [00:03:37]:
Mhmm. Yeah. Same pains.
Speaker A [00:03:38]:
Once you take care of one constraint, like maybe not as much business and the business flows in, it’s got it coming down the conveyor belt. It reveals the next critical constraint. And sometimes it’s more than 1. And so you’re finding them now and some mouth whack a mole sometimes to take care of them also. You can keep it going
Speaker D [00:03:53]:
and growing. That’s a crappy game.
Speaker F [00:03:55]:
I don’t like playing that game, but
Speaker A [00:03:57]:
Speaker F [00:03:57]:
I’m playing it right now.
Speaker A [00:03:59]:
Yeah. But, hey, that’s what
Speaker D [00:04:00]:
Which have a go? Next
Speaker A [00:04:01]:
level. Right?
Speaker B [00:04:01]:
If we
Speaker A [00:04:01]:
whack them in time, then we get to go to the next level. But guess what’s at the next level? Another round of whack a mole. Yeah. Yep. Next critical constraint. Awesome. Thank you, Chris. Juan.
Speaker A [00:04:13]:
Good morning, sir.
Speaker C [00:04:14]:
Good morning. I’m Juan with JG Painting, at Milton, Massachusetts. And my big win for this is that I started cutting back my time on the field, which it feel really good. So I only joined the field in the morning with my guys, getting everything set up, and then sometimes meeting with the, clients in the afternoon, and then building the systems, which are like
Speaker A [00:04:39]:
Yes. Yes. Yes. That is a win. That is awesome. Very good. Thank you, Juan. So glad to hear that.
Speaker A [00:04:46]:
Alright. Isaac.
Speaker H [00:04:48]:
Good morning. Isaac Mumma here with White Oak Painting in Southeast Iowa. And my big win for this week is that we started the biggest job that I’ve ever done, a $65,000 interior, and it’s going really well. Wow. And our process is getting nailed in, and so much so that for the last 2 rotary meetings, I’ve been able to attend, which I’ve been out of circuit since bringing guys on to try and get them up to speed. And it’s going really well. Team culture has been fantastic. And, yeah, I’m just in a much better place than I was 3 or 4 weeks ago, and life’s good
Speaker G [00:05:29]:
to you guys.
Speaker B [00:05:30]:
It’s good.
Speaker A [00:05:31]:
Fantastic. Thank you, Isaac. We appreciate you too. Let’s keep it in Iowa. Hey, Jesus.
Speaker I [00:05:37]:
Good morning, everyone. My name is Jesus Garcia with Garcia Pain down here in Iowa City, Iowa. And my big wins is staying top of mind. I called a customer, and it landed another job this week. So that’s good.
Speaker A [00:05:51]:
Yes. Yes, sir.
Speaker B [00:05:52]:
Thank you. Awesome. Nice.
Speaker A [00:05:54]:
He’s being humble. He’s landed a ton since being staying do 2 things. Doran staying top of mind. We were down to a real slim schedule there and, staying top of mind, going door to door, started filling it right up. So just as wanted to share that as encouragement to you guys and also a testimony to his his hard work getting after it, just following the system. So way to go, Jesus.
Speaker B [00:06:14]:
Well, thank you, Steve. Mhmm.
Speaker A [00:06:16]:
Bryce, good morning. Big wins and short intro, please.
Speaker J [00:06:19]:
Good morning. My name is Bryce. I’m with Southeast Painting. We’re out of Atlanta, Georgia. My big wins are we landed a couple big jobs back to back. We’ve got one right now. That’s about 12 and a half grand that we’re in the middle of. And then we have another one that’s about $13,000 We have a church.
Speaker J [00:06:37]:
It’s my first church exterior that we’re going to be doing. And we’ll be doing that, next week. That’s about another 13. So super happy about that.
Speaker A [00:06:47]:
Sir, fantastic. Glad to hear that, Bryce. Thank you for sharing. All right. So Canada, Craig.
Speaker E [00:06:54]:
Morning, everyone. So I’m Craig Armstrong from Toronto, Canada, and I’ve been in business for a number of years now. And my big win is I have a send out cards dropping within the next day or so for for a
Speaker A [00:07:08]:
leak date. So I have a
Speaker E [00:07:10]:
card with a frog on it. I don’t
Speaker A [00:07:11]:
know. Yeah.
Speaker E [00:07:13]:
Yeah. So it should be fine. Should should do a good job of keeping me top of mind along with email and Facebook and all that other type stuff.
Speaker A [00:07:20]:
There you go. Fun fact. I was looking through some memories, Craig, and I saw pictures of us in Michigan back in 2015. And I believe it’s Lansing. Remember that?
Speaker B [00:07:29]:
Speaker A [00:07:29]:
Yep. Craig was at the 2nd ever workshop that I ever gave back when I was traveling before I retired from traveling, giving workshops. Craig and, many others were there. So it was cool.
Speaker B [00:07:39]:
And you
Speaker A [00:07:39]:
brought me a, coffee, a pound of coffee. I’ll never forget that. Yes.
Speaker E [00:07:43]:
Yeah. The caffeinated painter blend. I had a friend that, roasted up some some coffee for me and put my face on it, and we called it the caffeinated painter blend.
Speaker D [00:07:52]:
That’s pretty cool.
Speaker A [00:07:54]:
That’s right on. Sonia.
Speaker K [00:07:57]:
Okay. So I have been using the referral. I I get a really good referral from one of the networks that I was wondering, is there anything ever gonna happen with this group? And because it felt like I was getting really distracted with it. And, no, it was a really nice cabinet referral. And then she just asked me the her referral asked me, hey. Can you give me a do you have cards with you? And so I I got them. She just grabbed them all. She’s like, I have so and so.
Speaker K [00:08:25]:
We gotta talk to someone. And I’m like, oh my goodness. And so then she the person that referred me says, girl, she was so impressed with you. You need to be, you know, excited about that. And she just can’t she couldn’t stop talking about it. I’ll go, thank you. I really needed that boost. I really did.
Speaker K [00:08:41]:
So that was a wonderful I’m working so that’s what I’m working towards now.
Speaker A [00:08:44]:
Yeah. Sonia’s got cards for days. That’s awesome, Sonia. Great networking. Okay. Let’s see here. And, Rich, welcome back. Big wins for an intro, please.
Speaker G [00:08:55]:
Oh, big wins. Lots of things going on. I was scary slow from December. This whole time of the year, but picked up. I made a bunch of phone calls, went through some old clients, top of mind stuff, and and then things have picked up drastically, and we’re quite busy. Mhmm. So I also sold some property last week, and I’m putting up a new building. So we’re gonna do a little workshop at storage area and whatnot, but that was huge.
Speaker G [00:09:26]:
A huge it’s a huge thing for me. That was one of the goal things that I wrote down in my notebook every night was the was to do something with my own barn. Well, it’s finally in the finally in the works, so it’s been a while.
Speaker A [00:09:39]:
So I’m happy about that. Okay. Yeah. Fantastic. And way to go for writing that for your new goals down.
Speaker G [00:09:44]:
That’s awesome. Writing some goals down.
