Painting Contractors: Do This Before Going into Your Busy Season
Hi everyone, Greg here from DYB Coach, also Green Pro Painting.
I just wanted to give you guys a little tip on something that we like to do when it comes to our busy seasons.
We have a seasonal business, where we get extremely busy during spring and even busier during summer.
One of the things that we’ve adopted is doing an annual inventory of equipment, where we go through our vans and check on all of our equipment to see how everything is working.
This includes roller frames, spray pumps, roller handles, and any other type of piece of equipment that we use.
We make sure that everything is up to standard before we get into the really busy season.
For example, today I was on a job site and I noticed we had this roller frame that was a little tired and covered in paint and had some issues with it, so we went ahead and replaced it.
In our next scheduled annual equipment inventory, we are going to take maybe an hour or two, take everything out of the van and label it.
Each van has a color code for it, so if we have 2 or 3 of our vehicles at the same time, each one is assigned a color.
That way, we are able to easily identify whether or not one piece of equipment is from the other van, and we just use a bit of spray paint on them.
One of our vans is green, one of them is blue, and another one is red… it’s simple!
Just food for thought for you guys out there that are working, getting ready for the hustle in the spring and the summer time –it is about to get really busy.
If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment under this post, or send me an email at greg@dybcoach.com