You are sure the job is yours…
You are at the end of your estimate conversation and it went very well.
You ask for the job, and then you hear those dreaded words…
“I’m sorry, we have another company coming over to give us a quote.”
UH! That’s the last thing we want to hear after we know we killed it with our presentation.
So, I kept asking, “How?”
How can I close them on the spot, even when another company is coming to provide a proposal?
Then, it hit me and I’ll walk you though it, but first…
One time at an estimate, everything went great!
I had pre-qualified them really well, so I knew they were a great fit for us.
I parked on the road in direct sight of their front door.
Knocked at the exact time.
Had my smily-face name tag on 😀
I listened to all of their needs.
I asked them what a great painting experience was for them.
I presented my proposal, going over it line by line with them, making sure I heard them correctly.
Everything went very well. There was just one thing. They had another painter coming directly after me.
I said “OK. I heard you say that you would like this done within the next few weeks.
Then, I showed them my Basecamp2 calendar on my iPad and said,
“Here is my calendar and we book on a first come, first serve basis.”
“I have 2 more homes to look at today and more the the rest of this week.”
Talk is cheap, but the visual that the Basecamp2 calendar provides is powerful.
Then I asked,
“If I could prove our team provides the best experience, would you be interested?”
One thing that is very important here is to make sure you give your team all the credit. They are the ones directly responsible for the experience your customer receives.
They replied,
“Well, sure,” wondering how I could do that.
I asked,
“Would you agree that most people are not comfortable speaking on camera?”
They nodded in agreement.
I selected the testimonial tab on my website on my iPad browser and started scrolling down the page and said,
“Given that, we still have these video testimonials, thanks to the remarkable experience our team provides.”
She gave her husband the nod and he asked,
“How much is the deposit to get on the schedule?”
Deposit received and we scheduled the job!
I go to leave and who is literally waiting in his truck as I head out?
Yes, the other guy.
Being I have the deposit in my wallet, I know the job is mine. I feel bad for the guy and try to get out of there as fast as possible, but
he didn’t even make it up to the front door as they let him know they awarded us the job.
As I was trying to pull away, I had to watch that poor guy walk back to his truck.
Don’t be the other guy. Implement these steps into your sales process and start closing more jobs on the spot, even when they have another estimate scheduled after you.
Download my Video Testimonial Checklist for free here: https://dybcoach.com/video-testimonial-checklist