Speaker B [00:09:46]:
Speaker G [00:09:47]:
That works.
Speaker A [00:09:48]:
Indeed. Yes, sir. Awesome. And, again, it’s good to see you. Thank you.
Speaker G [00:09:52]:
Nice to
Speaker K [00:09:53]:
see you.
Speaker A [00:09:53]:
What’s it? Appreciate that. Alright. What is the one thing that we could brainstorm such that would make everything else easier and or unnecessary, Chris?
Speaker F [00:10:04]:
My question I know you can’t give me legal advice. My question is about contracts and, just what in particular, at least you need to make sure you have covered and don’t have covered. I’ve re really, what I do is wait till, something goes wrong and then alright. Now that goes in the contract. I’ve had to put stuff like, if you don’t like the color, we can change the color for you at an additional charge. That’s not included. Yeah. Just in general, is there maybe a philosophy or a way to think about this or what?
Speaker A [00:10:37]:
Oh, I’m glad you asked those questions. Yes.
Speaker G [00:10:41]:
Before I
Speaker A [00:10:41]:
answer that, though, where did these customers come from? What was the source? Do you recall of some of these specifics specific customers?
Speaker G [00:10:51]:
Speaker F [00:10:52]:
was one was through Google, Nextdoor. Yeah. I’m trying to think of ones in particular where I’ve had problems. 1 through painter’s choice.
Speaker A [00:11:02]:
Okay. So these were hold leads from either Google, next door or paid lead. Okay. So, no criticism. This is common. This is very common. So what do we do? And essentially they weren’t from rotary, right? They weren’t from BNI. They weren’t from chamber.
Speaker A [00:11:17]:
They weren’t from, repeat customers and they weren’t from referrals, which they usually aren’t. So instead, what do we do? We’ve got to get started with sometimes we get started with some cold leads. Now ideally we wanna go to networking so that they’re warmer leads to the referrals. And usually they’re also quality. The The quality of the leads are are much better than Google or paid leads. However, if we’re still getting some cold leads or going after cold leads, then what we do is we just make sure that we prequalify really well. Prequalify really well. So it’s it comes back to the principle when somebody says, hey.
Speaker A [00:11:50]:
What’s your guys’ policy on, clocking out on time or using a company vehicle? Or I need a policy for language or I need a policy for dress code. Usually, that’s an indicator that they’re not hiring for character. Right? So in the same respect, we need to make sure that we’re working for care people who have character. Right? And so a lot of times, like, when I offer strategy calls and a lot of times I offer strategy calls, I don’t offer them so I offer them to, 1, I wanna give value. And then 2, it’s not just to offer them some of our services, whether it’s mastermind or coaching or just the cafe, but I’m interviewing them just as much as they’re checking me out. And I don’t invite everybody to a mastermind group. So if you notice, like, you guys are awesome. Right? Everybody in here I I don’t know what one person would say I have a problem with somebody else sitting here.
Speaker A [00:12:37]:
Everybody in here is just fantastic, and I’m very particular about that. Same thing with painting customers. I don’t want to have to put my team in with difficult people, with unreasonable people, with C clients. Right? So while, estimating and looking at their home, I’m also checking them out. I’m also interviewing them. Are there any red flags? Right? Do I get any sense that they’re not nice? And if that’s the case, I’m gonna find a polite way to bow out at the end for your project. And I’ll follow through with the proposal and whatnot to say, unfortunately, we’re not able to paint it for until, I don’t know, 2,035. You guys available in 10 years or 11 years, whatever it might be.
Speaker A [00:13:15]:
I’m exaggerating that point, but I’ll find a way to refer them to somebody else. So I would say make sure you prequalify really well, especially if you’re using some cold leads. Double up on your networking to generate warm referrals, right, and protect your culture. Then you won’t need as much small print. In fact, when you’ve got this locked in, you don’t even need a signed contract anymore. I never cared about a signed contract proposal. I wrote it up to serve everything was in writing. I I never asked them to sign it.
Speaker A [00:13:46]:
Sometimes they say, you wanna sign it? I’m like, nah. As long as I got the deposit, I really didn’t care if they signed the contract.
Speaker D [00:13:52]:
Yeah. Steve, I can attest to that. I’m working on 2 separates over $60,000 jobs right now. I haven’t signed a contract on either one of them. One’s a house. One’s a residential. My proposals have 0 zero fine print in them. I if I’m gonna be going over colors, I’ll make sure they have the color up front and they like it.
Speaker D [00:14:11]:
I’ve never had an issue because we’re pretty qualifying our clients. We work with almost solid a clients all the time.
Speaker C [00:14:19]:
Speaker D [00:14:19]:
And so I know Bryce was talking last year. He had some issues and he put in some different things. And in different geographic areas, you have a bunch more clients. I get that. But when I prequalify my clients, I’m not worrying about it. I referred away one couple weeks ago. This lady had somebody paint her brick house, did a horrible job, and I told her it would cost way more than it’s worth to you to have me do it. I referred her to another painter in town, and he got the job.
Speaker D [00:14:46]:
She loves me. He loves me. I don’t have to mess with a headache. It was really cool. Didn’t make anybody mad by saying I don’t wanna do your job and didn’t have to have her go and try to search for another painter. I gave her a painter right then and there. Mhmm. He’s got the job.
Speaker A [00:15:01]:
Is that helpful, Chris?
Speaker F [00:15:03]:
Yeah, it’s really helpful. It’s, actually not what I was expecting, but even if I answered the question I had of, to some extent, it doesn’t really matter what’s in the contract. You know know what I mean? And I think that’s what you’re pointing towards. So that’s definitely helpful.
Speaker A [00:15:17]:
Yep. Yep. Because if we don’t hire for character and if we don’t prequalify really well, we can’t put enough policies in place to box their character in. Does that make sense? Because Yeah. Beliefs supersede laws. Every time I learned this when I was 15, washing dishes in a, in a, Chinese, restaurant, and I’ll leave it at that. Beliefs supersede laws. It doesn’t matter what your laws are.
Speaker A [00:15:43]:
Their beliefs supersede them. Okay. I’ve never eaten, Chinese food sense your Asian food. Okay. April loves it. She knows some of the stories, but I I don’t share them because I don’t wanna ruin it for everybody else who enjoys it. Hey. Moving along.
Speaker A [00:15:59]:
Moving along. Juan, you’re up.
Speaker C [00:16:02]:
Okay. So since I’m spending more time on the office building systems, so I was wondering why you guys have for because, you know, checking on your crew anymore. So I’m I’m been asking the clients how the crew will be performance. So do you have have any systems, or how can I score my guys?
Speaker A [00:16:25]:
I’m sorry. Did you say can you school? Scroll?
Speaker C [00:16:28]:
Or score. Score. Yeah.
Speaker A [00:16:30]:
Can you score them?
Speaker C [00:16:31]:
Speaker A [00:16:31]:
Yes. Yep. Okay. Good question. So a couple of ways to go about this is one is when you call the customer, don’t ask them specifically about the guy’s performance or how they’re doing. It sounds like you’re asking them to do your job of man managing them instead. Okay? Ask them to say, hey. How’s your experience so far? Now it makes you focused on them, and they will appreciate that.
Speaker D [00:16:52]:
And I asked my employees the same question. How’s the customer’s experience? Is their mindset different too?
Speaker A [00:16:58]:
Yes, sir. Oh.
Speaker D [00:17:00]:
Yeah. That’s really cool. I I don’t ask my guys how the job’s going. How’s the customer’s experience, guys? And that changes their mindset.
Speaker A [00:17:07]:
Everything. It’s a game changer. It’s a 180 degrees. They stop thinking like a technician, and they start thinking customer service. If you take care of their experience, then when you make mistakes, it’s not that big of a deal. But if you don’t focus on their feelings and their experience and you make a and and you just exhale the wrong way, that’s a big deal. It’s just it’s totally different. Now how do you score them? What you do is at the end of the job, right, you say, hey, missus Jones.
Speaker A [00:17:32]:
On a scale of 1 to 10, how was your experience with Joe and his crew? That’s it. Okay. Whatever number they give you, say thank you. If it was a 7, you just say thank you. What would make it an 8? Right? And then you get real feedback.
Speaker C [00:17:46]:
Speaker A [00:17:48]:
Specific feedback.
Speaker C [00:17:49]:
Specific feedback.
Speaker A [00:17:49]:
And that’s their score. 7 or whatever it might have been. And that’s called the net promoter.
Speaker C [00:17:54]:
Okay. Thank
Speaker A [00:17:56]:
you. You’re welcome. Isaac, you’re up.
Speaker H [00:17:59]:
So practical question. If I’ve got 2 guys and they both drop their kids off before school and pick them up, As far as vehicles go, if I’ve got a lead and a regular painter and I want to keep it brand cohesive at the job site and not have a random vehicle there that has rust on it. Should I get a, like, cheaper vehicle and have the painter have that vehicle, or should I just have the lead have the vehicle? Because just practically speaking, them, like, carpooling isn’t too practical for their situation.
Speaker A [00:18:41]:
Mhmm. Yeah. Good question. So this is a tough one, and it’s a tough situation, especially if it makes them real particular about branding. Alright? Like, I make this big deal on the sales system. Right? About, look, you gotta have everything looking sharp. And if you watch any, my mentor, Todd Smith’s videos, you’re like, into this. Everything being perfect as can be.
Speaker A [00:19:00]:
And I I have this bent towards perfection, but in this situation, it’s tough. And so one question I would ask is what scales? Okay. So when you have 12 painters, can you buy 12 painters a vehicle? Unlikely for, the economics to work out for any business. Not if we wanna stack profits, and we certainly want that. So, unfortunately, it doesn’t scale. So then we just keep looking for other options. Alright. Here’s the constraint.
Speaker A [00:19:24]:
He’s got a rust bucket. Is can they carpool? They can’t. Then what can we do? That’s a tough one. Unfortunately, and they meet at the store down the road, Home Depot or something and then ride along. How do we communicate that to him without hurting his feelings? That’s a tough one too. Hopefully, you’ve made a lot of deposits in that relationship and knowing you, pretty sure you’ve taken very good care of them. But that is generally gonna be a tough one. Anybody have any ideas for them here? Yeah.
Speaker D [00:19:52]:
I actually just got a another work truck for one of my guys. I bought a 2010 f 150. It looks pretty nice. And I got tired of my guy, not for him, not a personal thing, but just him having to haul my stuff for in his truck. Mhmm. And and his insurance doesn’t cover a hole in a trailer, so I put him in my truck. And it was $11,500 for this f 150. I knew I had to put a couple grand into it, got that, paid cash for it.
Speaker D [00:20:20]:
So I have instead of just some random trucks sitting in the driveway, I have 2 of my watermark painted trucks on one job or one on one job, one on another. It’s but I think it’s a financial thing. Can you afford it? If you if you can afford it and struggle, I would say no. But if you can afford it, I would definitely say do that. But keep in mind, on the insurance, auto insurance, it’s pretty expensive for business. I think I think I’m the only painter in my area that has actual business insurance on our vehicles, and I have 4 trucks with business insurance. So it’s, like, $55100 a year for my insurance right now. Mhmm.
Speaker D [00:20:57]:
So I keep all that in mind. It’s worth it for me. Awesome.
Speaker A [00:21:01]:
Yep. And then something else, thank you, Darrell, to consider is, do you see this, painter, becoming a lead? So then okay. Then it might it might be worth going to invest in them. You just wanna look down the road. Right? The long game, look in the future, like what scales, what works here. And if he’s gonna, yeah, if he’s gonna be a lead, then it’d make sense to go ahead and, you know, look into investing and and to Daryl’s point if if it fits the budget without keeping you up at night because we need to sleep too. Right? Yeah. I mean, truck sleep.
Speaker A [00:21:28]:
Sometimes that’s which one. Mhmm. Yeah. Good deal. Okay. Awesome.
Speaker H [00:21:32]:
Thank you.
Speaker A [00:21:33]:
You’re welcome. Hey, Jesus. Hey, Steve. Yes. So I have
Speaker I [00:21:37]:
a question here. It’s related to my lead. Mhmm. So he’s been telling me lately that he’s been feeling like he’s had to push the weight towards the the last few projects. So I was wondering here if it’s if this is something I should be thinking about, like, giving my lead authority to give verbal warnings or rant warnings if he feels he has to, or or is this something I have to step into even now if I’m not in the field as much?
Speaker A [00:22:04]:
Yeah. Great question. Mhmm. So your lead wants to know or your question is should you, delegate authority to your lead to be able to follow the progressive disciplinary procedure? Right? Verbal warning, written warning, days off removed. And the answer is absolutely. Right? So even in the bible, Moses was leading the Israelites and all these craziness and chaos going on. And they’re like, no, I left. Could you imagine hurting all these people go around here and settling all these disputes? And then his his father-in-law came to us.
Speaker A [00:22:33]:
Listen, it’s not possible for you to, like, judge between all these people and then solve all of their differences. You need to assign some elders, some other people to help you to solve some of their issues. And so you did you delegate authority. So, yes, absolutely. Delegate authority to your leads and coach them up and train them on how to do this, but give them authority to give verbal warnings, written warnings, and even time off. Now you might, if there’s a 4th one in a year where they might be let go, you may retain you’d probably retain that decision, but absolutely give them authority for a verbal warning and a written warning. And the good news is you almost never have to go past a written warning. Whenever you give a written warning to somebody, they do an about face.
Speaker A [00:23:14]:
Right? Woah. I didn’t realize it was that serious. Oh, yeah. But, yes, delegate leadership to your leaders.
Speaker B [00:23:21]:
Okay. Sounds good.
Speaker D [00:23:22]:
Read the 5 levels of leadership with him.
Speaker I [00:23:25]:
That’s a great book. I will Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker B [00:23:28]:
I’m gonna
Speaker D [00:23:28]:
do that with one of my guys.
Speaker B [00:23:30]:
Sounds good.
Speaker A [00:23:31]:
Right on. Great. Thank you. Florent. You’re muted?
Speaker B [00:23:36]:
Okay. On the past, you guys have been talking about how to advertise yourself and on the community, what they call the door advertising. So I want something feedback about it because, like, it’s been like I never tried that. I’m shy guy. So what is the first step? Of course, I have to print out what you call the, all those hangars. But if you guys can share a story about that, I appreciate it. So I can see where can I start and how it is and how it can be done?
Speaker A [00:24:07]:
I’m so glad you asked this because I would like to save you from hours of heartaches and mistakes and the hard way. And because I’ve made so many mistakes trying to figure this out. When I came to Florida, I had to start over. 1st, there’s the hurricane. Right? We had all this hurricane work. I was like,
Speaker G [00:24:21]:
Speaker A [00:24:23]:
But then everybody else came down and helped out and it was done in 6 months. And Punta Gorda was a brand new city again. I was like, oh, it wasn’t in my business plan. I saw painting for days, but it was only 6 months. So I had to go door to door. And so some things that I would and would not recommend is one is naturally. I’m gonna shy guy too. Naturally, I’m a full blown introvert.
Speaker A [00:24:42]:
I know sometimes it doesn’t appear so, especially when I have all this energy, but I drink extrovert liquid. Extrovert fuel. That is before I go out, I did. I would have a double espresso before I went out. True story. Yeah. And I’d bring some iced tea with me. And, Florent, you know the heat in Florida.
Speaker A [00:24:59]:
Sometimes this was July August afternoons, but I had 2 little kids at home who were going feed me. Just thought I didn’t have an option. Right? So what worked? Here’s what worked. Is don’t leave door hangers. Don’t leave door hangers. That’s a waste of your time walking around or even your team’s time walking around. Instead, knock on doors and do what I call courtesy canvassing. Courtesy canvassing.
Speaker A [00:25:23]:
Especially if it’s directly close to a house that you are painting or have painted. And you just say, you know, yourself, say hi. I’m Steve with, Branded Painting. I just wanna let you know we’re doing some, work down the road. And if some tape or plastic blows down into your yard, I would like you to call me please so that we can come and pick it up right away and then leave them in your cart. Right? That’s the first thing you wanna do. The best opportunity because that’s a warm invite. It doesn’t seem like you’re, spamming them.
Speaker A [00:25:51]:
Right? Like you’re soliciting them. You are offering service first and value first. Now if you’re going into neighborhoods that you haven’t painted yet, okay, then we can’t really offer that because it’s not true, so we can’t do it. But what we can do is, yeah, knock on doors, introduce yourself, let them know that you’re in the neighborhood providing free estimates. Can I give you one now, please? Smiley face bobblehead. It’s hard to say no to a smiley face bobblehead. Okay? And it’s free. So you’re just offering free estimates.
Speaker B [00:26:21]:
Yeah. That’s great. Thank you. Yeah. Yep.
Speaker A [00:26:24]:
And get used to some noes. It’s okay. No. Get off my lawn. No. And just know that’s coming, but it again, this part here is a numbers game. And count your steps. Have fun with it.
Speaker A [00:26:33]:
So I’d count my steps, and I was listening to Zig Ziglar the whole way. So I had him, like, in my corner just cheering me on from door to door. And so in the heat, I would walk for hours and Zig just talking me from door to door, a little bit of coffee, a little more iced tea, and lining them up one after another. Even the HOAs who said you couldn’t solicit it. Kids gotta eat. I didn’t care. Okay. Bryce, you’re up.
Speaker A [00:27:00]:
Speaker J [00:27:04]:
Right now we’re in the middle of these 2 large projects. We’ve got a lot of work going on. That’s trying to make all the deadlines and meet all the deadlines. We’ve got some exciting stuff going on in logistics and things like that. It’s just been we’ve, it’s been odd. I’ve had one guy who just had a baby last week. Then I have another guy whose wife got diagnosed with breast cancer last week. So it’s going to be a difficult season with these 2 guys and I want to hire, but I’m not quite there yet.
Speaker J [00:27:42]:
Because I need to finish up some projects and getting our 2nd work vehicle up and running. And so I don’t have a whole lot to unpack right now, but it’s just trying to keep the, keep the momentum going and keep progress on job sites. Right now we’re really, production heavy.
Speaker A [00:27:58]:
Yeah. I’m sure glad you made it. And I understand that sometimes it’s I know it needs to be done, and we’re doing it. But we show up here for encouragement and inspiration. And we appreciate your contribution to and still your commitment to make it here for your mastermind. Yeah. Yeah. Would it be, Bryce? Awesome.
Speaker A [00:28:16]:
Thank you. Craig.
Speaker E [00:28:18]:
This has been on my mind is so I just hired a new personal lady. She’s got a vehicle. So I’ve been having her team up with another painter that doesn’t have a vehicle who’s on public transit. So they have been working out well, according to the senior, my senior painter, my jaw bleed, which is the one that’s on public transit. I’ve had them at a job outside the city, and so she’s been driving them up. So the the helpers, been driving lead painter up to the job and then back, which is, which has been very nice of her. But she’s, he’s told me that she has a little bit of road rage. So she’s been but at when she’s on the job, she’s like all good.
Speaker A [00:29:07]:
Speaker E [00:29:07]:
Yeah. When she’s out on the road, it’ll get a little unhinged at at certain imbeciles on the road, which I can’t judge because I’ve been there too. I know how it is. And so he he confronted her about it, or he asked her, just calm down and I feel very uncomfortable when you’ll remote somebody when you’re driving. And she seemed to have calmed down. Is that something that I should address or just something that I should put it in the back of my mind?
Speaker A [00:29:36]:
So you okay. So I’m gonna preface this by do you pay her for driving? Do you pay her to pick them up?
Speaker E [00:29:43]:
Yeah. I’ve been paying them I’ve basically been having them clock in an extra hour each day to compensate for the, for the travel time because most jobs people in my area, we can get to within a half hour. So this, is basically adds on about not even a half hour each way.
Speaker A [00:30:02]:
Yeah. Okay. This is a very touchy situation. My first thought was if you’re not paying them, then really we have no license to say anything. It’s on their free time and her grace to provide the service, but you are paying them. So you do have license to have the conversation, which is step 1. Step 2 is how do you have the conversation? Sonia, you have any thoughts being that this is a woman? I would like to hear from your perspective the best way because us men, we sometimes we just go straight in. K?
Speaker K [00:30:32]:
Yeah. Anyways
Speaker E [00:30:33]:
She’s a manly man. A manly woman.
Speaker G [00:30:35]:
I was
Speaker K [00:30:35]:
gonna ask that. I was gonna say how does she take? Is she got is she thick skinned? Is she like you gotta come in there and give her some affirmations? How is she? And is
Speaker E [00:30:44]:
She’s got a female partner and I think she’s the, the husband of the relationship.
Speaker K [00:30:49]:
Okay. Then you have you’ll you don’t have to you can probably come in just like, as you were mentioning, Steve, that just tell just directly without having to worry about the emotional, what you call it of a woman that we go through. Because, yeah, there’s a different approach for us on on many of us. And some of us is like, you’re if we’re thick skinned, it’s okay. I get it. And you just move on. And if she’s like that, then however your approach would be. And even then, I’m sure even with the guys, you gotta worry about how you approach them too.
Speaker K [00:31:17]:
Speaker D [00:31:17]:
Baseball bat.
Speaker A [00:31:22]:
Yeah. Thank you. Step 1 is because you’re paying, you do have license to have this conversation. And then step 2, it sounds like she sticks in. Just go direct.
Speaker K [00:31:31]:
Yeah. And I was saying about too because being a I’m sorry. Being an educator, we professionalism, if they if that’s in there, then it doesn’t you just just go in there like you would lay it out. Okay. This is step 1. So, like, my administrator would come and just this is how it is. This is how it is.
Speaker A [00:31:45]:
And Mhmm.
Speaker K [00:31:46]:
We grew a lot of females, and now she make us cry. So it was just, you just take it like a moon. But but yeah, so but yeah, just make sure you have some how to approach that on a on a professional level and just that’s just how it is.
Speaker A [00:32:00]:
Speaker E [00:32:00]:
But given that she seems to have modified her behavior, is it even a conversation that’s worth having at this point?
Speaker A [00:32:07]:
Oh, I’m sorry. So I missed that. So this is no longer an issue?
Speaker E [00:32:10]:
So my my lead painter, he said he told her that I wish you wouldn’t do that. It’s it makes me feel uncomfortable. And and he told me that it’s been better the last couple of times that she’s driven him.
Speaker A [00:32:24]:
Oh, fantastic.
Speaker D [00:32:26]:
I think that changes. Yeah.
Speaker A [00:32:27]:
Yeah. There’s no context. Okay. That’s even better because he’s dealing with it. He’s manning up himself and having adult conversations, which is fantastic. Yeah. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Give him a price.
Speaker A [00:32:41]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Good. So I would not speak to her. I would continue I would encourage him to continue to, communicate with her as it sounds like she’s receptive and improving on it.
Speaker E [00:32:56]:
Yeah. I guess just have a conversation with him and just make sure that she’s still on track.
Speaker K [00:33:02]:
Yep. Forget one of the stickers. How’s my dry Dean? Oh, Wiltshire.
Speaker D [00:33:08]:
He’s not driving Craig’s number.
Speaker E [00:33:10]:
Yeah. He’s not driving a company vehicle. That’s for sure. Yeah.
Speaker A [00:33:13]:
And you might I’m looking for the book here. Remember, I worked on my stretches this morning. Oh, it’s okay. So you might send him the summary to crucial conversations. Yeah. That’s 15 minutes. Fantastic. Don’t need to read the book.
Speaker A [00:33:25]:
It’s a corporate book. Right?
Speaker D [00:33:27]:
Go on YouTube and
Speaker A [00:33:28]:
Yeah. Just go on YouTube. Summary crucial conversations. Watch it yourself because you’re gonna need it. And it’s something I’ve shared with many of you guys and ladies. And and, it’s valuable. And I review it once a while myself.
Speaker E [00:33:40]:
Yeah. I’ve read the entire book. So I I’m sorry.
Speaker H [00:33:42]:
Fault. My
Speaker A [00:33:43]:
Okay. Sorry. You’re sorry that
Speaker E [00:33:45]:
I read the entire book.
Speaker A [00:33:47]:
It’s it’s a dry book. It’s a corporate book. Yeah.
Speaker E [00:33:49]:
It was not a
Speaker A [00:33:50]:
slog for
Speaker E [00:33:50]:
It was a slog.
Speaker A [00:33:52]:
Exactly. I’m away from that and watch the summary. Right on. Great.
Speaker B [00:33:57]:
I’m good. Thanks.
Speaker A [00:33:58]:
Okay. So, Sonya, you’re up.
Speaker K [00:34:02]:
Well, everybody just I just wrote everything down. We’re good. I there was everything that was in there was like, yeah. I’m good now. He was talking about that employee, but it’s not even that. It’s just my mine is more of the confidence, thing going on with the sell still and the estimate. For example, things that I come across, I’m like, how do I answer that? And, sometimes I get a little stumped and but they don’t seem to care. They do I had this one incident when you’ve something you’ve pointed out, because this is what what it was is that the client that I or the potential that I have asked me about insurance.
Speaker K [00:34:34]:
And I was like, yes, I do have my certificate of insurance. And then how about because I contract out. I don’t have employees. And so he asked me about workman’s comp. And so when it comes to insurance, I’m like, oh, and I can learn it. It’s just that’s such a boring topic for me. I’m like, oh gosh. I hate it.
Speaker K [00:34:51]:
This is somebody walked me through, like, I’m a 7 year old and explained it to me. Just it gave me examples or whatever. So I did. I reached out to somebody and asked them about that, and that pretty much clarified it. So it was just me. Now I know that when I go on the when they ask me something like that, I’m gonna ask them, are you looking for what what it’s the verbiage or it’s the, like, what is they didn’t understand, like, what workman’s comp is and what the COI covers. And so I was able to I had the my insurance agent explain to me, can you talk to me so I can talk to them and then ask them, is it workman’s comp you’re looking for? Are you looking for what my insurance covers or if it covers it? And so that was what it was. We got it clarified.
Speaker K [00:35:32]:
So that was good. But it’s just in general. So Yeah. Nutshell. Okay.
Speaker A [00:35:35]:
Let me simplify this for you, please.
Speaker B [00:35:37]:
Speaker A [00:35:37]:
There are 2 that you need, liability insurance.
Speaker K [00:35:41]:
Speaker A [00:35:41]:
This Then
Speaker G [00:35:42]:
I get
Speaker A [00:35:43]:
protects their stuff.
Speaker H [00:35:45]:
There’s You
Speaker A [00:35:46]:
drop paint on their couch, their rug, you smacked their, Mercedes with a ladder, the liability insurance covers their stuff. It covers your butt because it pays for their stuff if you scratch it. One example is we were etching a garage floor, and, this crew is brand new out of it. And there are asset that you know, and they had just laid a, paver driveway in. And they rinsed, the paver driveway first, etched the floor. It, it all ran down the paver driveway, which she expected, but they didn’t rinse it enough. And it it stripped all the color off the pavers. And, we got I got to buy them a new paver driveway.
Speaker A [00:36:23]:
Thankfully, I had liability insurance. My insurance company paid for it. Thanks to liability insurance. That’s what that’s for. Work comp, okay, is to protect the painters when they’re injured. It happens. We get injured. I got injured.
Speaker A [00:36:36]:
Remember, I bust my knee in that bank roof. That’s why I just said, oh my goodness. I’ve got to figure out this, business end of this thing because I can’t paint forever. It also protects your tail or them. Right? So that your the painters can go back and sue the customer. Right? When they hurt themselves on their home, if they fall off the roof, if they fall off a ladder, the work comp protects everybody. So I would it’s simple. It’s liability insurance to cover their stuff, work comp in the event they get hurt, which also protects their stuff.
Speaker A [00:37:06]:
Right now, it it it would help us to put a couple of line items in there. It’s like we carry a million or $2,000,000 liability insurance. And our painters, we have workmen’s compensation insurance to cover our painters. Now using subs, this is really important. Please write this down. You want to confirm that they each have an active workmen’s comp policy. You wanna make sure that your name is on their policy because here’s what’s happens. Here’s what happens.
Speaker A [00:37:36]:
Excuse me. In the event because they can show you a cert and stop paying, but you’ve got a cert and you think they’re covered. But if you request to be on their policy, be named on their pie be named on the policy, they their insurance company will notify you the minute they don’t have coverage.
Speaker B [00:37:52]:
So who was for certificate holder? Exactly.
Speaker A [00:37:55]:
Yes. Certificate holder. Thank you, Florence. Yep. Mhmm. So Yeah. Not named on their policy. Thank you.
Speaker A [00:38:00]:
Certificate holder. Okay.
Speaker K [00:38:02]:
Because that’s that was one of the things that we’re going back and forth, and I was that in Texas, we’re the wild west. So we don’t really it’s not required. However, that was the first time I ever was asked that. Do your Yeah. Workers have workmen’s comp? And so
Speaker A [00:38:16]:
Speaker K [00:38:16]:
And I’ve asked everybody that who have COI, I would they’re like, no. We don’t have workmans comp. So I called my agent, and it’s not that expensive for them to do their own. So she says you have to they have to get their own. So you’re not paying for them, but they pay their own. And so I’m like, oh, okay. So I didn’t know whether to pass this guy on. And I was transparent and some I do not have it.
Speaker K [00:38:36]:
And I just have the my COI. He has his COI, and that’s I can present that to you. And he was okay with that.
Speaker B [00:38:43]:
I was
Speaker K [00:38:43]:
like, okay.
Speaker A [00:38:44]:
Okay. Yeah. So I think too with the, yeah, it’s not common. I think too with the influx of California and some other states coming into Florida or, excuse me, into Texas that you’re going to probably hear more of this because that’s not common. It’s in fact, I thought Florida was a wild west, but, no, you you have to have work comp in Florida and liability. So I guess you were the last wild west, Texas there. That’s cool. It’s
Speaker B [00:39:08]:
not only that, but just don’t forget, because you’re gonna carry work comp. And once a year, go for audit. And when you go for audit, they’re gonna ask you for certificate for all the subs. So just keep that in your mind.
Speaker K [00:39:21]:
Okay. And then they have to have each one has to have say it’s a sub company or the company. They have to have everyone under them as well. Right? It’s not just that one person or anyways, I guess I could ask Mike.
Speaker A [00:39:33]:
Yeah. The company needs the policy. It’s up to them to make sure each of their employees are covered.
Speaker K [00:39:38]:
If the company has it, then I’m
Speaker A [00:39:40]:
Yeah. And and and and and clarify with your work comp company too Okay. Just so you’re covered. There’s one last thing I was gonna say, and I just forgot it. But, yeah, sorry. Lost it if it comes back. I’ll I’ll message you later another idea for you.
Speaker B [00:39:53]:
Okay. So that’s that’s why you ask a certificate holder not just for insurance. They have the insurance, but for WorldCom too. Okay? Both of them no matter what. So you’ll cover 100%.
Speaker A [00:40:04]:
Oh, here it is. It just came back. They prepared for work comp audits. It’s not like an IRS audit. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just something they do every year to make sure that you’re paying what you’re supposed to be paying. Yep. So they’re gonna look at your payroll or how much yeah.
Speaker A [00:40:19]:
It’s easy. They’re gonna look at how much you paid and just make sure that what you’re paying is in alignment with the payroll or what you’re
Speaker B [00:40:26]:
paying. Mhmm.
Speaker G [00:40:26]:
Exactly. Yeah.
Speaker K [00:40:27]:
That one come through on a group chat. Okay. Work comp okay. Got it. That just that does clarify. That was like because I I was like, man, I just I give up. I won’t do this anymore.
Speaker A [00:40:35]:
You know,
Speaker K [00:40:35]:
I get Yeah. Yeah. I was like No.
Speaker A [00:40:37]:
You’re okay. It’s the next constraint. That means you made it to this level. Right? And now you gotta beat this boss. It’s like Mario Brothers. You gotta beat Bowser in the first level. Once you sweat it out beating him, you go to the 2nd level, and he’s a little bit tougher. Alright.
Speaker A [00:40:49]:
But keep going.
Speaker K [00:40:51]:
Okay. Okay.
Speaker A [00:40:51]:
That’s all winning is done.
Speaker K [00:40:53]:
That’s that’s the great thing about this group. I’m just like, okay. Yeah. It just keeps me going through and just Yeah. Closing through it as much as I can.
Speaker I [00:41:00]:
Speaker K [00:41:00]:
yeah, I do appreciate oh, and I forgot. I’m Sonia oops. I’m Sonia Garcia San Antonio dancing, pallet roll painting. I forgot to say it at the beginning. I even wrote it down to say it, and I still forgot.
Speaker A [00:41:09]:
Sonia, appreciate it.
Speaker K [00:41:10]:
Okay. Thank you.
Speaker D [00:41:11]:
She doesn’t need caffeine.
Speaker K [00:41:14]:
I do not.
Speaker A [00:41:16]:
Mhmm. She comes preloaded. Not all of us do. That’s awesome. Daryl, how about you?
Speaker D [00:41:21]:
Oh, man. Real quick. Does anybody use Indeed for hiring?
Speaker E [00:41:28]:
Yeah. That is where my last customer last painter came from.
Speaker D [00:41:32]:
Okay. Their policy changed, at least in America. I don’t know how they use. Yeah. They, yeah, they keep changing. Now I have to pay for every applicant that applies even if they should never have called me. Before, I could reject them because if they don’t have any payment experience on a resume, they’re rejected. I I got charged, like, $1400 back in December because their policy changed.
Speaker D [00:41:56]:
I didn’t realize that. And so now what’s going on is I’ve narrowed it down to where I can only get 5 a week or 5 a month. I can’t remember. But every time I’m every time for the last 30 days I’ve got an applicant, like, nothing is on their application about painting. Nothing on the resume. So I sent him a message. Hey. I noticed you said you had a 6 years painting experience in residential, but nothing on your resume.
Speaker D [00:42:22]:
Can you reflect on that? Crickets. Nothing. $114. And yeah. And that happened that’s probably happened 15 to 20 times since no late November.
Speaker A [00:42:35]:
Speaker D [00:42:36]:
And so but I’ve heard that there’s a free version of Indeed. I’m I think that you don’t get near as many perks, but with my geographic, I’m in such a small area. I wanna look at the free version, but I’ve never heard anybody that’s used it.
Speaker A [00:42:50]:
Anybody used the free version of Indeed here? How about in have you tried? Now this varies from market to market. Okay? Yeah. I wish there was, like, a a one for all. But have you tried Craigslist?
Speaker D [00:43:01]:
No. I haven’t tried Craigslist.
Speaker A [00:43:03]:
I’ve For your market, I would try it. I I know it can be rough, and there are some scams out there. You’re smart. Just use discernment to weed through some of them.
Speaker D [00:43:11]:
Yeah. I may do that. I’ve tried Monster, and that was a joke for in my area, anyways. Yeah. So I will try Craigslist.
Speaker A [00:43:18]:
I will try Craigslist. Yeah.
Speaker D [00:43:20]:
Okay. That’ll work because I I’m breaking up with Indeed, I think.
Speaker A [00:43:23]:
There you go.
Speaker B [00:43:24]:
Yeah. Craigslist, that’s what I got my guys so far. The thing is with Craigslist, I don’t see any, let’s say, qualified. You have to go through the interview to figure out who they are. But most of them, hey. I have my resume. Give me a call. I’ll say, here’s application.
Speaker B [00:43:41]:
Fill it up. I’m not gonna give a call. You know? So follow the steps, and that’s it. The thing is it it helped me, like, 2 times. I mean, I had 20 applicants that say that 2 times was fine, but the other ones is not, like, qualified for me. But it’s the only resource here around, and you have to talk to to your painters. Like we said before, you know, just advertise yourself 90 days. Find someone.
Speaker B [00:44:07]:
Give them 2 days off. Go vacation.
Speaker D [00:44:09]:
Yeah. Oh, yeah. I I have all that in. I have all of that on my policy Mhmm. On my policy, but my procedure anyways. Yeah. Thank you, guys. Awesome.
Speaker H [00:44:17]:
When did all that happen?
Speaker D [00:44:19]:
I think November, December. Like, I got charged $1400 where I normally get charged for 300,
Speaker G [00:44:27]:
Speaker D [00:44:27]:
I didn’t I did not realize that.
Speaker H [00:44:29]:
So I did a a certain budget option where I basically said I want it to run for a week and do $40 a day.
Speaker D [00:44:40]:
I did that as well. The problem that I had was just that so it went from 10 leads to 2. Those 2 were just like the other 8, and so I got charged for those 2. Okay.
Speaker A [00:44:52]:
Speaker D [00:44:52]:
like I’m in the same boat.
Speaker H [00:44:54]:
Yeah. Because I did the $400, and I did a happy hiring happy painters as the title, and then I pretty much copy and pasted the hiring ad out of the hiring force that Tanner Molen has. Mhmm. Tweaked it for myself.
Speaker A [00:45:12]:
Did you say it was a Happy Painters?
Speaker H [00:45:14]:
What’s that?
Speaker A [00:45:15]:
Happy Painters ad from his hiring from Tanner’s hiring course?
Speaker C [00:45:19]:
Speaker A [00:45:20]:
Oh, okay. Sounds like he modeled mine.
Speaker H [00:45:22]:
What’s that?
Speaker A [00:45:24]:
Sounds like he modeled mine.
Speaker H [00:45:25]:
Oh, did he? Or no. He had I got hiring happy painters idea from you guys.
Speaker A [00:45:31]:
Speaker H [00:45:31]:
I retitled it. No. He just had some ways of saying the type of people we’re looking for.
Speaker A [00:45:37]:
Speaker H [00:45:38]:
But, no, I’d love to to get yours. I didn’t know you had had that.
Speaker A [00:45:42]:
It’s in the hiring course. Yes, sir. Mhmm.
Speaker H [00:45:45]:
Oh, jeez.
Speaker A [00:45:45]:
And I get it. And sometimes these things happen. We forget where they come from, so there’s no criticism to to Tanner. He come up through DYB. And so there’s going to be some bleed over. I get that. And a lot of times we forget where stuff comes from. I forget where stuff come from.
Speaker A [00:45:56]:
So it just part of human nature. It just happens.
Speaker G [00:45:59]:
So I
Speaker A [00:45:59]:
know it’s not intentional. He’s a great guy. Yeah. Yeah. There’s no criticism to him. Cool. So there we go. Let’s see here.
Speaker A [00:46:05]:
Take your time. Let’s get rolling. Rich, one question, buddy. How can we help you to become richer?
Speaker G [00:46:11]:
Stack a 100.
Speaker A [00:46:12]:
Here you go.
Speaker G [00:46:13]:
Last week and this goes right along with prequalifying your clients, your customers. This guy, I went looked at the job. He’s he’s a Tony Soprano, literally. He’s he he talks like him. He looks like him. He it just you you think he’s connected. He may be. But the one thing is he he’s a serious ball buster, and I can take a lot of ribbing, but it’s every 10 minutes.
Speaker G [00:46:38]:
When I first went and looked at the job, of course, none of that came out. But now that I’m working in his house and he’s on the construction site, now he’s f this f that, you know, kind of thing. So the other day, was it last Friday, he calls me in the morning and says, the furniture’s coming. When are you gonna get to that effing baseboard? And I said, you’re aware that I had a meeting with the the housing authority about my property, blah blah blah. I says, I’m not gonna make it, but my helper will be there. But I don’t know as it’ll be done before the furniture shows up. And he goes, you’re effing worthless piece of wow. That woah.
Speaker G [00:47:18]:
I said, I I’m not. I said, I’m not a worthless piece of you know? I said, that’s very uncalled for. He goes, no. You’re worthless. And I said, very uncalled for us. I said, I’ll do what I can do for you in in that stack.
Speaker B [00:47:31]:
Speaker G [00:47:31]:
And I was I’m fuming at this point. Yeah. And I realized this guy’s a mob hustle. But he goes, oh, I’m just joking with that. And I’m like, still uncalled for. Enough’s enough. Right? So I go and then we I get the baseboard done. We get the baseboard done, and everything’s fine and dandy, but I’m still raging about this.
Speaker G [00:47:50]:
You know, I just wanna leave.
Speaker A [00:47:52]:
Speaker G [00:47:52]:
What is your I I don’t wanna leave the job because I don’t want a bad mark on my reputation because I’ve never done that, and I don’t feel it’s professional. But in the same token, to keep my sanity and my helper’s sanity, I feel like it’s it’s gonna happen. Of course, we’re all way down to a few odds and ends. I can muscle through it, but if it ever happens again, what would I do? I I don’t everybody I’ve ever worked for has always been so nice, except for 1, other customer when I first started the business. But
Speaker B [00:48:26]:
Speaker G [00:48:26]:
This guy, I will. Yeah. He’s I’m just joking. He may have been, but I’m pretty sure he’s a bully, and that’s how he gets things done.
Speaker A [00:48:35]:
Speaker G [00:48:35]:
But he was very disrespectful.
Speaker A [00:48:37]:
Usually, bullies will stand down the moment you directly stand up to them.
Speaker G [00:48:41]:
That’s exactly that’s when he said, you know what? I’m just kidding. So when I stand it up and I’m just, man, I’m just so right now, I’m so mad about it.
Speaker A [00:48:48]:
Yeah. But Okay. So let’s address a few things.
Speaker G [00:48:50]:
Exposure on them. But
Speaker A [00:48:51]:
One is, what do you do? It’s an opportunity to level up your EQ. It’s not fun. It’s not easy, but just like those of us who go to the gym and workout, it’s not easy to lift those weights time and time after again, but we’re doing hard things to get stronger. Is an opportunity to level up your EQ to recognize that it’s a him problem, not you. And second, keep communicating boundaries. Just say, the first time somebody ever curses talking to me, I say, I’m sorry. Did you just swear at me? I don’t appreciate that. And they go, woah.
Speaker A [00:49:18]:
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that because it’s such a habit for them. I don’t appreciate it, and and I don’t not that I don’t allow it, but I don’t engage in conversation with somebody who uses offensive language. It’s called offensive for a reason. And if somebody doesn’t have enough common sense to be able to communicate value without accentuating it with foul language, I don’t really much respect them either. What that means is they don’t really have any self confidence. So keep communicating your boundaries. Let them know you don’t appreciate it.
Speaker A [00:49:46]:
That’s not okay. So listen, if you want to be a ball buster than others, that’s your prerogative. But I don’t appreciate it and I won’t stand for it. Would like to finish this job for you, finish it in a professional manner, but in order to do so, I need you to communicate with respect. Is that agreeable to you? Great. Let’s move forward. Okay. So that’s how I address situation.
Speaker A [00:50:06]:
Next time and I heard you say, what about next time is look for these red flags. Right? Usually, we can see them. Usually they will, complain about others or you’ll see them busting somebody else’s chops right, while you’re there or complaining or joking around or being brash. Those are, red flags that we’re gonna refer this gentleman away.
Speaker B [00:50:27]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker A [00:50:28]:
But, again, when it comes to the anger or the feelings you’re feeling, embrace it as an opportunity to level up your EQ, recognize it’s not you, and go for a walk, get some exercise. And this is why we make a really big point of exercising in these in the mastermind groups and all of them is that is to lower our cortisol. So yes, it builds your cardiovascular lifting weights, build stronger bones so that we can be stronger and able-bodied long into our elder years and, cardio for cardiovascular and also to lose body fat, but to lower our cortisol. So when you exercise every morning, you actually lower your cortisol, allowing you to take on more pressure without feeling stressed. So something else you need to just go anytime you’re upset, go for a run. And it doesn’t have to be a sprint. Don’t go all out. Just go for a nice jog and in nature, if possible.
Speaker A [00:51:16]:
Right? In nature, if possible, because that’s where there’s something about nature is so relaxing. And not only will the stress leave from you, but creative ideas will come and you’ll start to your joy will return to you. And at the end of it, you’ll just be, I feel great. Plus you just accomplish something. So you feel great for accomplishing something too. So So lower that cortisol, take care of your emotional well-being, take care of your heart, your health, exercising, and level up your prequalifying standards. Okay. You’re welcome, buddy.
Speaker A [00:51:47]:
Thanks. Thank you for sharing. Alright, lady and gentlemen. It’s time to roll out with takeaways. Chris, lead the way, please.
Speaker F [00:51:56]:
Prequalify all clients. Colder the lead, the colder the entire experience. Beliefs supersede laws. Check out crucial conversations.
Speaker A [00:52:07]:
Awesome. Very good. Thank you, Chris. Juan, takeaways.
Speaker C [00:52:10]:
That was great leads for employment. I’m gonna check that out.
Speaker A [00:52:14]:
Okay. Right on. Thank you. Isaac?
Speaker H [00:52:17]:
Yeah. Asking the guys how the customer experience is going and reframing their mindset to be customer oriented. And then in that same regard, delegating leadership to your leaders and really leaning into seeing them grow so that you can step back is what I’m gonna work on.
Speaker A [00:52:36]:
Yeah. Awesome. Fantastic. And just to really drive this home, customer experience. If you can get everybody focused on this, everything else almost takes care of itself. Awesome. Right on. Hey, Jesus.
Speaker I [00:52:49]:
Hey, Steve. Mine is a delegate authority.
Speaker A [00:52:52]:
There you go. Jesus, I need you to text everybody in your mastermind so they can experience what it’s like to receive a touch that looks like Jesus for half second. I know. Every time he text me, I look
Speaker B [00:53:03]:
Awesome. Oh, it’s still on.
Speaker A [00:53:05]:
Yeah. Lauren, takeaways.
Speaker B [00:53:07]:
Yeah. Looking at the DoorDash. Like we said, knock on the door, introduce yourself.
Speaker A [00:53:12]:
Speaker B [00:53:13]:
Say to them, hey. We are working. If you see any technique, any plastic, just please give us a call. And, also, the for the free estimates. So knock on the door no matter what and, like, to provide a free estimate. That’s what I have. So I have my list already.
Speaker A [00:53:27]:
Yes, sir. Courtesy, Canvasine, offer free estimates,
Speaker B [00:53:30]:
and just
Speaker A [00:53:31]:
get and then plug in some Zig Ziglar. That helps.
Speaker B [00:53:33]:
Yeah. Zig Ziglar book. Yep.
Speaker A [00:53:35]:
And then remember your extrovert fuel.
Speaker B [00:53:38]:
I have a t.
Speaker A [00:53:39]:
- There you go. That works. Right on. Very good. Thank you, Florian. Bryce.
Speaker J [00:53:44]:
I really like the idea of reframing our guys to be more customer service oriented. I think that’s great.
Speaker A [00:53:52]:
Awesome. Very good. Thank you. I’m glad that really glad you made it too with everything you’ve gone on. That’s awesome way to be. It’s character, buddy. Yeah. Okay.
Speaker A [00:54:00]:
Speaker E [00:54:01]:
I think for me as well, it’s the customer experience question. Yeah. I needed I needed to be reminded about that one.
Speaker A [00:54:08]:
Right on. Awesome. Thank you, Craig. Sonia?
Speaker K [00:54:11]:
The double your networking, the customer experience
Speaker F [00:54:15]:
as well.
Speaker A [00:54:16]:
Right on. Very good. Thank you. Rich.
Speaker G [00:54:19]:
I love the the the customer experience, that instead of saying how’s how are things going, how’s your experience with us? How how are I I’d like that. I’m gonna be using that all the time, though.
Speaker A [00:54:31]:
Yes. No. That’s
Speaker G [00:54:33]:
they’re not that’s
Speaker A [00:54:34]:
I don’t know
Speaker G [00:54:35]:
what I’m even trying to say, but I I just love that that
Speaker A [00:54:38]:
Speaker B [00:54:39]:
That was
Speaker G [00:54:39]:
the experience.
Speaker A [00:54:40]:
Yeah. Yep. Nailed it. Very good. Thank you. And, Daryl, close us out with your takeaways, please.
Speaker D [00:54:46]:
Yeah. It’s always very good. Yeah. I learned the customer experience thing through Mastermind a year or so ago, and it’s amazing. Gonna look into Craigslist, and I just write down notes and everything everybody else is dealing with. It’s really cool to see other issues going on. It rings your bell about other things. Hey.
Speaker D [00:55:02]:
I got some issues I can work on in that as well. So it’s really good.
Speaker A [00:55:06]:
Right on. Thank you. Alright. This concludes today’s mastermind. I wanna encourage you guys to continue to dream big, hustle, smarter. You’ve got this.
Speaker B [00:55:15]:
Have a
Speaker A [00:55:16]:
great day, everybody.
Speaker B [00:55:16]:
Have a good day, guys.
Speaker K [00:55:19]: